Paradigm Parasite

Chapter 66: "Everyday life"

Chapter 66: "Everyday life"

Rick Pov


Hearing this, the expressions on mine and Refia's faces harden.


They are a group that has been designated by Gnosis as a target to be eliminated, and it seems that they are repeating various experiments in pursuit of "human potential".

The problem is that these experiments involve taking human lives.

According to what I have heard, they use it as a catalyst to summon a terrifying being called a demon, or they use dubious rituals and methods to strengthen people beyond their limits.

"There is talk that Darzain has infiltrated this city. Well, it's just a rumor."

Gervas shrugged his shoulders.

"They are said to be characterized by the presence of a palm and a demon-shaped mark somewhere on their bodies."

"'Hmmm. If I see one of them, I'll cut them down myself."

Refia sniffs and peeks out the blade of her favorite sword from its scabbard.

Her swordsmanship alone is quite good, so much so that even her instructor has given her assurances that her skills are good enough to be used in a real battle.

"If we actually find them, we'll call the authorities. We'll get in trouble if we do anything without permission with our current status."

"I agree. I hope you don't do anything rash, Refia. If something happened to you, I'd be worried, wouldn't I?"

I nailed her with a warning.

She turned her head away, saying, "I know, I know."

The instructor comes into the classroom just as we finish talking.

I looked around and saw that most of the seats were occupied.Before I knew it, I was concentrating on the conversation.

"Good morning, everyone! It looks like we are all here, but just in case, let's take attendance. Those whose names are called will answer first..."

Today, too, the usual routine begins.

A series of stabs from Refia strike Gervas.

Gervas deflects them with his thick great sword.When the barrage is broken, Gervas hits her with a flash of a side cleave. Refia ducks backwards.

Gervas takes advantage of the opportunity to pursue.He thrusts, cleaves, and swings down, one after the other, with a succession of attacks that, if they hit, would be more than enough to kill her.

Refia, as if anticipating all of them, continues to dodge with a single glance.

Gervas's expression turns dark with impatience.

He probably thinks he will lose if this barrage of attacks is interrupted.

And his hunch is correct.

After passing a large blow, Refia flexes her body like a bow and unleashes a full-throated thrust.

Gervas tried to defend against it with his sword as a shield, but the thrust slipped through his defense and pierced his shoulder.

The great sword fell out of his hand.

Gervas, holding his shoulder, grunted in frustration.

"Damn...I thought today was the day."

"Fufufu. The attack was good, but the swing is still too wide. You should tighten your armpits and swing smaller."

When Refia holds out her hand, the fallen Gervas chuckles, grabs her hand and stands up.

I was watching it from a little distance...

"I knew it... After all, Refia is wonderful, isn't she?"

"Yes, she is."

Before I knew it, Instructor Sherifa was standing next to me. She is a combat instructor and a good teacher who teaches strictly but enthusiastically.

"The fact that she can move so well at her age is not only a result of her talent, but also of her hard work. Gervas is rough in his movements, but he is blessed with a good physique and his movements are slowly improving. In a few years he will be a good knight."

You are absolutely right.They are both amazing talents. Compared to me....

"Rick. You're a good fighter, and you're not bad either, but... you're just not as determined to win."

"What do you mean by that?"

The instructor repeated as if she could read my mind.

"Ah, it looks like you've stopped at the last step. That's why you haven't been able to pick up any wins because of that."

Are you saying I'm not serious enough?

I couldn't understand what the instructor was saying at the moment.

The instructor, perhaps sensing it from my expression, looked a little troubled.

"I think it's a little difficult for you right now, isn't it? It's okay if you don't understand it now. But if you don't understand it until the end, it will cost you your life. That's why I'm giving you a mock battle like this..."

The instructor lets out a sigh.

"It will take some time before you become a full-fledged knight. But the day when you will be forced to fight as a knight...or even as a human being will come suddenly. Do not regret it when that day comes."

I ruminate over the instructor's words in my heart...but I still can't really feel it at this point.

This academy has a credit system, whereby students receive credits for achieving a certain level of results in practical skills, magic, and classroom studies, and when these results exceed a certain level, they graduate.

The average time for graduation at Oldia Academy is 3 to 4 years, and after 6 years, students are expelled from the school as they are considered to have no prospects.

Incidentally, the fastest record is said to be about one year.The person who set the record was a woman, and she is now a Cathedral Knight.

I think I know my place, and I don't feel the need to rush.I'll be satisfied if I can keep up with Refia and Gervas, learn and graduate in the same year, and the three of us can talk about other things forever...that kind of daily life.

If I can rise moderately in the ranks...even to Temple Knight if possible, I will be safe in terms of income.

When I'm old enough, I can retire and slip into a clerical position, no problem.

If I wanted, I could get married and have children... but I'll see how that goes when the time comes.

So far, I'm making good progress toward that future vision. At this rate, graduation will be within reach in less than two years.

I don't know if it's because of that....

I didn't think too much about my instructor's words at that time.

No...I couldn't think about it....

After that, I left the school with Gervas and Refia after finishing what I had to do at the school in the morning and afternoon.

"After this, are you going to help out at the Kaiko-tei as usual?"

"I'd like to say yes, but I have a little time. Would you like to grab a bite to eat?"

"I don't have any pressing plans, so I'm happy to go out with you."

I decided to ask the two of them out to dinner since I hadn't had any free time in a while.

I wanted to talk to them a bit about today's class and it would be a good opportunity.

"Where shall we eat? Is it "Kaiko-tei" a restaurant?"

"I guess so. Isn't that good? I like Angie's cooking."

"All right, if it's okay with you two, no problem with me."

"Then it's settled."

Kaiko-tei" is located close to the school, so it is only a short walk to the restaurant.

"Welcome back Rick. You're back early today. Come on in, Refia and Gervas."

"Hi, Angie."

"Hello, Angie. You look as beautiful as ever, Angie."

"May I borrow your place until the evening change?"

Angie-san said, "Don't be shy," and let us use a seat in the corner of the restaurant.

As we each took our seats, we heard heavy footsteps coming from the back of the restaurant, and Sania appeared.

"Rick, welcome back!"

"I'm home."

"Hello, Sania."


Gervas raises his hand lightly and Refia smiles.

"Hello. Refia and...Gar...Garbis, was it?"

"It's Gervas, Sania-chan...I hope you'll remember me by now..."

"Sania, I'm sorry, but can I ask you for the order?"

"No problem."

We each ordered a dish, and we had a good time chatting about other things, and before we knew it, the topic had shifted to events at the school.

"I thought today's mock battle went well."

"Isn't it hard to hit me with Gervas's sword?"

"You say that. The next time we have a mock battle, I'm going to make you cry."

"Yes, yes, yes. I'll be looking forward to it."

"What do you think of today's fight? You were watching from a distance, weren't you?"

As I bit into the food I had ordered, I thought back to today's mock battle.

It's true that Gervas's moves were quite good. But....

"I think Gervas's moves were pretty good. In fact, Refia was forced to concentrate on evasion until you ran out of breath and slowed down."

"Oh, yeah. You're a good observer, Rick."

"But the move itself was almost completely missed, so I think it would be difficult to hit Refia without some ingenuity."


"Look at that. Gervas can't beat me."

"But you should be on your guard, too, Refia. You had a few close calls, didn't you?"


Refia, who had been poking at the food with a triumphant look on her face, grunted when I pointed this out to her.

"You know how many times I tried to dodge and then just let it go? If you take on Gervas's big sword with a thin sword, the sword won't hold up. In the first place, when his attacks almost grazed you, it's a sign that he's catching up with you in terms of skill. In fact, a year ago, he didn't even graze you, so don't let your guard down, Refia."

"I know."

Refia's lips pouted, then she stared at me.

"How about yourself Rick?"


Oh, this is not a good sign.

"You haven't even beaten Gervas once, let alone me. Shouldn't you be trying to win before you say something to someone else?"

"You seem to falter at the end of the match. To be honest, I'm beginning to wonder if you're holding back."

"I don't like the idea that you're pulling your punches. Honestly, do it seriously." say the same thing as the instructor.

"Honestly, I agree. Rick's movement itself is very good, but after a while it gets worse."

But still, I wonder if I move so badly that even Refia and Gervas say so, following the instructor.

I can't say because I'm not aware of it.

"What's this about?"

Sania came up to us as we were talking.

The direction of the conversation was bad, so she came at the right time.

"About the school."

"What's so interesting about the school?"

I looked at Refia and Gervas, and they seemed to have no choice but to tell Sania some interesting stories about the school.

Basically, Sania is very happy when she hears these kinds of stories because she spends most of her time helping out in the store.

Angie also looks a little troubled, as if she is worried about not being able to free her daughter because of the lack of manpower.

We were aware of this, so we made a conscious effort to talk to Sania about the school and let her enjoy the experience, even if it was just to get her in the mood for the school.

Especially Gervas, who often dramatizes stories and is always warned by Refia.

Most kids would say, "I want to go there too," after hearing such stories, but Sania would just smile instead of saying so. She is a kind girl. I think she is taking care of Angie.

I want to do something for her.

I thought so when I saw Sania talking happily with Refia and Gervas.

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