Paradigm Parasite

Chapter 78: "Betrayal"

Chapter 78: "Betrayal"

I, Sherifa, feel the cold sweat on my back as I head for the desired room.

The destination is the top floor of the building used as the school.

It is the room of the Temple Knight, Herretild, who is in command of this case.

Normally, this room would be occupied by the Cathedral Knight, Lord Void, but since he is not here, he is using the room on a temporary basis.

What am I doing? Even though I am appalled at my own actions, my feet do not stop moving.

It is unthinkable that I would doubt my friends...even those who are far more senior than I am, Herretild.

He is a Temple Knight with far more spiritual knowledge than myself.

To doubt him is to be taken as doubting spiritual knowledge...or even the justice of Gnosis.

A voice repeatedly echoes in my head, telling me not to do anything foolish.

But once the flames of doubt set in, my heart was burning fast.

And the faces of Rick and others close to me, those who have been taken from me, come to mind, and I move my feet.

I climb the stairs, walk down the long hallway, and arrive.

I can still turn back now.

An inner voice whispers to me, but I shake it off by thinking of the faces of my students.

I want to be a teacher who is not ashamed of my students.

Thinking of this gives me courage.

I pounded a little harder on the door.


I heard a reply. The way out was gone. All that remained was to go.


"Come in."

I said excuse me and entered the room.

Heretild, I saw the Temple Knight looking out of the window of his room at the city, but he slowly turned back to me.

"Temple Knight Sherifa. I have given you a mission to search for Darzain. Is there a problem with that?"

"I have a very important question to ask you about that mission."

Lord Heretilt raised a small eyebrow and went to his desk and sat down in his chair.

He is almost fifty years old, but he looks so young that you would think he is not.

"What is it?"

"That our searches are concentrated on the outskirts of the city."

"What about it? We have received reports that they have fled to the outskirts of the city. So it is not unnatural for you to order a search of that area, is it?"

Herretilt does not show any kind of agitation in response to my question.

He still has a calm and reassuring tone.

"However, the investigation continues despite the fact that it has not yielded any results. And above all... the kidnappings are taking place all over the city..."

Yes, I had a feeling, albeit dimly, that there was something wrong with it.

As if with a clear target in mind, incidents always took place in the city, in places where we were not.

The investigation is conducted by all the members of the team, yet they are all on the outskirts of the city. If you think about it calmly, it's just crazy.

And even if they had a way to hide themselves, they were not seen at all before what happened.

I don't know if it was a magic tool or magic, but they must have used a lot of magic power to use it.

In other words, it should be impossible for them to hide themselves permanently, yet they are not seen.

It would have to be a massive effort.

As I continued my explanation, my suspicions about the man in front of me deepened.

"I see."

As if to cut me off, Herretild opened his mouth.

"You make a good point. It is true that we have been betrayed to an unnatural degree. If it is true, I must bring him to justice. At ......? Who do you think did it? Rest assured. I'll be sure to report you to your superiors for your act of bravery."

Lord Heretilt smiles.

I understood the meaning of what was being said... and it hit me as if I had been hit with a hammer or something.

" want me to decide who did this?"

My mouth was dry and my voice was not coming out well.

Even with this, I chose my words carefully and said, "I suspect you."

This man's response to that could only be taken as asking, "Who do you want as the culprit?"

In essence, he is saying that he has designated a culprit and that he will bring that person to justice.

Do you want me... this me... to accept a bribe?

Lord Heretilt smiles without saying a word.

Instantly, a bright red rage spread through my heart.

"You, bastard!!!!!!!"

I found myself pulling out my beloved sword at my waist and slashing at him.

"Oh dear. It's a shame. I thought you were a little smarter than that."

Heretilt kicks the desk and sends it flying at me, but I cut it off like I don't give a damn.

I'll cut him down! Only this man must be cut here! I have to cut him here!


Just as I thought my sword had caught Heretilt, my vision was tainted with darkness.


Heat and intense pain in my side. I swung my sword in that direction before I recognized that I had been stabbed, and activated the magical effect of my armor.

It dispels the darkness. My vision returned and what I saw was a fist flying at me from the front.


I quickly ducked and thrust out my sword... but the sword pierced through empty space.

"What the...?"

"Yes, there it is."

By the time I thought I heard a voice, my arms were severed from the elbows and blood gushed out.

"Phew. White armor is tough. It's tricky to cut it off, because you have to aim at the seam to get the blade through."

How can he strike with his fist and slash at the same time?

I realized, remembering the feeling of my thrust slashing the sky.


"Correct. Only the fist that flew toward you was an illusion. Your reaction was fatal."

I still did not give up and tried to kick, but Heretilt's sword would not allow it.

In an instant, he took my back and slashed the back of my knee, and I rolled on the floor, unable to stand up.

The carpet was stained red with blood.

"Ahhhh. You're giving me trouble, you know. That carpet you stained with blood is pretty expensive, you know?"

He kicked me down and turned me on my back.

"Now, it's come to this. Sherifa? I have a few questions for you. If you answer honestly, I promise to let you die easy. But if you are not cooperative, I will be sad and hurt you badly. Let's consider what's in it for you, shall we?"

"...That thing that blocked my vision just now...gulp!"

He kicked me in the face. The back teeth broke and spilled out of my mouth.

"I'm sorry, but could you please refrain from making any unnecessary remarks? I'm more than capable of beating you head on, but I've got some business to attend to later. I used it to save you the trouble. Frankly, it's a very valuable item, and I'm terribly uncomfortable with it being used."

Perhaps it was some kind of magical tool provided by Darzain.

But even before that, what was that body movement? I was caught off-guard, but I am of the same rank....

Perhaps it is because of the blood loss, but I can't think straight. What is this strange feeling...?

"The question is simple: Who did you tell about this? Now answer me."

I hold my tongue.

Heretilt's face twists into a smile at that.

"I see. Well, I can't help it then. I've used the valuables, so we still have some time to spare. Let's stop the bleeding first."

As I look at my body being healed with magic, I feel a sense of resignation that this is the end.

The only thing I regretted was that I couldn't do anything for my students.

Squares dotting the city. The fountains that usually serve as places for residents to relax have turned into hell with blood splattering everywhere.

Black robes were killing residents at random with various weapons in their hands.

Seeing this, I, Rick, could not understand the situation.

What the hell...what the hell is going on?

"You bastards!

Refia, who jumped out first, was already cutting off one of the black-robed men as she shouted.

I got back on my feet, pulled out my sword, and cut at a nearby enemy.

I attacked with a mixture of right, left, and thrusts, slashes and thrusts.

The black robes skillfully blocked with the daggers in both hands.

I feel a sense of discomfort as I continue my attack.

...He doesn't counterattack?

I looked sideways at Refia, but that one too only prevented her from attacking.

However, they are attacking other residents without mercy.



A shock to the side. I lost my position and fell to the ground.

I tried to get up, but the two black robes twisted my arms and pinned me to the ground.


"Oh, come on. Hey, Rick. You're not going to get up, are you?"


Gervas, right in front of me, puts down his outstretched leg.

I think Gervas kicked me over.

"Gervas... what the hell are you...?"

Refia is also frozen in astonishment.

Gervas showed the back of his hand with a blank look on his face, and there appeared the sigil in the shape of the devil and the palm of his hand that he himself had mentioned.

"You... you can't be..."

"I'm sorry. Unfortunately, that's what it is."

Gervas is Darzain? Why, or even before that, since when...?

"Well... I'm sure you have a lot to say, but I'm pressed for time."

Gervas pulls out the great sword on his back and points it at Refia.

"I'm going to make a final match. This is the last game. If you win, I'll let Rick go. If you lose... well, I don't need to tell you."


Refia's face turns angry as she points her thin sword at Gervas.

The black robes around her blocked the entrance and exit of the plaza.

It appears that they have no intention of meddling in the fight between the two.

"As you can see, it's one on one. The only difference is, we'll be fighting for our lives."

"Great. No hard feelings."

"We both will."

The two stepped into the fray at the same time.

The first move was Gervas. He was fast. It was not the usual Gervas step.

Refia avoided with her eyes wide open, but Gervas's attack did not stop.

She avoided a few times, but then, perhaps deciding that she could no longer handle it, she jumped backwards and took a large distance away from him.

"...You're good. Have you been holding back all this time?"

"No. I was serious about it, you know. I'm sorry, but you're better than me in swordsmanship."

Refia's eyes narrowed for a moment, as if she had noticed something.

"Oh, you're raising the bar with something, aren't you?"

"That's about it. You wouldn't call it cowardly, would you?"

Gervas says, "Killing each other, you know?" Gervas adds, and the corners of his mouth lift up.

In contrast, Refia's face is blank, and she is poised with her thin sword outstretched, her hips sunken.

"It's not manly of you to fight a single woman by yourself with resorting to tools."

"I'm an adventurer in Darzain before I'm a man, you know."

"Oh, right."

So saying, Refia kicked the ground and plunged into the ground with the force of stomping and shattering.

Gervas swung his great sword as if to say, "I'll take it."

The two swordsmen move into a tight space between each other, and slashes and thrusts cross each other. Gervas's greatsword is the first to reach her.

The target is the neck. Gervas intends to cut off Refia's head.

I tried to shout at him to stop, but for some reason I couldn't speak.

No, my voice was coming out, but there was no sound.

I look at the black robe that is holding me back, and it seems to be using some kind of magic.

I remember there is a magic called [Silence] The effect is to muffle the sound within the area of effect.

Perhaps he used it. He's trying to keep me from doing anything.

Refia stays low and strikes the belly of the great sword from below with the guard of her thin sword, forcing it to change its trajectory, and then steps in further.

...Good move! The sword's guard is shaped like the handle to protect the fist. So that's how she repelled the slash.

But by repelling the attack, she herself was also knocked out of her stance.

She pulls out a spare dagger from her waist and steps forward, trying to stab him with her own body. No skill is needed with that one.

The dagger went toward Gervas's torso as if it was being sucked into it, and pierced Gervase's palm, which was inserted between the two of them.


"Oh blimey...!"

Gervas turned his head back and slammed his forehead against the top of Refia's head.


Refia quickly lifts her head to protect it and tries to poke it with her thin sword.

"It's too close. That's not going to work."


Gervas slams his knee into Refia's stomach. Before a gasp of pain can escape from her mouth, a fist is in her face.

The thin sword falls out of her hand.

"I'm sorry. but I've played with you a lot, so I know your habits and tendencies."


Refia glares at Gervas with a mixture of anger and bewilderment.

"Is it any wonder it was prevented? It's easy if I tell you the truth. I was swinging with one hand from the beginning."

...With one hand at that speed!?

So Gervas attacked with only one hand all this time, saving the other hand for Refia's attack.

"Now that I've spilled the beans, let's wrap it up."

He kicked away the fallen thin sword, pulled out the dagger stuck in his hand, threw it away, and swung the great sword.

...Stop it! The fight is already over! Refia can't fight anymore!

I tried to say so, but no voice came out, only my mouth moved vacantly.

I struggles to free myself from the restraints, but i can't move.

"Any last words?"

"......... you're an asshole! You're a traitor!"

"Thank you for your obviousness. See you later, Refia. It's been a pleasure."

He swung down.

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