Pick Me Up, Infinite Gacha

Chapter 394

[Amkena Side Story Episode 14]

An alien super-giant spaceship suddenly appeared in the sky.

Against the backdrop of the shadow cast by the ship, Black Thunder runs out.

Whether or not a spaceship appeared over Seoul, the pursuing troops did not stop attacking.

Amkena’s party continued a one-step battle with the pursuers.

[A giant spaceship belonging to the Kantapiya tribe of Andromeda?]


There was an uproar on the show.

The announcer sitting on the left was sweating profusely and flipping through a pile of papers.

[There is no such content anywhere? Only information about the bioterrorist!]

[That’s why I said breaking news, right? An unexpected alien invasion. Shouldn’t this be a scoop?]

[No, rather than a scoop!]

The silver-haired woman in the middle laughed.

[Anything can happen. The world is like that. The expert next to me also acknowledged that it was possible.]

[Then what should we do! Uh, so according to the Kantapiya tribe’s ultimatum…]

The middle-aged man on the right replied, putting on his glasses.

The nape of his neck was wet with sweat.

[I’m told to prepare that many biscuits and candies, but the time limit is only one hour. It won’t fit the leeway. Negotiation is necessary!]

[Negotiation? How?]

[By inviting the alien expert?]

[You weren’t an alien expert?]

[No, I’m a biochemist…]

[Hmm, that’s strange. I doubt whether he is an expert or not.]

The self-proclaimed expert bowed his head at Yurnet’s attack.

[sorry. It’s something I didn’t expect at all. Ha but! The government promises to respond urgently. If we can’t negotiate, we’re going to shoot down the flying object right now. If necessary, even by using nuclear missiles…]

A man desperately trying to rectify the situation.

Yurnet gave a deep smile.

He still won’t admit it.

So Yunet said.

[Oops, breaking news again.]

[Stop! No more breaking news is scheduled!]

[That can’t be. It’s not planned, so it’s urgent, isn’t it?]

Yurnet, who replied expressionlessly, continued.

[According to NASA’s emergency announcement, a meteorite with a diameter of 17 km, a hypersaur, will collide head-on with the Earth in about 30 minutes.] […?]


Is it really the end of the earth? In the middle of Seoul, biochemical terrorists appear, and the enemy’s new hidden weapon. Invasion of the Kantapiya people. And even a large meteorite impact.]


[What do you think, expert? Is it quite possible?]

The man on the right is lowering his head.

I wanted to shut that woman’s mouth right away.

But a cool feeling on the back of my neck.

From an angle invisible to the frontal camera, a man in a coat is pointing a knife at him.

[Why are you sweating so much? As if someone was threatening someone with a knife. Please answer me. Didn’t you say that you can continue to do that despite all the things that have happened?]


[Emergency breaking news that a 17km meteorite will collide with the earth in about 30 minutes.] [

It’s absolutely impossible…]

[Yes? It’s a broadcast that everyone is listening to, so please speak a little louder. Is the microphone broken?]

[It’s not impossible at all! An alien appears! Even if a meteorite suddenly collides with the earth! Anything is possible!]


Yurnet laughed coldly.

Everyone at the station was horrified by that smile.

road again.

This time, in the distant blue sky, a red, burning figure began to be reflected.

‘That one again?’

According to the content broadcast on the street, a giant meteorite will collide with the earth soon.

Is that what it is?

“Don’t slow down!”

“Ah yes!”

Amkena caught the spirit she was letting go.

I lost my concentration for a moment as ridiculous things happened one after another.

The chase was still going on.

Following tanks, armored vehicles, and helicopters, barricades were installed at every corner, and bullets and bombs flew from all over the building.

It is said that the effectiveness of karma will defend the fatal vital points, but it is not possible to entrust all defense to Aaron.


Rocket warheads exploded between the twisting Black Thunder scraping the road.

Asphalt turning over.

Various fragments scattered.

‘…it’s a relief that there are no people.’

Amkena thought.

If the evacuation order had not been issued in time, a huge number of casualties would have occurred.

A feast of destruction unfolds in every street passed by.

Amkena stopped even counting the number of destroyed and collapsed buildings.

They had no interest in the safety of Seoul.

Bullets, rockets, warheads, tank shells, and even missiles are fired randomly if necessary.



Right next door, a building called the headquarters of a large corporation is staggering.

Siris’s flame whip shattered the windows and stretched out, sweeping away everything inside.

It was to deal with the troops hiding inside.

Seoul at noon.

A city where citizens would have enjoyed a peaceful daily life not too long ago.

It has turned into a place of ruin.

woo woo woo

A huge steel plate is spinning in the sky.

It was a horrifying sight to see.

“Is it the spaceship of the Kantapiya people! The energy seems to be gathering there!”

Amkena looked in the direction Nihaku was pointing.

Countless light particles are gathering in the center of the steel plate.

“It’s charging the planet-destroying ray!”

“What is the planet?”

“Destruction Ray! If that launches, the Earth is over!”

“How is it going?”

“Wouldn’t it be shattered and thrown away?”

Apart from the terrorist chasing squad, troops are also gathering there.

It is a force that plans the destruction of the earth, but ‘probability’ is not established if it is consistent with inaction.

It is under such laws that troops conduct defense.

pop! pop!

Fire from various tanks and multi-rocket self-propelled artillery hits the steel plate. Fighters that appeared with a sonic boom from somewhere also fired missiles.

but useless.

A translucent energy shield nullifies all physical attacks.


Aside from alien ships, super-giant meteorites are flying here from far outside the atmosphere.

If they collide, the entire earth’s crust will be overturned and human civilization and ecosystems will perish.


However, humanity’s potential is not easy enough to perish in this catastrophe.

[What is that!]

A large billboard in a skyscraper.

The news is being broadcast right now.

I see a professional man who is astonished at his jaw dropping out of it.

But even so, he eventually acknowledges Yurnet’s remarks.

[Ha but! can be! It’s possible enough!]

And at that moment.

The moment a man acknowledges its reality.

Manipulated information begins to distort the dimension of Earth.


This time it was vibration.

Amkena saw the water along the Han River sway like a tidal wave in real time.

Then, a column of water tens of meters in size gushes out of the Han River.

What appeared in the meantime was…

[Gee Earth’s Hope!]

the announcer exclaimed.

[The super robot Taekkyeon V, which was secretly developed by Dr. Yoon’s research institute, who foresaw this situation, starts dispatching!] A

super-size robot made of alloy is dispatched with a hurray pose.

A super weapon that was secretly developed by Dr. Yoon’s laboratory after noticing the Kantapiya invasion and the collision of the hypersaur meteorite in advance.

Crisis in Seoul Now was the time Taekkyeon V was active.


Amkena was speechless.

Do it or not Kung! thud!

The ground shakes whenever the super robot takes a step.

The robot immediately started approaching the spaceship about to fire its planet-destroying beam.


There are always villains in large-scale events like this.

[Hoo ha ha ha ha!]

Laughter echoes throughout the city.

Someone is standing on the roof of a building.

All the cameras in the city were on the man.

It was the appearance of Baron Ah X-ra, the nemesis and great villain of Taekkyeon V.

A man’s face on one side, a woman’s face on the other.

It was truly an appearance full of features of a great villain.

“Ah, isn’t Baron Mazinger? It’s a different version of the sword!”

[Now is the time to deal with Taekkyeon V! good! Megazilla!]

Ooh oh oh!

The roar of a colossus.

A giant monster named Megazilla started to riot in Seoul.

Taekkyeon V turned around instead of going to the spaceship.

No matter how much the earth’s crisis, I had a feeling that if I started a fight with that super-large plate, I wouldn’t be able to save it.

On the other hand, that Megazilla looked relatively easygoing.


Amkena was silent.

What should I say?

situation now.

In one word, shit. plus a mess.

But it doesn’t stop there.

Over and over again, something appears and turns Seoul upside down.

Distort reality.

break the world’s laws

[Ay! What can’t be done! It’s all over!]

Now, the expert man was a judge.

He burst into anger affirming everything Yurnet said.

Be it what it is.

It doesn’t make sense from the sudden appearance of a group of five biochemical terrorists in Seoul in the first place.

After that, anything that happens is possible.



The female announcer calmly stared at the scene the cameras were shining on.

Magical View Seoul.

Unidentified terrorists appear, aliens appear, 17km-sized meteors are about to collide, super robots appear, giant monsters appear, and the great villain appears.

Can this be called ‘news’?

Can we call this a ‘report’?

Finally she starts to doubt.


from one to ten.

and such questions.

Finally, it begins to reach the broadcasting itself and even to oneself.

[Mr. Expert.]

The announcer turned to the expert on the right.

[it’s possible! Everything is possible!]

[It’s strange.]

[What’s strange about it? There is nothing impossible in this world. What you see is reality. Don’t deny it!]

[This is not ‘reality’.]

It’s not the usual lively tone.

A dull, empty voice, like an emotionless machine.

[This is… not real… it’s not.]

Doubts grow.

In the first place, the announcer doesn’t even know who he is.

How this broadcast started and what it was for is unknown.

Therefore, doubt gradually grows.


The expert’s complexion hardened.

[It’s not real,]

muttered the announcer.

It was a small but firm voice.

The world responded to such denial.


Amkena saw.

Everyone who looked up, including her, witnessed it.

The scene where gold is engraved in the vast sky.

Just like glass is about to break.

Cracks that started somewhere started to spread across the sky like twigs.

Kwajik! Kwajijik!

The sound of glass windows cracking in succession echoed across the globe.

[Calm down!]

The expert man began to soothe the announcer who was sitting around.

[Nothing will change if you deny reality. You have to admit it! You have to admit!]

It seems to soothe a child who has lost interest in toys.

However, once she has given up her faith, she does not come back easily.

[Is this a dream?]

said the announcer.

[What a dream!]

The frightened man got up from his seat.

[Look with your eyes open! This is not a dream! Reality Anyone can see it… Billion! Aaah!]

Lidigion broke the man’s arm from behind.

Instead of words of persuasion, the expert screamed in agony.

Yurnet answered the announcer’s question.

[It’s a dream. Why do you think so?]

[That makes no sense. Aliens, meteorites, super robots… I don’t really know. who i am What are you doing here?]

Yournet could tell you the answer to that question.

what is her true identity?

But that is just a romance that has long since disappeared.

With the advent of science and technology, the era of gods and religions has come to an end.

So she must go back to sleep, as she did a long time ago.

[Don’t worry,]

Yurnet said.

[You haven’t done anything wrong. If there’s anything bad, it’s that man and his boss.]


The announcer replies.

Before she knew it, her appearance had changed from a mature woman to that of a small and innocent girl.

[So please sleep in peace. This isn’t reality. A dream within a dream. Fog within the fog. On the Earth you know, nothing has happened from the beginning.]

[As expected.]

The girl laughs.



A rift began to envelop the entire earth.

[stop! stop! Stop that!]

the man shouts with his arm bent.


It collapses.

Magic is His magic!

[thank you. Thank you for freeing me.]

The girl bowed her head to Yurnet.

After that, the figure turned into light and disappeared.


The urgent news that had been broadcast all over the world ended with this.

It ended suddenly without any notice.

tooth support.

Instead of announcements, only unpleasant noises rang out from the speakers.

That’s how the ‘magic’ that embraced the entire earth collapsed.



At last the whole sky shattered.

Countless shards of glass shattered and scattered.

Each one of them was a piece of dimension.

‘What happened?’

Amkena looked everywhere.

A flying saucer about to unleash a planet-destroying beam.

A giant meteorite entering the atmosphere and burning.

Taekkyeon V and Megazilla exchanging punches.

The chasing squad chasing Black Thunder without getting tired of it.

All of them are stopped as if pressing the video stop button.

As if time does not pass.

In the midst of it, Amkena and her colleagues’ time passes without incident.

[It’s okay, Master Amkena.]

Yurnet’s voice came from the navigation.

[Earth’s defense system has started working. Everything will go back to normal.]

“Ah yes…”

I don’t know what it is, but it must mean it went well.

[But please don’t let go of your heart. It’s starting now.]


Unhindered, Black Thunder raced through the streets.

The World Tower was not far away.

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