Paradise Pokeball System

PP SYS Ch 3: Poke Ball Skins

PP SYS Ch 3: Poke Ball Skins

Cryo showed me how to summon my Poke ball, and it looked like a Premier Ball, but the red was painted in a galactic coating that seemed to move when I moved the ball. According to my A.I, I could use the Poke ball Upgrade to put special skins on them, but they would also change the primary of my Pokémon, but you could only do it once, and you had to earn the stickers from Quests.

[Quests will be given to you when you capture your first Pokémon. You will earn UP and other rewards like Poke ball Skins, and clothing for you and your Pokémon.]

I was walking around the floor now since Nurse Joy wasn't back yet, but the clothes for my Pokémon made me stop in the hall I was walking up and down. Every room but mine was locked, and the elevator had what Cryo informed me was a card scanner.

"Why clothing for my Pokémon? I mean, I guess if I caught a human, that might make sense, but that is still hard for me to process. I just think that most Pokémon would look silly in clothing," I explained, and Cryo was silent for a moment.

[I think that this is something that you will not be able to understand yet. While I have helped your mind grow as you were asleep, and you have mated with Nurse Joy, I think this still should be for you to understand by seeing for the first time. You are a Human male, so I think that you will thank me after. The other thing is that you are going to have to find female Pokémon since they are the only ones that you are going to be able to catch.]

I sighed as I continued down the hall and tried the door to one of the larger rooms, but it was locked. "So how am I supposed to find a female Pokémon? There are no Pokémon here."

[The facility keeps track of all Pokémon that come in and out. They will have information on where you can find female wild Pokémon.]

I nodded my head as I leaned against the door and thought about everything that had happened over the last day. It seemed like my life was going to be a lot more complicated than I thought, but at least now, I had some direction.

"So, I get a Pokémon, then what?" I asked as I got up from the wall, and started to pace again.

[You will have to raise it and train it. Once it is strong enough, you can enter it into competitions to see how strong it really is. There are other things that you can do with your Pokémon as well, but that is for you to discover.]

"Really? What happened to rescuing Ultramex?" I asked. I assume that since Cyro came from Ultramex, it would want to get back to the Pokémon, but that didn't seem to be the case.

[You can try to rescue Ultramex if you want, but I think that it would be better if you raised a strong Pokémon first. Necrozma is very powerful, and I do not think that you are ready to take it on yet. The thing that is most important will be capturing Cosmog and Lusamine. The first is more important then the second because I foresee Faba sending Lusamine with you after you capture Cosmog.]

"Okay, that actually makes sense. So I have to get strong enough to take on Necrozma and then find Cosmog and capture her with this?" I asked as I held up my Poke ball. "We do know if the Cosmog is a Female, right?"

[Yes, that is correct.]

I nodded my head as I put the Poke ball away and started walking towards my room again. "So how do I get stronger?"

[You will have to train your Pokémon hard so that it can evolve into a stronger form. You can also earn items to help your Pokémon grow as well, but for now we are just going to have to wait until you can get close to Cosmog. The Aether Team brought you here because of your Bond that you formed fifteen years ago with Cosmog, so catching her will not be a problem.]

"So I just need to get close enough, and the Pokéball will do the rest?" I asked as I walked into my room and plopped down on my bed.

[That is correct. The Poké ball will take care of the rest.]

"What about other Poke balls? Can I use the ones you can buy?" I asked, but the response was kind of what I thought it would be.

[No, you will not be able to use those. The Pokéballs that you can buy are not as good as the ones that the PP System makes for you. These Paradise Poke balls cannot break, and you can pick them back up if a Pokémon breaks free.]

I sighed as I laid down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. "So what am I supposed to do until Nurse Joy comes back?"

[You can either train or wait for her in your room.]

"Train? How am I supposed to do that when every door is locked, I have no Pokémon, and there is nothing in this room, or anywhere?!" I asked, feeling a little frustrated.

Suddenly the door to my room opened, and I sat up as Nurse Joy walked in with a large box in her hands. "I brought you some food, sorry for keeping you waiting for so long! Lusamine, and Mohn want to meet with you in two hours with another one of Aether Paradise's top researchers, Faba."

"Okay, that sounds good," I said as Nurse Joy put the box down on my bed and started to unpack it. There was a lot of food in there, more than I could ever eat by myself, so I assumed that it was for both of us.

"I also brought you some clothes since you don't have any," she said as she pulled out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. "These should fit you well."

"Thanks," I said as I took the clothes from her and started to get dressed. The shorts were a little tight since they were designed for someone with a thinner waist, but they would do. The shirt was loose fitting and comfortable, and it had the Aether Paradise logo on it.

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