Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 328 - Heaven?

In the middle of a large, golden luxurious and magical hallway. Two wide doors could be seen. The floors were made of clouds and the entire area itself seemed to have been made out of thin air. It's existence gave off a faint preesence, but it was there.

In the middle of that hallway, the sound of footsteps could somehow be produced over the clouds as a young lady made her way over the doors.

Her white hair and eyes glowed in resonance with the feathery white wings on her back. A golden halo could be seen floating just inches away from her head.

A white mark could be seen printed onto her shoulder however it's shape or design was unable to be discerned through a normal person's eyes.

The weak points in her body, all covered by weightless Armour made by an ore unaccessible by the mortal world. It radiated divine energy.

She continued to walk paying no attention to the two guards who stood ahead in front of the doors before heading into the room. They too had feathery wings. 

Once she entered, the doors behind her shut, she ignored the chilling darkness in the room as familiar words quickly escaped from her mouth.


However, before she could say anything else, she was interrupted.

"What did I tell you about walking in without knocking?" The masculine voice asked

A Cold voice which carried a latent wrath inches away from revealing itself. Through the sheer coldness and power of the voice, the young lady, quickly dropped to her knees before giving bowing down and apologizing.

"Forgive me, Father. I got ahead of myself." 

Upon saying such words, the coldness in the room left as it began to light up, slowly displaying a man sitting on the throne. It was too dark to see his face but only the outline of his body and the white robe covering it. 

"You may speak, raise your head." He replied coldly

Upon hearing that, the young lady began her explanation.

"The other day, an anomaly was detected in the barrier. The barrier reacted and attacked it." She stated

"Hm…? So is it dead?"

"We don't know…" She replied

The man was intrigued, for it had been a while since the barrier reacted. It would only react to high-level demons, but they were a rare encounter.

"As expected, the demon's weren't able to keep their end of the contract." He added

"About that… It wasn't a demon…" 

The instant those words left her mouth, she felt a surge of blood lust fill the room.

"Was it 'him'?" The man asked with blooming anger

The sudden blood lust took her by surprise causing her to get confused by who he meant. However, there was only one man who could make her father feel such anger and she knew it all too clearly.

"N-No! It wasn't him…" She replied 

"Then who is it?" He asked as his anger dissipated.

"We don't know… But…"

The young lady was hesitant to say it as she didn't know how her father would react. However she had no choice in the matter.

"But, we detected both holy divine energy and dark demonic energy from it."

"What?" He asked even more intrigued

"At first we thought it was a fallen angel, but they lose the ability to use holy divine energy. It wouldn't have been detected, but not only was it detected, but a large amount was detected while at it."

The moment she said that, the man's eyes widened.

"Who knows about this? Do the other gods know about this?" The man asked

"No, I believe they haven't noticed either." Said the young lady.

A smile could then be seen growing on the man's face. 

"Go down, find out what it was and bring it here… I think it's about time we end the contract." Said the man

The moment he mentioned ending the contract, the Young lady felt her heart drop. Did she hear him clearly? She wondered.

"Father, what did you-"

In that instant, the man suddenly appeared in front of her, towering over her before grabbing her neck.

It was so fast she couldn't react.

"Is there a problem?" He asked increasing his grip with every second.

She couldn't breathe, much less open her mouth to speak. She slowly shacked her head as she could feel the pain surge throughout her neck. 

"I-I'm S-So-sorry…" 

He suddenly let her go, causing her to fall to the ground. As she laid there helplessly, she could do nothing but cough as she listened to his words.

"Do not question me. Do not report back until you've done your mission. Are we clear?" 

She could do nothing but nod as she got up.

"Good, I have great expectations for you."

"Thank you… F-Father…" She muttered before she left the room. Hand marks had been left on her neck due to the pressure, however they faded on their own.

She left without saying anything else, and when she did, the man looked up at the ceiling.

"So it's started…" He muttered. "This will be fun." He added with a wide smile


As they flew over the vast large ocean, Hexo stared at the deep blue sky while he counted the clouds. He had nothing to, so he just laid there, next to John.

He looked over in John's direction and could see him looking into the far distance as always. Well he wasn't sure whether he was looking or not as the blindfold covered his eyes. But he assumed it did.

He then looked up with his head still on the ground, to see what the other two behind him were doing. 

Satire seemed to be practicing incantations while Shera was fast asleep. Most of her face was covered except for her eyes, so he couldn't really see her sleeping face, as much as he wanted to.

But despite that, he couldn't help but stare. It was as if he had been put in a trance.  She no longer used her worn out cloak and now wore a simple strange outfit. 

Black boots with purple stripes going around it, black shorts and a black sleeveless top which also had stripes going around it. The design looked incredibly cool, but there was more to it. The stripes formed a mark on the back. A purple fog. 

Hexo who saw this assumed it to have something to do with where she's from. Maybe it was her clan or family emblem or something. No matter how hard he tried to think, he couldn't come up with anything.

There was also no point in asking as it was none of his business. 

He let out a sigh before sitting up and looking back at John. There was really no telling what he was thinking.

'Do I ask him for advice…?' He wondered to himself as he continued to stare at him. 'Maybe not.' He added before turning towards the ocean. 

The moment he turned however, he felt a chill go down his spine as there was a sudden change in John's presence. 

He quickly turned to John only to see a faint bright glow coming out from beneath his blindfold. And in that moment, for just a single moment, he was able to feel it.



In a city known well for it's trades. A young lady and man could be seen walking around soaking in the fresh air and culture. 

The scent of the grilled sea food, filled the air, attracting more and more customers with each passing second.

A lively ambient merged with the sound of calming waves. It was a nice change for the young lady, something to soak in. However, it didn't have much of an effect on her.

The same look remained on her face as if nothing had changed whatsoever. 

"We've finally reached portshell and you still have that look…" Said the man as he let out a sigh. 

The girl ignored him and continued to walk, showing no interest in anything in her surroundings.

The man gave a quick look at her face as he recalled the expression she had made a few days prior.

'That bright smile she had after finding out that guy she's searching for is alive sure was a sight to see… It's a shame it disappeared after discovering that she couldn't find out anything about her other friend.' He thought to himself

"What do you mean you don't know?" Serena asked

"I don't know… I doubt I'll be able to use fortune magic for a while now… That guy who you're looking for… He definitely noticed me prying… I think it's best to take a break…"

"W-Wait, Just one more…! I'll pay extra, I need to know if she's fine or not! I need to know if Ariel is-"

Serena's eyes then widened when she realized that there was no hope. The lady was absolutely terrified. So much that her whole body was trembling.

Just what was it that she had seen? 

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