Pause System: Harem In The Apocalypse

149 Chapter 148

-Outside the Imperial Angel Opposition Corps base.

Countless refugees followed after the soldiers who guided them out through the back path.

The despair in their eyes would grow even bigger whenever they'd look up.

On one side there was the Air ships and the other the naval fleets. They couldn't imagine what kind of hell awaited them.

"Please...! The president...! We have to save the president!!" The secretary cried out as she was carried away on the shoulder of one of the soldiers.


"Who would have fought that they would not only conquer Europe but also make you're their way here right after... *Cough*" The president murmured under his breath.

"It's a good thing they also came back even if they were a bit late." The executive added.

They both coughed out blood with their back against the wall and stared at the remnants of what was once their management room.

It was completely in flames, everything had been destroyed.

The sound of footsteps drew closer towards the room. It was but one being.

"*Cough* *Cough* Looks like this is it for us..." The corps executive muttered

"At least we got everyone out safely... Wait, You're still alive?" The president responded

"I'm old but that doesn't mean I'll kick the bucket that easily, you old fart."

The two old men glanced at each other before a letting out a little chuckle appeared on their face.

The chuckle seemed to strain their wounds however, as their suits grew even redder from the blood.

The fire was gradually making it's way towards them but that was the least of their concerns, after all, the footsteps had stopped.

They looked to the right only to find a figure clouded in shadows emerge through the door way.

The shadow covered all of it's features making it unrecognisable.

But based on it's structure, it was humanoid without a doubt.

The figure turned to them and at that moment, they knew it was over.

"It's a good thing he's returned... Let's hope they're able to save everyone..." Said the president with a smile. "I'll look forward to seeing you in hell." He said jokingly with a smile.

The executive smiled and shut his eyes. "Your jokes are shit-"





*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

[Pause Step.]

Gray placed his hand on Ria's shoulder. In a blink they had moved locations and appeared on the building's roof, watching as the bullets dug right through the rooftop.

Gray's eyes flashed left and right, there were countless other run down buildings around, there was so much chaos happening around that he couldn't properly pinpoint where the bullets were coming from.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

Another five shots were fired at them, each coming from a different location.

Still, they didn't deem it as a threat, it was fast but predictable and they were faster.

[Spatial Manipulation: Teleport.]

The space distorted and in a blink they vanished, appearing In the air above where they were being fired.

Ria had teleported them there not only to avoid the bullets but to give them a better view of the area so that they could find the sniper.


After missing them, the bullets below ricocheted off one another sending one soaring right at them.

Their eyes widened.

[Pause Step.]

Gray's legs slammed onto a platform of pause air and their figures vanished almost instantaneously after.

A close call.

They appeared on the corner of the corner of the rooftop.

To their surprise, one of the other bullets which had ricocheted had done so in that exact direction.

It was as if it had predicted that they'd appear right then and there.

Gray reflexively pulled Ria away while stretching his arm out.


He created a small rectangular wall of paused air, inches ahead of the palm of his hand, to stop the bullet.

Despite that, his pupils dilated as the bullet passed right through the wall.


[Trajectory Shift]

Gray's body swayed all the way to the side - barely avoiding the bullet in the process.

Even so, before the bullet could reach him, it sunk into a portal which appeared in the space, inches ahead of Gray's body.

Another portal appeared away from Gray and the bullet passed out of it, disappearing into the distance.

Gray turned to Ria who was panting lightly, her hand was stretched out and both her green and yellow eyes were glowing.

"We need to find him..." She took in a deep breath. "Those bullets aren't normal."

She had noticed it too.

Gray looked over at the wall of paused air, it was still there and completely unaffected.

'It's almost as if the bullet phased through it...' He thought to himself. 'No... That's exactly what happened.'

They weren't going against a regular sniper, that was for sure.

There was no telling what sort of properties this specialised bullet had.

A normal bullet wound could be treated, but this one was different, A sniper with a compatible ability, anything could happen if they were to be hit.

"An ability this strong... Without a doubt it's the enemy."

With their guards up and their wariness at it's peak, they began to move.

They knew they couldn't stay still, a sniper who could shoot from anywhere with bullets that could phase through anything...

They weren't taking any chances.


"Hm... So they're running now?" He questioned.

Side by side, they leapt from building to building, if not onto platforms of paused air.

They were slowly heading away from him.

"East, huh..."

A smile grew on his face.

"You won't be able to get away." He muttered.

He pulled out a strangely shaped silencer and attached it to the rifle before he adjusted his scope.

Gray's figure was placed right in the centre.

The sniper licked his lips and let out a little whistle. "It's showtime~."


With his sister, the two stayed on the move, getting a good scene of the city from the sky above.

The number of corpses laying on the roads were disgusting, the zombies were still somehow active rushing around.

They had evolved a lot more in comparison to before, almost all the ones he had seen had mutated and become abnormal.

On the ground below and the shorter buildings, a few humans wearing the Angel opposition corps uniform were engaged in fights with them.

But it wasn't just the humans and zombies killing each other, there was a third party.

'The other race-'

[Trajectory Shift.]


Gray swayed to the left, barely avoiding a bullet which had come at him from behind.

After dodging, he glanced at a bullet coming from ahead, before leaping up onto another platform with Ria.

This time they weren't hearing any shots being fired.

More and more bullets, came from around them, each from a different angle and location.

They moved so fast that they couldn't tell just how many they were.

Gray had no idea whether or not pause field would work against it, the bullets could probably just phase through the field.

The field was only good on the outside, not inside. It's weakness was the fact that it expanded from within Gray.

With the field expanded, anything which could make it's away inside would be able to freely move inside, this was the key flaw of pause field. The benefit was that it moved along with him.

Besides, even if it didn't phase, it would just be a waste of stamina to keep it up while the sniper waited for the perfect opportunity.

So in other words, they had no choice but to dodge.

"Ria... Whatever you do, don't let a single bullet hit you. Drain all your energy teleporting if you have to and stay close-"

The platform beneath them vanished, they dropped down before being caught by another platform.

Two bullets soared above their heads, only to ricochet onto another two bullets ahead of them.

*Clang!* *Cling!* *Clang!*

A metal sound of objects colliding with one another resounded around them as they struggled to keep up with the sight of the miniature bullets circling them.

With one ricochet onto the next, the bullets showed no signs of stopping.

*Clang!* *Clang!*

Two of the countless bullets were projected right at them from within

The two split up temporarily, each leaping to their own individual side to dodge it.


A third collision happened, the bullets direction was each changed to the respective directions they had leapt towards.

A rift appeared ahead of Ria engulfing the bullet, while another one ricochetted behind her.

It went soaring from her blind spot.

[Pause Step.]

While also avoiding his, Gray appeared mid-air beside Ria, pulling her away just in time before the second bullet could hit her.

[Spatial Maniulation: Teleport.]

Whilst he still held onto her, the two teleported away once more, getting out of the chain of bullet ricochets in the air above them.

They could be seen running across the top of the rooftop of a much smaller building to cover more ground.

They needed to stay out as taking cover could provide the opposite effect, his bullet could potentially phase through the wall and hit them.

Whilst they continued their run, Gray's eyes widened as he came up with a solution.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

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