Parallel Memory

Chapter 472 Confrontation With Princess Elenia!

Chapter 472 Confrontation With Princess Elenia!


Zero was confused as to why Princess Elenia was pointing her fingers at him.

The people who were near Zero naturally stepped aside as they didn't want to bring their attention to themselves.

Previously, they didn't know how powerful Princess Elenia was, so they dared to argue and even fight against her. Now all they want is to avoid her.

"Yes you! You are pretty good!"

Princess Elenia said with a sneer. She thought that for Rank-A to save someone from her attack, he/she would need to be very talented.

Zero didn't know why Princess Elenia was saying this, but decided that his fight might have impressed her or something. Anyway, he was glad that it wasn't for something else.

"Well, thanks! You aren't bad yourself!"

Zero replied.

Zero was also complimenting back but the word he chose made it seem like he was the stronger one, which if thought carefully might be true.

He has a skill that allows him to even kill Rank-SS and with Dark Energy, it might not be hard for Zero to win against Princess Elenia.

Anyways, Zero never thought Princess Elenia was someone stronger than him and someone he needs to respect.

So, he replied like how he would to any strong Rank-S fighter.

However, it was different from the perspective of others. For others, it just seems like Zero was telling the strongest person that she was not that bad, like it seems a bit disrespectful.

Princess Elenia raised an eyebrow at Zero's response. She also took Zero's word as if she was being underestimated.

She didn't think of anyone as her equal and someone at Rank-A replied like he was her equal which obviously didn't go well with her.

"You've got quite the attitude," she retorted.

"Huh? What makes you think so?"

Zero asked confusedly.

( If you are talking of having attitude, then you should look at yourself. )

Zero thought. He didn't understand why Princess Elenia said that. Moreover, he thought that Princess Elenia was not eligible to talk about attitude considering how bad her attitude is.

Anyway, Zero was confused as to why Princess Elenia's mood became bad. He didn't think he had done anything wrong here.

"Humph! Don't act like you are confused. You're obviously looking down on me, aren't you?"

Princess Elenia said a bit angry now. She wasn't used to having someone look down on her, at least not by someone as weak as Zero.

Moreover, she thought that Zero was faking by acting confused.

"*TSK! Princess, I don't know what your problem is but I think you should go to a doctor or something."

Zero was annoyed by how Princess Elenia was treating him. She thought that there might be something wrong with her brain for her to say that he was underestimating her even though he never said something that would imply that.

Zero was also not the one who can stand someone like her who is being unreasonable. He was confused and Princess Elenia was saying that he was looking down on her, even though he didn't.


Princess Elenia was lost for words. This is the first time anyone has said something like this to her. She was a princess and a very talented person. Nobody dares to spew insults like Zero.

The exchange between Zero and Princess Elenia was growing increasingly tense. The onlookers, both humans and members of other races, watched with bated breath, sensing that a confrontation was brewing.

They never expected there to be someone who would confront Princess Elenia, at least not a Rank-A person. They all assumed that Zero was dead or something.

"Can't you just be rational and try to understand what I am trying to say. You get angry because of something and blame me. Aren't you crazy?"

Zero continued. Once his trigger was triggered, it wasn't easy for him to calm down. Since he had already begun, he wants to finish telling everything he wants.

Princess Elenia's face flushed with anger, she tightened her fist in anger. She wasn't accustomed to being spoken to this way.

She had a reputation to uphold, and thought that this insolent Rank-A human was tarnishing it.

The surrounding onlookers watched in a mix of shock and anticipation, unsure of how this confrontation would unfold. Whispers and murmurs rippled through the crowd as the tension between the two escalated.

"Listen here, you insolent brat," Princess Elenia seethed through gritted teeth.

Zero rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Oh, yeah! I am listening. What do you have to say?"

Zero taunted Princess Elenia.

The crowd gasped at Zero's audacity. Nobody had ever dared to speak to Princess Elenia in such a manner. It was as if he had lit a fire in the heart of a storm.

"Huuu… I am done with playing games with you. You will know what will happen when you anger me."

Princess Elenia exclaimed as she began releasing her mana aura. Although angry, she obviously knew that she couldn't really beat Zero as it would tarnish the royal family's image and moreover create problems for human-elves relationship.

But she wasn't going to let this slide either. She was going to use her mana aura to suppress Zero and make him understand her power.

The air around her crackled with energy, and the ground beneath her feet trembled slightly. It was a display of power that few had witnessed before, and the onlookers watched in awe.

Zero, however, remained unfazed. For him, Rank-S mana aura couldn't do anything to him. Not even Rank-SS aura would be able to make him tremble, not to mention a Rank-S mana aura.

Princess Elenia's mana aura was concentrated on Zero, so others weren't affected much. Even so, they could feel how powerful it was. They knew that if they were the targets, then they would have kneeled before Princess Elenia in submission.

However, then they saw Zero who doesn't seem to be affected by that energy. He just stood there like nothing happened.

Elenia's eyes narrowed, realizing that Zero was not as ordinary as he appeared. It wasn't easy maintaining one's composure against her aura.


"Is this the best you can do, Princess? I thought you were going to show me something impressive."

Zero said.

Elenia's frustration grew, and she pushed her mana aura harder, trying to overpower Zero. But it was no use. What frustrated more was that Zero was provoking her more by acting like he was falling asleep.

The tension in the air was unbearable, and it seemed like a confrontation between two titans. The crowd watched with bated breath, unsure of what would happen next.


Mia intervened. If it goes further, it seems like it will break into a fight.

She wasn't really worried about Zero, who she knows could defeat Princess Elenia, but because of how it will affect the relationship between the two races.

She could already see how hostile other Elves had become. They didn't interfere, probably because they aren't allowed to disturb their princess.

Zero has certainly made an enemy out of the Elven Race.

"Zero, you should stop provoking her!"

Mia said.

Zero calmed down a bit after Mia intervened. He wasn't planning to make a big deal but he thought that the spoiled princess needed to be taught a lesson. He was even prepared to beat her up if needed.

Well, thankfully he didn't!

"Princess Elenia, I also hope that you take back your mana aura. If you want to fight, you can do it at the arena."

Mia said.


Princess Elenia retracted her mana aura. But her glare never left, Zero. She wasn't satisfied with what happened.

However, she also knew that she couldn't make it bigger than it already was. If her mother finds out, she knows that she will be punished.

"You! I will remember this. Pray that you don't encounter me in the contest."

Princess Elenia said angrily.

With that, Princess Elenia turned and left, her confident stride carrying her away from the group of humans and then out of the dinning hall.

As she walked away, many let out a sigh of relief, grateful that the confrontation had been defused for now.

Zero also stared at Princess Elenia as she left the place.

"Crazy Princess!"

Zero muttered. He also prayed that Princess Elenia doesn't get him as an enemy or else he will make her cry.

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