Pick Me Up, Infinite Gacha

Chapter 66

# 66

66. Value and worthlessness (4)

There are many people left in the square.

From one side they were looking at us and at the strikers. I could feel doubt and curiosity in my eyes.

You will be wondering.

Are their methods really working?

If it works, they will make the same choice.

“Hehe, did you try to keep it to yourself? We all know this. We can reject the Master’s orders!”


“I know that that beggar woman can’t lay a hand on us! How is it, were you surprised?”

The fat man laughed sinisterly. The colleague next to him also giggled.

Passion was evident on their faces.

Definitely not wrong.

The hero has the right to disobey the Master’s orders.

Isel couldn’t touch the hero unless there were special circumstances.

Edith said with a firm expression.

“Stop it. We risked our lives. It’s different from what you guys are doing now.”

“What’s different? We risk our lives too!”

“Without knowing the meaning of those words…”

I stopped Edith from stepping forward.

Edith frowned and grabbed her forehead, then clicked her tongue and went back inside.

They laughed out loud as if they thought they had won. I said.

“That’s a good attitude. Then risk your own life.”

“It’s not like that…”

[I was going to do that anyway! Belquist Alan Leslie!]

Issel turned around and pointed to the door on the left of the plaza.

Inside the synthesizer, a purple magic circle emitted a bizarre light.

[Three people like this. Go through that door Execution!]

“Is it synthetic?”

[That’s right.]

Belquist laughed silently and then moved into the synthetic lab.

Isel asked the two people who were looking at him with puzzled eyes.

[What are you doing if you don’t go in quickly? I don’t have time.]

“No, what the heck…”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

You know about strikes, but you don’t know about synthesis.

I heard the story, but it must have flowed out of one ear.

[If it doesn’t go in, I’ll put it in?]

Isel grabbed the hem of the two’s clothes and threw them.

The action was light, but the power contained was not. Two men were fired at the synth like cannonballs and hit the wall inside. One of them hit his head against a wall, causing blood to drip from his forehead.

“Wait! Wait…”


The synthesizer’s door closed with a loud sound.

[Are you sure you want to synthesize?]

[Yes (optional) / No]

A flash of light leaked from the synthesis through the gap in the closed door.

[Synthesis complete!]

[‘Alan ( )’ turns into light and disappears.]

[‘Leslie ( )’ turns into light and disappears.]

[‘Belquist (★★)’ level up! Acquire ‘wild’ skill!]

The fat man, Sitan, was looking at the door of the synthetic lab with blank eyes.

After a while, the door opened and Belquist jumped out.

“It’s killing me!”

Belquist twisted the corner of his mouth up as if it could touch his ear.

Fangs were exposed between the mouth. Belquist looked at the strike group, which had grown to eight, and spoke in a low voice.

“It’s not enough. Are there more? It looks like there are still many offerings.”

“I wish I had eaten that much. Your order is now over.”

“I’m sorry about that.”

Belquist smirked and sat down next to the synthetic lab door.

“Anyway, it was a good experience. I hope you do it more often.”

There is no sense of reluctance in the expression. Rather, he seemed to be delighted. He did not show any concern that he would become the target of synthesis.

[Nerissa Oliver Walter!]

Issel called the next batter.

Three this time. Two sacrifices to one target.

Nerissa entered the synthesis center with calm steps. The man whose name was called grabbed Sitan by the collar.

“Damn it, don’t you think it’s different! Nothing will happen!”

“That, it can’t be. I heard that it was fine!”

“Then why aren’t the two guys who entered earlier come out!”

As Isel approached, the man sat down on the floor and waved his hand.

“Wait. I was tricked by this guy. He was tricked! I didn’t expect this to happen. It’s true!”

[What does it matter?]

Isel said in annoyance and threw the man away.

The man twisted and resisted, but to no avail. The other man who ran up the stairs was soon caught by Isel and thrown into the synthetic lab.

[Synthesis complete!]

[‘Oliver ( )’ becomes light and disappears.]

[‘Wilter ( )’ becomes light…]

Four victims. There were six survivors.

Citan said hastily.

“I will lift the refusal to participate!”

[The ‘4th party’ has become operable.]

The 5th party did not display a message to inform the cancellation.

because it was destroyed.

[Jenna Lawrence!]

“In the end, this is how it works.”

Jenna entered the synthetic lab with a displeased expression.

The refusal to participate was resolved, but the synthesis did not stop. Lawrence knelt down and begged.

“Save me. Help me! He did something wrong! Just kill him!”


Issel grabbed Lawrence’s hand and threw it into the synthetic lab.

“Chu, the refusal to participate has been resolved. Why aren’t you stopping!”

Shitan cried out, sweating profusely.

‘of course.’

These were examples.

Although the current method is more moderate than the synthesis-oriented operation, it does not mean that fear is not necessary.

People gathered in the plaza look at the victim with fearful eyes.

They were relieved that they were not included there. Dissatisfaction with the uncomfortable living or eating life was all there.

[Edith Liddell!]

The number of sacrifices decreased one after another.

Two each for Belquist and Nerissa, who have grown less.

One by one for the existing members who have been established to some extent.

A few of them threw their fists, ran away, or ran amok, but it didn’t work. These are things that were not developed properly in the first place. The resistance was also poor.

“Hey, hey boy. Say something!”

A man clung to my feet.

“What do you mean?”

“I heard you can talk to the master. Please stop this madness right now!”

Light streamed through the door of the synth.

I pointed at my sword beside Sitan’s feet. No one cared about what I pushed.

“Cut off one arm with that sword. Then I’ll tell the Master.”


“Didn’t I tell you earlier? It’s cheap education.”

With that said, I could ask Amkena to stop.

I just don’t feel the need. The man’s mouth hung open in astonishment.

“Mi, are you crazy! Cut off your own arm?”

“It is.”

They’ve already done the work. It couldn’t be passed on for free, even for the future.

However, if there was a guy that was poisonous enough to cut off his own arm, it would be better to raise him alive than to synthesize it.

Of course, amputating one’s own body parts is not an easy task.

A man, determinedly about to cut off his arm, screamed and threw down his sword. A line of blood was drawn on the forearm. The man wept.

“Isn’t it too much… not a finger, but an arm!”

“Didn’t you risk your life?”

“Cha, I’d rather you cut my arm. I can’t do it alone.”

“That’s not allowed.”

“Are we all going to die?”

“That wouldn’t be bad either.”

A few other people have also tried cutting off their arms, but none have been successful.

In order to cut at once, you must have a swordsmanship skill or have a high strength level. If not, you have no choice but to use it like a saw. But I don’t see anyone that venomous enough. Through repeated attempts and giving up, they became victims of synthesis.

One last person left.

He was the mastermind behind this situation.


“I know.”

I went into the synthesis.

As the waiting room became the second floor, the structure of the synthesis center also changed. On the first floor, the training center was located on the second floor, and the synthesis center was located. After a while, Sitan was dragged into the synthesis center with hollow eyes. When the door closed, the magic circle began to glow.

“Me, how am I?”

“Don’t worry. It won’t hurt.”

“We’re just…”

Sitan tried to connect, but his body scattered in all directions and became particles of light.

Particles of light penetrated my body. At the same time, a message indicating completion of synthesis was displayed.

[Synthesis completed!]

[‘Sitan ( )’ turns into light and disappears.]

[‘Han(★★)’ EXP increased!]

Weak energy ran through the whole body.

‘The liver doesn’t even send a message.’

The level difference between the target and the offering was severe.

He only gained a certain amount of experience, but his level did not rise.

After leaving the synthesis center, the number of over 30 people had decreased by almost half. Ten people died as a result of the synthesis, so it was natural. I put the sword that had fallen on the floor into my belt.

I looked around the square.

People’s faces hardened. I didn’t explain the synthesis, but you should have known that it wouldn’t come back.

‘I’ll try to know a little more.’

Refusal to participate was a way that even I risked my life.

It was self-evident that they became like this, who were only 1-star common in free draws. It was the result of accepting only the information that they liked to hear without properly grasping the context.

In any case, they served as good teaching aids.

Survivors would have realized. The fact that there is an absolute bond between the master and the hero. It was only a word of veto, but in reality it was close to suicide.

“This makes it 25 people.”

I passed the middle of the square.

The event is over. I was thinking of going to see the facility. The lodging and training center became level 3, and a bathhouse and rest room were created. Every time I walked, people got out of the way.

“You, you mad! Monsters!”

I stopped.

Someone who shouted hid in the crowd and was not seen.

“Who said that?”

Belquist rose from his seat.

The sword was already halfway out of the scabbard.

“Stop it.”

“Isn’t the example not over? It seems that only the mouth is alive and the bastard is left.”

“I’m fine, why are you upset?”

“Senior is comfortable with speed. If it were me, he would throw a harpoon.”

Belquist’s mouth twisted.

“Go first. I’ll see you on the second floor next time.”

Belquist went down to the first floor.

Those steps headed straight to the training center. It seemed that he was trying to test the stats and skills obtained through synthesis. Others also started to move. Soon the heroes in the waiting room were divided into top and bottom.

of the worthy and

the unworthy.

[Master 10 series summoning begins. I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of hero will come out!]

And then a message announcing the summoning came to mind.

[Talkak durruru.]

[Follow me!]


[Master ‘Amkena’…]

I looked down at the first floor through the transparent floor.

The summoning station in the plaza on the first floor opened. A white light was seeping from inside the door. Since heroes were consumed through mass synthesis, the number of people was replenished.

From now on, depending on the grade, the summoned location will also change.

The heroes of the free draw are on the 1st floor. Paid gacha starts from the 2nd floor.

A freshly summoned man stepped into the square.

A bewildered expression unique to one star appeared on his face. A girl followed a man. He seemed to be shouting something, but no sound was heard.


The gap of construction was opened.

weed out. At least 2 people die here.

Position assignment seemed to be done after weeding out. Isel appeared and shoved them into the space-time gap. Few of them will be able to climb up to the second floor.

‘Did he say he was crazy?’

I smiled.

Common sense of reality does not work here.

Through synthesis, they fight for their lives against monsters that eat each other and try to kill themselves. If adapting to those laws means being crazy, then that’s what we’ve become.

“Don’t be relieved that you belong to the 2nd floor. You can go down anytime.”

“Is that right?”

Jenna scratched her cheek and laughed.

Aaron looked up at the sky.

“The fact that there is a second floor means that there will be a third floor as well.”

“The number of floors will gradually increase.”

“The ratings will be different there too.”

Edith was told.

I nodded. The current waiting room is only divided into upper and lower floors, but it will eventually become a pyramid structure. Like Niflheim. It’s a much more advanced way than here, but the core is the same.

I looked at the gate in front of the plaza on the second floor.

Above the tightly closed door, there was a nameplate with the words ‘Dimensional Gap’ written on it.

I walked to my inn.

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