Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 273 - John Vs The Demon

As John turned back, his eyes widened. The demon was gone. 

Seeing this, John quickly looked around. His head turned left and right as he tried finding it's lost presence. But despite all of that, John had no luck. The demon was nowhere to be seen. 

Not on the walls, not above them, not anywhere. The only place it could have been would have been in the pit beneath the bridge and around the arena. But eitherway, John couldn't sense it there with deprehendre. 

John took in a deep breath before slowly letting it out. After doing so, he looked forward and stared straight at the cube. 

[If you won't come out from hiding then...] 

The air which John had been gathering behind him suddenly burst propelling the weightless John past the bridge, straight above the giant cube. 

Everyone watched as John flew above it. With his eyes glowing a bright yellow, he pointed his arms down at the cube. 

And only a few seconds after, a bright glowing white light was formed in front of his hands in the shape of a sphere. 

It seemed to be glowing brighter and brighter with each passing second and slowly began to change shape into a trident. 

"I wasn't able to use this before because of 'possession' but... The situation is different now." John muttered 

Yellow electric zaps began to zap the air around John and his hand as electricity flowed through the glowing trident. 

As this happened, the trident began to rotate itself anti-clockwise at a highspeed. As John saw, he sent a glare straight at the cube before grabbing on to the rotating trident. 

The Rotations Per Minute was high, it was almost as if it was being spun by a machine, so naturally, cuts began to form on John's hand as he grabbed it. Nevertheless, it continued to Rotate. 

"If you won't come out then... I'll just make you." Muttered John before throwing the trident straight down 

The air which was being gathered behind it, burst at the same moment, propelling the already fast trident at an even faster speed. 


Right as the trident was about the hit the dark cube from above, it sent out another pulse, and as this happened. 

*Clang!* *BZZT!* 

The sounds of the trident making contact with another hard object and the electricity zapping whatever the object was, resounded throughout the room as it went flying straight back towards John. 

John barely avoided it, by tilting his head to the left. As he did so, he felt a sharp sting as blood flowed down his cheek. 


The trident crashing and pierced straight into the stone ceiling before eventually dispersing. And as this happened, John stared down at the what stood beneath him. 

It was the demon, it seemed to have grown even stronger. It was shorter, but now seemed to be wearing a strange dark armour around it, as dark wings sprouted out of it's back. 

Serena and Lydia who saw this, looked even more worried. The movement was so fast that they had nearly missed it. 

John saw what happened clearly. Right as the trident was about to make contact with the cube. The demon came out of it, before hitting it away with it's hands. 

What made John slightly nervous about it all was the fact that it held nothing in it's hands. It deflected it with it's hands alone. 

Seeing this, John closed his eyes, before propelling himself down towards the cube. 

The demon watched and waited as John did this. Not even for a second, did it face another direction. It's head stayed pointed straight at John's direction. 

John too, didn't look away. He continued to stare at it, as he got closer and closer to the cube. 

Electricity began to pass once more through John's veins as he was a few meters away from the cube. He had transferred it all into the previous attack, but now activated it once again. 

[Mode-] Translation: Slow down 

John was interrupted before he could active it. As the instant he was about to, he noticed it, a dark thin needle, right in front of his face. Heading straight towards his eyes. 

John's body reacted subconsciously and moved his head to the right to avoid it. But right when he did, the demon left his sight once again, before appearing above him. 

It swung both of it's arms as if aiming to slam John straight down. John who saw this, raised his arms and put them together in an attempt to block it, only to be kicked straight in the stomach. 


The kick sent John flying back, but before he could get back into Serena's trap field, the demon left John's sight once again, before he grabbed on to his shirt and threw him towards the cube. 

In nearly an instant, John was already upon the cube. But before he could crash into it. He gained his balance in the air and used the wind to stop his momentum. 

Once he stopped, he quickly tilted his body forward, and just as he did, a sharp spike which had extended from the cube, passed right by him, before stopping slightly above his back. 

As John saw this, He quickly tried to propel himself forward, but before he could. The demon appeared out of nowhere before it slammed him straight into the dark spike. 


John's glowing yellow eyes widened as he felt a sharp pain on his back. Even more spikes came out of the spike from the dark cube. And all of them, pierced John. 



John's scream of pain was interrupted, by the demon as it slammed the back of his John's head with an overwhelming force. 

It propelled John out of the spike straight towards the cube which was only a few meters away. As this happened, even more spikes rose out from the cube. All heading straight at John. 

Serena who saw this felt her heart sink as she saw this. John was going to die and there was nothing she could do. 

"WAKE UP!! JOHN!!" She shouted out 


*Tick* *Tock* *TIck* 

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