Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 324 - The Beginning Of A Journey Of Creating A Kingdom

"Hey bro, you ready?" Asked Hexo as he placed his bag on his back

He had just finished packing and had an excited air around him.

"Yeah." Replied John as he took the bag off of Hexo.

"Huh? Is it too big-"


In that moment, The bag was dragged inside of the ring on John's pinky finger, Hexo was surprised when he saw it.

"Or that…"


"Make sure you come visit every once in a while" Said the guild master with a smile.

"Yeah." John replied

"You bet we will." Added Hexo

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't you have any other replies in your vocabulary? What happened to that cute emotional John from last week?" Satire asked dejectedly

"Maybe it's because of the blindfold." Said Hexo

"You're right… Hey, John. Let me check something really quick." Said Satire as she approached John. She placed her hand on his blindfold and he didn't show any signs of resistance.

'I'm guessing that means I can pull it off…?'

She then slightly pulled at the blindfold to lift it up, but was surprised when she realized that it wouldn't budge.


She began applying more and more force, but it just wasn't moving. John then shook his head causing the blindfold to slam into her finger.


"Ow!" Satire unintentionally let out

'W-What the hell, that's creepy… kind of blindfold is that…?' She wondered to herself

"Shera, do you have everything ready?" Hexo asked

She gave a slight nod to Hexo as she pulled out something out from her index finger. Hexo's eyes widened as he inspected it.

The bag was her height and much wider, what could have possibly been inside of it.

"…That's a big bag…" Muttered Hexo

Tue g89d caster wu0 0served tuu0w Tue grip[ interacted with one another, couldn't help but feel a slight sense of nostalgia. 

Despite that he couldn't help but wonder what sort of team they would become. They were all weird in their own ways, but were all strong. Very strong in fact.

'Are you really planning on doing it, John? Making a kingdom…'

The road he was going down wasn't an easy one. Especially if he caught the attention of neighboring kingdoms. He had to be careful not to overlap anyones territory as it might start a war. 

During these times where most spots in a continent was claimed. The guild master couldn't help but wonder how he was going to do it. Maybe it was just a childish dream?

He couldn't help but feel that it wasn't the case. And deep down, he could tell, that even he was afraid.

'A kingdom created by a monster…'

"Let's go." Said John as he turned to the entrance.

The sun was starting to set so it was better to get moving. Especially before anyone else could notice since John had become quite a celebrity with not only the adventurers but also the people.


After leaving behind their thanks, the newly formed group left.

"I wonder how far it'll be able to go. Especially when there are so many bigger monsters in the sea… Good luck, all of you." Muttered the guild master.

A week earlier, after John woke up.

John had opened his eyes and found the whole group mourning his loss with the look of sadness on their face. They had thought he was dead. Hexo was especially angry, he blamed himself.

When they saw John get up as if nothing had happened, they felt like idiots for mourning his death or being sad even. Satire went as far to shout "Give me back my tears!"

But they laughed it off after. At night, the whole village was brought back inside. The villagers were filled with questions but no one could answer. No one except for the Guild Master who purposely told them it was John who had saved them.

John wasn't at all pleased with it, but it was too late to say anything. The Adventurer's views on John changed immensely. They celebrate, danced, played songs. It was a great sight.

When it came to partying, not many could stand up to adventurers. Many drank all night. Hexo, Satire and The Guild Master got wasted, while John and Shera drank orange juice. 

And lastly, after the party was over, on their way home. John made an announcement to his group.

"I'm… Going to be leaving. I… Found it." Said John.

They all listened carefully, despite most of them not being right in their mind as John said.

"I'm going to build a kingdom."

"PFFT- Ahahahaha! AH-Ah Ah… Oh. You're not joking." Muttered Hexo after seeing how no one was laughing.

"For that I'm going to need help… Can you join me?" He asked

Usually he did things alone, but even he wasn't crazy enough to think he could manage a kingdom alone. There were areas they were more knowledgeable in than him, it was an overall good idea. Besides, even if they didn't want to, it would be fine. He was going to build it either way.

For a moment there was nothing but silence, but that silence was quickly broken By Hexo, who casually said.

"Sure bro."


Again, he failed to read the mood. But John owed him his thanks.

"Aren't you a fast one." Said Satire

"I mean, I was planning on leaving this place anyways. Traveling is fun and besides… I feel like I'll get to learn lots of things if I Join him." Said Hexo

Satire was dumbfounded, she placed her palm on her face as she couldn't help but smile.

"I'm going to need some time to get things ready, can you give me a week?" She asked

John nodded, and then turned to Shera who was the last one remaining. He knew that the guild Master wouldn't be able to join him, so she was his last bet.

The two stared at each other for what felt like an eternity until Shera suddenly nodded. 

That's right, she just nodded. Nothing more, nothing less. 

And that was how, the founding group of John's kingdom, was formed.


"I know we said we decided that we're going to go look for an open spot to start off, but how will we even get theeeEEEREEE!" 

Right before she could finish her sentence, the ground above them raised up in the form of a pillar, pushing them up into the sky. It was so sudden that Satire couldn't help but scream from the surprise.

Shera remained quiet and watched as a chunk of earth detached itself off of the pillar and went right after them.

They quickly began to fall shortly after, and in that moment, the chunk of earth situated itself beneath them, causing them to land butt first on the cold and solid stone ground.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

They all landed on their feet with no issue, all except for Hexo who remained in the air above them, flapping his wings.

"You had wings!?" Satire asked as she watched him flap them around.

"You don't?" Hexo replied with a confused look as he lightly landed

"Of course not!" 

"Haha, I know. I'm joking." Hexo added


"More importantly…" Hexo muttered as he turned to John. "Where are we going?" 

The chunk of earth which they were on was being propelled forward by a strange force which obviously had to do with John. 

But it just caused them to question they're destination, and how long it would take to reach it. 

"Wait, do you even have a location In mind?" Hexo asked


There was no reply. Instead John simply stared at him. 

Cold sweat dribbled down Hexo's forehead as he muttered. 

"Y-You're joking, right…?" 

John shook his head in reply.

"Haha… We're lost…" He muttered to himself

"It's fine, there's plenty of spots for us to find here in the Finra continent. That is… If John wants to build it here."

John stared at the clouds for a moment before he turned to Satire.

"Not this continent…"

"Why not?" Satire asked

"I don't want to ruin it."

The moment she heard this, she flinched.

"I-I see… W-Well, There's Gilda-"

"Too corrupted."


"Too windy. Uncomfortable for the people…"


For a moment there was no reply, but just as she breathed a sigh of relief, John said. 

"There's a bounty…"

"Bounty? You want to go bounty hunting to get some more funds?"

"No, Bounty on me."

"A bounty on you? W-Why- Oh… It's that continent isn't it…"

"Yep, that's the continent where the boss let loose." Said Hexo

"…" John muttered

"O-Oh… W-Well then, the only continents left are the magical continent and Diabla. Looks like we're building a base in the magi-"


"Say what now?"

"The continent we're going to, is Diabla."


Inside of a small and dark shop, the young silver haired elf could be seen seated on a table, opposite to a young dark haired women with a red gem on her forehead. 

A crystal ball stood on the table in between them. 

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