Physics The Greatest Magic

Chapter 336 - The King Prawn

Either way, it was worth it because it was now only John, the unusual sea creature which he had felt and a few fish which were dropping from the top of the hemisphere that were inside of it.

John quickly shadow stepped in front of the sea creature and he couldn't help but feel like drooling. 

A gigantic prawn. Nearly 20 meters in length. John knew what he was cooking for dinner tonight.


*Sniff* *Sniff*

Hexo's nose began to react as the sweet flavor-filled scent filled the air. He then started to drool and only shortly after did he Wake up.

"Huh… What happened…?" Hexo asked as he let out a yawn

He quickly looked around and noticed that the other two girls were still asleep. The only ones awake were him and John.

Despite that, he wasn't worried or rather. He was too hungry to think. How long was he out for? Such a question didn't even come to his mind as his nose was the only thing doing the thinking in the moment.

"What's that smell…?" He wondered as he got up.

The platform had grown. There was now another platform next to it. The ground made of stone. It sort of resembled a stone-kitchen. There a furnace could be seen and a boiler, which seemed to be boiling something.

Next to it, there was a large frying pan filled with cooking oil. It seemed to be frying something, but Hexo was too distracted to realize what it was.

He was distracted by the large piece of prawn levitating above the kitchen platform. It just stood still in the air, moving at the same constant speed as the platform. It was so constant that it almost looked as if it wasn't moving. 

The platform was moving and despite that, John was cooking. Hexo was surprised. The fact that John could cook surprised him more than the fact that there a big ass Prawn above them. 


He couldn't help but gulp down as he watched John cook. John pulled out the ingredient out of his spatial rings with care, one by one. Before throwing them into the air and muttering words to himself as he swung his knife at insanely fast speeds.

[Slow-down] [Fulgurationem] [Ventus]

Hexo could feel sparks of electricity landed on his face, but he was too focused on the scene to pay any attention to it.

"Bro… You can cook…?" He muttered to himself.

"Yes." John replied as he placed the onions and the chopped up tomatoes into a cooking pan as the other ingredients levitated in their spots and waited.

'Why…? Why does it smell so good…?'

His eyes and hunger were already starting to deceive him as he could picture angelic wings coming out of John's back.

'An angel… An angel of food…?'

The more time passed, the more he watched. The more conflicted and doubtful he became.

Suddenly, he raised his hand and closed it into a fist before swinging it straight at his own face. 


He dropped to the ground as his cheeks swelled from the impact.


Surprised, John stopped what he was doing to check on Hexo, only to let out a sigh when he realized that he was fine. 

"Oh good, I'm not dreaming." Said Hexo.

'This isn't like one of those things where it looks like it's going to be good and smell good but ends up bad right? I'm worried now… I subconsciously raised my expectations from the smell alone… Bro isn't only talented in magic but also cooking… How scary.' Hexo ht ought to himself.

"How much longer till it's done?" Hexo asked

"Around half an hour." Replied John.

'T-That's too long!'

"H-Hey… Bro. Can you put me back to sleep like you did before?…?" 

Confused, John tilted his head as he looked at Hexo. After somewhat having understood that he was most likely referring to Zestari, he nodded and placed his hand in front of Hexo's face.

John had never tried it before without the help of Zestari so he wasn't sure whether or not it would work but he gave it a try.

Sleep is a natural recurring state of the mind. To force the mind into such a state, john would have to clearly visualize it. Or so he thought.

No matter how hard he tried to visualize it. He couldn't get a clear image. Just what sort of form does sleep take?

"Bro, is something wrong-"

Just as Hexo had asked that, with time still moving at a slower rate and Fulgurationem still active. John used the opportunity which Hexo was distracted to quickly go behind him and hit him in the back of the head as hard as he could, knocking Hexo out in one single blow.


Those were Hexo's finally words before he dropped. 

"It worked." Said John before he went back to cooking.

He then remembered that he Hadn't healed Hexo after the recent blow, so he went back just to cast heal on him. 


"What is this?" Shera asked

"So it was real… I thought it was a dream." Hexo added

"Did John pull out a chef from his magic spatial storage ring?" Satire questioned

In front of them, stood a platform with a somewhat large table and four seats. On top of the table, luxurious sea food dishes could be seen. 

There was boiled prawn soup, boiled prawn with rice, fried prawn, fried rice. Bread. Special made sauces such mayonnaise and ketchup and barbecue sauce. They didn't recognize the sauces, but they recognized some of the dishes.

So many different kinds of meals to choose from. They couldn't believe it.

"John, this isn't an illusion, is it?" Satire asked

John shook his head before sitting down on the chair. 

"Are you sure it's okay if we just eat? Isn't it going to unbalance the platform if we all stand on that side?" Satire added.

John simply shook his head and motioned for everyone to have a seat. 

Hexo and Shera quickly had a seat while Satire hesitantly did.

They watched as John clapped his hands together before quickly grabbing a piece of fried prawn and placing it on his plate.

The others took that as a sign that it was okay to eat. And like starving wolves, they quickly put all the delicious food they could find on their plate as if it could disappear any second now.

Satire was still hesitant, so she only got a few pieces to try out herself. 

The reason for such was due to an experience she had lived through when she was in her early years of being an adventurer. She had a party member who cooked once, it looked extravagant. But the taste… The taste was bad enough to put those who ate it in the hospital.

Satire watched as Hexo, Shera and John all took a bite of the fried shrimp at the same time. In that instant, their eyes opened wide.

A surge of flavor went seeping into their mouths. They couldn't believe it. IT was simply-

"DELICIOUS!!!" Hexo shouted

Surprised, John looked over at Shera to see what she thought, and she gave two embarrassed nods. It was good.

The two, quickly began taking more and more fried shrimp pieces, quickly draining down the number.

Satire who saw this, quickly took a bite, and light could be seen bursting out of her eyes as she stood there dumbfounded for a few moments.

When she came to it, she quickly finished the piece in her mouth before quickly shouting. "WAIT! S-stop! You're taking all the pieces! Leave some pieces for me!" 

That was just the beginning. They tried the fried shrimp with the sauces, and then moved onto the next meal which was boiled prawn soup with rice. 

The tastes seemed to clash inside hater mouths as their taste glands made the most of a flavor they had never experienced before. 

"SO Goooood~!" 


"I'm full… Argh…" Said Hexo as he gave his belly a few pats

"Me too…" Added Satire as she placed her hand on her now round belly

Shera gave a few nods as she too rubbed her belly in satisfaction.

The three all then looked at John who was gazing off into the sunset. They were all really at a lost for words, all except for Hexo.

"Bro, thanks for the food. It was great! The tastiest thing I had ever eaten in my life!"

"That's true… It was certainly in the same level as food made by master-class royal chefs. If not higher."

Shera nodded in agreement. 

"Thank… you." Said John as he gave them a nod

"Eh- Ah… you're welcome…?" Said Satire, slightly confused.

"Oh~ Is that what I think it is? We're approaching land." Said Hexo as he pointed far off into the sunset."

"Really? I can't see anything." Said Satire as she strained her eyes.

John gave another nod as he said. "We're here."

The four gazed off into the sunset curious to get a better view of the land. They had finally arrived in the continent of Diabla. The continent known for it's dangers.

What sort of adventure would now await them?

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