Pause System: Harem In The Apocalypse

197 Chapter 196

With the slash mark above them, and the monster making it's next move, the Aurora and Violet nodded at each other.


Almost resembling a whip, the demon's arms protruded out of its body at them.

The two had never felt this much focus in their life, they each leapt to their respective side, splitting up to avoid the whip.

Upon landing, they quickly charged at him, their hair glowing the respective colour of their ability as they prepared to execute them.

Their steps were soft and hasty, completely opposite to their heavy breathing as they drew closer to him.

The monster swung it's extended out arms, causing it to recoil even more like a whip at the two whilst it retracted backwards.

*Hop* *Slide*

Aurora glanced back, hopping as she did so to avoid the whip which came from underneath. While Violet slid downwards to avoid the one which had went from above at her.

While putting in 100% of their focus in, they continued to run at it, avoiding the whips by either side stepping, sliding or hopping.

The whips were fast, insanely fast. But they could see it.

After all, they were used to watching Gray who moved just as fast. They were keeping up with it's movement.

The two only had one chance, they were running low on energy and lacked the stamina to do anything more.

[Mini Ice Crystals.]

During her run, Violet launched small tiny ice crystals in the monster's body's directions. But the crystals would be instantly decimated by the arm like whips which provided little to no openings.


While simultaneously side stepping in union to avoid the whip's lash with them getting closer, they began to notice more and more blood spilling out from them.

They weren't fully avoiding the whips and on to top it off it was getting louder and faster.

Being just three steps away from it, a highly condensed ice crystal formed was formed in the air before Aurora.

[Ice Crystal: Absolute Ice Spear]

The crystal quickly extended into a slim pole whilst taking the shape of a spear. The air around it was growing steamy from just how cold it was becoming.

The more energy Aurora poured into it, the stronger it became. She was pouring her all into this one single attack.


Meanwhile Violet had her arm stretched out not only towards Aurora but also the monster.

She was getting ready to execute how own attack.

But before she could- Her eyes widened as she glanced in Aurora's direction.

Right before Aurora's eyes was an approaching bone which had extended out of the monster's arm which had missed her. The same could be said for Violet herself.

Bones had extended out of it's arm at them as it had just about completed it's retraction. There was no time to side step-


Violet quickly reacted, pulling Aurora and herself in towards the centre to avoid the monster's bones..


With only a cut forming on the side of their ears, they had successfully avoided it thanks to Violet's telekinesis.

The two collided with each other, and whilst mid-air, propelled the [Absolute Ice Spear] at the monster.

Violet boosted the spear's momentum by adding in the rest of her energy in into it.

At their distance, it's arm like whips wouldn't make it.

For a moment, just a single moment they had hope that the win was theirs.

But the sight which developed before them, vanquished all of that hope while plunging them even deeper into despair.

[Bone Extortion: Bone Shield]

The Monster's feet were planted into the ground, a wall made of the bones from it's feet, expanded out from the ground before him.

The spear ended up colliding right into bone wall, freezing it into bits on collision.

A vast amount of steam burst in their direction as not only the bone but the ground and the surrounding wall all froze up.


The two's momentum forced them to crash into the frozen bone wall, shattering it into pieces in the process.

They looked at each other, shivering as they felt the chilling cold of the ground before looking up at the sight before them.

Even if the monster had managed to defend itself, its bones were still apart of it's body. There a chance that it was frozen alongside with the wall.

But after looking up they realised that they could never be that fortunate.

The monster was on the ground a few more steps away, right where the ice bordered.

Upon closer inspection they could see the bones of its feet still stuck into the ground in the previous spot where it had been standing.

It had detached the bones from itself to get away, and as a result was now on the ground unable to get up.

But it was still smiling. After all, it was already it's win.


It stretched out it's arm in their direction, extending it as a whip right at them.

Only this time, the arm had razor sharp bones sticking out of it as it swung it down at the two who could no longer move on the ground.

There was no way for them to dodge, they had exhausted all of their energy.

They could only submit to the fate before them.


The monster's soulless eyes widened. It's stretched out, whip like arms shattered upon colliding with them.

Right before it had collided with them, it had completely frozen up, shattering as a result.

It looked down and noticed that the ice was spreading even further up, reaching even its shoulders.

It tried detaching its shoulder's off by extending it, but it realised that it was already too late.

Down at its chest, there was a piece of ice which was spreading even further throughout it.

The confusion on the monster's face grew as it cocked it's head to the right?

It was then that it realised.

it all started with Aurora's [Mini ice Crystals] which she had launched at them

When she had first launched it at the monster. It had destroyed them thinking it was harmless with it's arms, when it indeed should have avoided them.

The crystals had spread throughout it's body, slowly expanding and silently freezing the surrounding organs while waiting for Aurora to activate it.

It was Aurora's most deadly move, a silent death where the target won't realise it's their unless it activates.

The monster which was focused on the battle had no way of knowing until it was too late.

Just as it's limbs were about to crash into her, she activated it, thus giving them this opening.

It's teeth began to clatter as a rageful expression manifested on it's rage. It glared at the two who were slowly getting up.

The hair of one of them was glowing a bright light blue colour. Her eyes released a sharp blue glint.

Her pants were not only visible from how cold it was, but even the air itself seemed to freeze up creating tiny shards of ice before it. Her eyes were cold and dark as they glared at him.

Her purple haired friend on the other hand didn't have a glow in her hair, only her eyes. They were glowing purple whilst a purple aura enveloped her.

The very same purple aura was enveloping the monster itself. Before it had even realised it. It's head and limbs had begun twisting themselves.

It hurt, it was a type of pain it had never experienced.

Where? Where were they getting all of this energy from? When did it's chest get frozen?

How was all of this possible?

"If it was him... He wouldn't give up even if the world was turning upside down..." Aurora muttered as dark circles began appearing beneath her eyes.

*Cough* *Cough*

She coughed out blood with a smile growing on her face.

"So... Why should we...?" Violet continued, she too smiling as she closely close hand hand.

[Telekinesis: Compressive Twist]

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

The monsters bones cracked as it's body twisted and became even more disfigured, even it's tail looked like it was tearing out of it's back.

[Mini Ice Crystals: Expansion... Ice Coffin.]

The ice had completely enveloped around it's body placing it within a giant crystal of frozen ice.

It could no longer move and was no longer breathing.

Violet opened her clenched fists all at once.


And just like that, everything shattered.

Pieces of the monster's organs and body all collapsed onto the floor.

"That was... A good... *COUGH!* Plan..." Violet muttered as she dropped to her knees..

Aurora followed right after, collapsing face down onto the ground.


Upon Violet collapsing down beside her, she stretched a fist out in Aurora's direction as she smiled at her.

"You know... If this is really the end. *Cough* I'm glad it was with you..."

Aurora's eyes teared up, her arm trembled as it stretched out towards Violet.


The two's fists bumped as Aurora muttered. "Me too..."

Both their eyes had grown swollen from the tears.

​ They had truly put their all into this final attack.

Sacrificing their own life energy for the extra final push.

At this rate, there was a chance they'd die unless they received treatment, which in their situation was impossible.

They were underground in the middle of nowhere, no one would find them here.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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