Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 253 - John's Death?

An endless storm of razor-sharp Ice crystals, all heading straight towards the long white haired young man. 

As the number of wounds and cuts quickly began to increase, the young man's rapier started glowing even brighter than before. 

John who noticed this slowly got up from his seat on the tree, after catching his breath before slowly walking to the middle of the frozen field. 

As he did so, John's eyes widened before he raised both of his arms and pointed them straight at the man who was cutting all the Ice Crystals above him. 

The young man was getting faster, so fast that each swing was generating enough wind pressure to keep him up in the air. 

John couldn't believe his eyes, there was no doubt that Time had slowed down, so how? How could a person of this level exist? 

"Roma Caput columnas extenditur glacies" Muttered John as he tried to keep himself calm / Translation: Extended Razor Ice Pillars 

10 Pillars rose out from the frozen ice field around John, heading straight at the young man who was still in the air, cutting all the attacks. The pillars edges were sharp and hard. All John needed was to land a hit 

The pillars bent and went straight to the young man, reaching him in barely any time, and As John had expected, the man quickly turned, slashing his rapier straight at two of them, breaking them in the process. 

However the remaining 8 stood strong and were right about to pierce him, John cast 'Gravitas' on the young man at the same time, to increase the falling momentum so he could truly be finished once and for all. 

It would have been the most painful type of death, one could imagine, but John had no intentions of holding back, it just wasn't an option. 

Right as the young man's chest was about to go into contact with the edge of the Ice pillar, In a single heart beat, a pure white electric sphere came out from the young man's sacred treasure, breaking and evaporating John's pillars as they came into contact with it. 

Seeing this, John retracted the pillars before they could be completely consumed as he muttered with a nervous smile 

"Oi... You still had that up your sleeve...?" 

The glowing electric orb slowly descended with the man inside, John could tell just by looking that things weren't looking good. 

John took a step away from the area where the man was going to land, and as he landed on the ground, the orb dispersed leaving the man standing on his two feet with his eyes closed. 

The wound on the young man were still present but shallow, John couldn't believe that, that was all he had managed to do with that combo attack. 

The young man without moving, stood there quietly with his eyes closed, as if he was waiting for something. 

John could feel a strange, bad feeling coming from the young man. He knew that he couldn't let the young man finish whatever it was that he was planning. 

"Newton's 1st law... Stop." John muttered as he extended his arm towards the young man 

However, contrary to what John expected, Nothing happened, the young man slowly moved his rapier before pointing it at the air. 

[Damn it... Why isn't it working again?!] 

"Velox Duplici... Levite." 

Two balls of air were formed in the air behind John, before it burst out, propelling John straight towards the man. John lowered the gravity on him with 'Levite' making him go even faster as he slid through the ice. 

John moved fast, much faster than he had expected, He had 'Modero', 'Levite' and 'Fulgurationem' activated. There was no way he'd lose in terms of speed, and yet, he could see it clearly. 

A small grin was formed on the young man's face as he glanced at John and in that instant, right before John reached him 


A White lightning bolt came down from the clouds above, striking at the Young man, and John who saw this, propelled himself as he used the shockwave to break his momentum. 

John slid back through the ice and observed with his small green eyes at the scene which was held right in front of him 

The young man's hair had risen and began to glow a bright white colour as electric sparks passed through it. The young man's eyes also glowed brighter, as he slowly walked towards John. 

His rapier had changed shape, it now was now longer and had a bright white magic circle formed behind the handle. 

John's heart began to beat faster and faster, as he felt a familiar emotion as he became more and more nervous. 

For all he knew, the young man could have just gotten another magic power boost, if it was just like that, it would be fine, but... 

His magic power was so vast, it covered the entire area where the two stood, causing John to feel a strange amount of pressure on his body. 

[Why was that young kid your boss...? You're on a whole other level...] John wondered 

John braced himself and once again before preparing himself for whatever which was about to head his way. 

"Crustalli, Glacies and... Ice lanceam" John muttered / Translation: Ice Crystal, Ice Spike and Ice lance 

Once again, Ice crystals were formed in the air above the two, quickly taking their form as a a small clock was formed in front John 

"Antecessum." Translation: Advance 

Without making a move, the young man watched as the sound of something ticking resounded throughout the area. 

*Tic* *Toc* *Tic* *Toc* 

He then looked up and noticed that the Ice Crystals shapes were changing, and progressing with every passing second. 

"So that's how it works... Any last words?" The young man asked 

Right as he said that, spikes rose from the ground beneath him, instantly piercing him in the process. 

Or so John thought, Right as it was about to pierce him, the young man had vanished. Seeing this, John quickly turned around to look behind him. 

'Modero' and 'Fulgurationem', Were still active, so he was moving considerably fast.and yet. 


John's eyes widened as he noticed that his head had been sliced off his neck. The last thing he saw before his vision darkened was the young man standing behind him with a smile on his face. 


John's eyes opened wide as his breathing got heavier and heavier. 


Slowly, he moved his hand towards his neck before grasping it. Confused. John looked up only to see the young man standing back where he was when lightning had struck him. 

John could barely breathe as he struggled to understand what had just happened. 

[Did I just... die...?] 

"What...?" John muttered 

His mouth and voice shaking as his dread seeped into his bones. 

Seeing how his fear was getting in the way of his thoughts, John decided to calm himself. John tightly grasped and clenched on to his daggers as he bent his knees. He took in a deep breath before slowly letting it out. 

It didn't help, John's hands and legs wouldn't stop shaking. And like before, the young man slowly began walking towards John. 

John had experienced death once before, but that was a time when he didn't expect it. Knowing when or how you would die, is completely different. 

As the young man got closer and closer, John's heart began to beat faster and faster, the orb which had been implanted in him was still inactive, but that didn't make things any easier. 

John slowly took a step back, before shortly after taking another. 

"Hm...? What's wrong? Aren't you going to attack?" The young man asked 

John stared at the young man nervously before struggling to get his voice out. 

[R...Run... If I fly away from here I can-] 

"Don't even think about running, I know where your carriage is, it won't even take me 10 seconds to kill them." 

Hearing this, John's heart sunk as he hung his head. 

[Deactivate modero... But I'll keep Fulgurationem, just in case...] 

"W.W..Wait... D-Don't... I'm sorry, I'll do as you ask." Said John as his voice trembled throughout the sentence 

He wouldn't be able to protect them, he could feel it in his bones. John could have been killed any second now, but the man hadn't done anything yet, meaning he still had a chance. Maybe if he did as he asked, the others would be left alone. 

"Ask...? Haha... You seem to be misunderstanding something. You see, I don't need anything from you, I just need you to die. Then I'll kill your friends too." Saiid the young man 

John's eyes widened as he glared at the young man 

"WHY!? WHAT DID WE DO!?" John shouted at the young man 

"Nothing, in fact, you quite actually helped me." Said the young man with a smile 


Before he could finish what he was going to say, John noticed the young man disappear. And in that instant, he subconsciously ducked down. 

Less than half a second after, a lightning wave passed right above John's head as the young man suddenly appeared behind him 

"You dodged that? No, you moved before I attacked. Hm... Nevermind, bye." 

The young man swung his rapier straight down at John who stood seated on the floor. John who could barely see the movements, could only stare as the rapier made it's way towards his head to finish him off once and for all. 


Blood was spurted all over the floor as the rapier made contact. 

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