Pause System: Harem In The Apocalypse

207 Chapter 206

A small quiet child was sat by herself inside of a dark hollow square room.

Small dark hollow purple eyes with dark pink, almost purple hair. She had just woken up from the very same bad dream which she'd have every day since arriving at this place.




She was inside of her parents' bedroom, trembling in fear. From outside the room, the sounds of screaming and arguing echoed through the door.

Her figure trembled in fear, her eyes teared up.

"Mom... Dad..." She quietly cried.

In her powerlessness, all she could do was cover her ears and lower her head.

Fortunately for her, the sounds would all be blocked out. This was the only way this young child had managed to find in order to relax in situations like these.

These relaxing moments would only last a few minutes at most, as the very same figure would always enter the room filled with fury.

A tall muscular man with dark purple eyes and red glasses over his nose. He'd stare at her with bloodshot eyes as he'd grab her arms and drag her out of the room.

This abomination of a man was her father and this day he was particularly more aggressive.



The young girl would always cry in pain, complaining that his grip strength was too much to handle, but her words would never reach him.

All he could think about was that money.


Debt? Selling off?

She didn't understand any of those things, all she wanted was to be with her family.


The father shouted was interrupted by the girl who would always cry out.

"Mama...! Papa...! Why!? Please stop fighting!! I'm sorry if I behaved badly!! Please stop fi-"


The sound of a loud clap resounded across the room as the grown man smacked his six-year-old daughter across the face.


That would be the last thing she'd hear before blacking out.

When was it? When did things start to go downhill? Why are they always arguing? They were never like that in the past. Why did they change?

Was it something she did? Was it something she didn't do? Was it because she misbehaved?

The girl would always wonder these very same things before being dragged out of the house and blacking out.




After waking up she found herself in an unfamiliar brightly lit room.

No furniture, nothing to play with, no games or TV. Not even a table.

Just a closed square room with a door which could only be opened from the outside with a slider just big enough to put food through and a camera above said door watching her every move.

The girl had been brought to a place which she had neither recognised nor had ever been in. And that time would mark the very last time she'd see her parents.


[Target has woken up.]

[Continue observing the actions of code 005.]

[She is confused right now, so we will conduct the tests tomorrow.]


"Mama...? Papa...?"

At first the girl was confused, but deep down she held in hope, hope that someone would come and help her.

She'd cry out every hour, banging on the door to open it or at least alert someone outside of her parents.

She'd call out their names to the point of exhaustion.

Eventually after tiring herself out, she'd finally experience the fear that she may have been trapped there forever.

Fear that her parents wouldn't come for her.

After all why would they? Did they even love her?

She despaired internally once the thought had sunken in, there was nothing a child like her could do on her own.

-Memory End.

A few months had passed since then.

The girl how now accepted her fate, no one had come for her.

*knock* *Knock*

She raised her head and stared at the door in front of her. The slider would slide open and like always, a warm meal on top of a large plastic plate would come through.

There was no point in starving herself, she'd already tried.

With a slight flick of her wrist, the plate which was waiting in front of the slider quickly floated in her directions before being placed beside her.

Chese and ham sandwich with bottle of milk.

The hungry girl would eat the food without a second thought. There wasn't a need to worry about poison, if they wanted her dead she would have already been dead.

Besides, there was a reason why they needed her alive.


After finishing her meal the door would always open.

A group of people wearing lab coats and wearing masks to cover their appearance would always emerge and drag her off with them.

During her months of stay there, she'd already learned that fighting back was a waste of energy, so instead she'd let them take her.

No matter how painful it was.

*Step* *Step* *Step*

She'd be dragged along by them through the long vast dimly lit halls into a separate room where they'd begin conducting their... Tests.

[Put it on.]

The girl would be placed in the middle of a different larger room with countless objects before her.

One was a large helmet with countless wires attached to them and the rest were metalic objects of different shapes and mass.

The girl already knew the drill, the people would observe her while staring at a computer screen and wait for her to get to action.

[Do it.]

The objects in front of her would all simultaneously levitate and float around. She could freely manipulate their movement with her mind.

The scientist like people would proceed to note down whatever it was that they were seeing on the computer screen.

The girl would only see strange moving lines on the screen, she had no clue as to what the meaning behind them could possibly be.

But it didn't matter to her... No, she had far bigger concerns.

And that was what would come next.


The group of people would inject her with an unknown substance after the first test, forcing her to go to lose consciousness.


After waking up, she'd find herself in a room strapped to a chair with a monitor beside her.

No matter how much she struggled, she wouldn't be let free.

She was disorientated and weak with lights flashing by her eyes every few seconds.

Whenever it did, she'd brace herself for it was the signals.


"AAAAAHHH!!!!" She'd scream to the top of her lungs as surges of pain would rush through her body.

The scientists would always gather around her after the initial shock and begin their experiments all while watching the monitors.

The longer the time would pass, the bigger the pain and louder the screams.

This was the life the girl had been living every day of her life for the past few months. This very same torture day after day, only to be locked back up into her room.

"PLEASE!!! STOPPP!!!! AHHH!!!!!!"

There was nothing her powerless self could do






Violet's eyes widened, she let in a great gasp before looking around.

There she was, in the middle of space, floating around and surrounded by nothingness.

There were stars all around her making the sight beautiful, but beauty was something she was far from being able to notice in her current state.

"Why...? Why did I remember that again...?" Violet asked as she clenched her fists...

"And where am I...?"

She looked around the space before eventually coming into contact with a large purple core behind her,

There was a slight crack in the core and energy a vast amount of energy was flowing out of it.

She didn't know where she was, or what was happening, but there was one thing she knew for sure.

She needed to close the gap.

Adn so that was what she set off to do.

Although she was in space, it seemed to resemble being underwater a lot more. She flapped her arms and legs, kicking the air to push her in the direction of her core.

After placing her hand on it, she shut her eyes.

Nothing had resulted in the first few seconds.

But shortly after it-


A bright purple light flashed across the space, engulfing her within it in the process.




Violet sprung up, her eyes widened and body sweating as she looked around, shivering in fear.

Beside her was a figure, her vision ahd yet to adjust so she couldn't see who it was. She was still on edge as a result of the dream she had and as a result used [Telekinesis] to launch them flying away.


To her surprise they didn't budge, and instead remain frozen in place.

*Pant* *Pant...* *Pant....*

The girl slowly grew calmer as her sight began to adjust itself. The feeling of the hand grasping hers, there was no way she'd mistake such soft yet powerful hands.

"Gray...?" She called out to him with a confused tone.


"Looks like you're finally up. Welcome back, VIolet." He replied with a smile.

Her eyes flashed a purple glow, instantly adjusting her vision.

Moderately Short Gray hair, golden and silver eyes. There he was, standing before her with a bright smile.

"Looks like you finally woke up from that nightmare." He muttered as he rubbed her eyes.

After realising that this was indeed reality, even more tears began streaming down her face before she leapt at him.

"Gray...!!" She called out to him as she hugged him tightly.

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