Parallel Memory

Chapter 476 Against Stronger Opponent

Chapter 476 Against Stronger Opponent

Amidst all the shock, the contest continued on. But most of them had etched Zero's name in their mind. Other participants knew that they had to come up with a method to defeat him, especially Rank-A + who couldn't afford to be defeated by a lower-ranked fighter.

And among the lower-ranked fighters, Zero who is at Rank-A is the one who got the highest chance of beating them. So, naturally, they were wary of him, especially after defeating Aricen who is Rank-A+ like themselves.

Aricen had become an embarrassment. Not only did he lose to a lower-ranked human than himself but by how he was behaving after his loss.

It was like he lost his mind. He had to be carried away to the hospital even though his body was perfectly fine.

Anyway, the contest got a lot fiercer than before. Many fights were now between Rank-As. Rank-B had mostly been eliminated in the first round and almost every Rank-B was getting demolished in the second recond as their opponents were mostly Rank-A.

The only rank B to get past this round was Zion who defeated a Rank-A opponent.

Still, Rank-S were very powerful and most of their fights ended in one minute. Although some were doing good against Rank-S as their opponent, others were just getting one shot.

It seems like after Zion and Zero had defeated someone above their rank, other participants all became wary of their opponents regardless of rank. So, they went all out including some Rank-S from the start.

"Misha Kanon of the Human Race VS Gabriel of the Aasimar Race!"

Then was the turn of Misha. Her opponent was Rank-A + Aasimar which was very unlucky of her.

Hiro and others cheered for Misha.

Misha knew that they were worried as she was herself. But just like Sylvia, she didn't want to give up without a fight.

Misha stepped into the arena, her heart pounding with nervous anticipation. She was a Rank-B+ fighter facing off against an Aasimar who was ranked much higher at Rank-A+.

The Crowd didn't think much about the fight. Even though the two humans were able to overcome the rank difference and win, the difference between Misha and Gabriel was just too much.

Gabriel also entered the arena with a confident expression. She was also warned by Seraphine to not take the fight lightly and be on guard against Misha.

Gabriel had met Misha on the street of Eldoria, so she greeted Misha politely. Misha did the same before they got ready to fight.

"AWWW! Misha is really unlucky. She got Rank-A + as her opponent."

Amelia exclaimed. She felt that Misha might have some chance against Rank-A - or even Rank-A + but Rank-A + was a different story.

"Misha Kanon! She made incredible progress during her school days. Before everyone's eyes, she went from mid-range ranking to becoming one of the strongest. I think she will do well."

Mia added.

"What do you think, Zero?"

Amelia asked Zero. She knew that Zero was Misha's childhood friend and probably someone who knew her better.

"Hmmm… Misha is indeed strong and might even win. But her opponent also doesn't seem to be easy to deal with. Nonetheless, Gabriel also wouldn't have an easy time against Misha."

"Let the battle begin!"

The referee signaled the fight and the match began.


As soon as the match began, Gabriel immediately rushed to attack Misha with her spear.

Misha's heart raced as Gabriel lunged at her with incredible speed. The crowd watched in anticipation, expecting a swift victory for the Aasimar.

But Misha was not about to back down without a fight. She had spent years honing her skills, overcoming numerous challenges, and pushing her limits.

With quick reflexes, Misha dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding Gabriel's spear thrust. She could feel the wind rush past her as the sharp blade missed her by inches. This near miss only fueled her determination.

Misha quickly drew her sword, its polished blade gleaming under the arena's bright lights. She knew she had to be fast and precise to stand a chance against the Aasimar opponent who had already demonstrated impressive agility.

With Gabriel's spear coming at her in a swift thrust, Misha parried the attack skillfully, deflecting the weapon's point away from her. Gabriel, undeterred, followed up with a series of rapid strikes, her movements a blur of calculated precision.

Misha danced backward, her feet moving gracefully across the sandy arena floor. She could feel the pressure from the audience, but she remained focused, her eyes locked onto Gabriel's every move.

As Gabriel lunged forward with another attack, Misha countered with a swift and well-timed strike of her own. Their weapons clashed with the clash of steel against steel resonating throughout the arena. Misha's determination and training were on full display as she held her ground against the formidable Aasimar opponent.

The crowd watched in awe as the two fighters continued their intense battle, their skills and techniques on full display.

They were once again surprised by a human who surpassed the boundary of rank and was fighting with an opponent who was far higher ranked than herself.

Misha's friends, Hiro, Amelia, Mia, and even Zero, cheered her on, their voices rising above the arena's din.

"Misha is incredible! She's not giving up at all!"

"Indeed, she's holding her own against a higher-ranked opponent. That takes incredible skill and determination."

"Maybe like Zion and Zero, she might win!" …

The human geniuses all cheered and thought that Misha would win. That would be great for human prestige.

Back in the arena, Misha and Gabriel continued their exchange of blows, neither willing to yield. Sweat dripped from their brows as they pushed their limits, testing each other's skills and endurance. The fight was far from over, and the outcome remained uncertain.

As they clashed once again, Misha's determination burned brighter than ever.

The battle between Misha and Gabriel raged on, each combatant pushing their limits to the extreme. The arena echoed with the clang of steel meeting steel and the swift footsteps of the fighters as they danced around each other.

Misha had surprised everyone with her resilience and skill, holding her ground against an opponent ranked higher. But Gabriel, too, was a force to be reckoned with. Her Aasimar heritage granted her extraordinary speed and strength, and she was a master with her spear.

As the fight continued, Gabriel's experience and finesse began to shine. She anticipated Misha's every move, countering with calculated precision.

Misha, though determined, was starting to feel the strain. The crowd watched in tense silence, fully aware that Misha was fighting an uphill battle.

With a sudden burst of speed, Gabriel closed the distance between them, launching a relentless barrage of strikes. Misha struggled to defend herself, her sword deflecting the majority of the attacks, but she couldn't keep up with Gabriel's unyielding assault.

Misha knew that her experience, strength, speed, and everything was pale in comparison to Gabriel. If she continued, she would obviously be defeated.

So, in her desperation, she was willing to give a final attack containing her strongest attack.

[ "Ephemeral Fleur-de-lis Fury" ]

As Misha Kanon channels her inner strength and the principles of her martial arts, she becomes a mesmerizing whirlwind of petals in the wind. "Ephemeral Fleur-de-lis Fury" combines the fluidity of dance with the deadly precision of a warrior.

With each step, she weaves a complex pattern of strikes, evoking the elegance of a blooming rose. The technique involves intricate footwork, high-speed spinning, and seamless transitions between attacks, making it nearly impossible for opponents to predict or defend against.

The withered petal aspect of the style adds an element of surprise and unpredictability. Just when her adversaries believe they have a moment of respite, Misha Kanon launches a final, devastating assault, like the last gasp of a fading flower.

But Gabriel wasn't going to let her do that.

[ "Radiant Lacewing" ]

Gabriel also used her power and it was clear that hers was stronger than Misha. They clashed with their powerful attack but Gabriel's attack was more powerful and was able to penetrate through Misha's attack.

However, Misha didn't back off or more like she would definitely lose if she stopped. So, in an instant of stopping, she pushed forward with her attack.

Misha was heavily injured due to taking Gabriel's powerful attack. However, Gabriels wasn't safe either. She was also injured by Misha's desperate attack.

There was a collective gasp from the audience as Misha staggered back, a red mark forming where the spear had made contact.

Misha gritted her teeth, pain coursing through her side. She couldn't afford to back down now. She thought she was exhausted and had no strength, she was determined to push forward.

With newfound determination, she lunged back into the fray, her strikes becoming more aggressive and precise.

But that wasn't good for Gabriel who although injured has still more strength and stamina than Misha.

She sidestepped Misha's attacks with grace and delivered a powerful kick that sent Misha sprawling across the arena floor.

The crowd held their breath as Misha struggled to get back on her feet. She was battered and bruised, her body aching, but her spirit remained unbroken.

As Misha rose, she locked eyes with Gabriel, a silent promise to continue the fight burning in her gaze. Gabriel nodded in acknowledgment, respecting Misha's unwavering determination.

Their battle continued, but it was clear that Misha's injuries were taking a toll on her. Her movements were slower, and her attacks lacked their earlier precision. Gabriel, sensing an opportunity, pressed her advantage.

In a final clash of blades, Gabriel's spear connected with Misha's sword with a resounding impact. Misha, already weakened, couldn't hold her ground any longer.

With a powerful shove, Gabriel sent Misha tumbling backward, her sword slipping from her grasp.

The arena fell into a hushed silence as Gabriel stood victorious.

Misha, battered and bruised, lay on the ground, unable to continue the fight. The referee stepped forward and declared Gabriel the winner.

"Winner! Gariel of the Aasimar!"

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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