Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 396 [Real Time] Deactivated.

I really don’t know if I’m right, but this… Could end up being a big problem.

Paladin thought this and he leaned forward when another lightning bolt struck down from the sky and slammed into Raphael with a vengeance! Raphael was no longer standing or even kneeling. He was now on his back because he had no strength to move anymore. His wings were scorched and burnt and there were black burn marks all over him. The creator was taking his time to make sure he killed Raphael slowly!

Paladin realized that the creator was putting on a show for them. The creator could easily kill Raphael with only one super-powered lightning bolt, but he was taking his time. This wasn’t just a punishment. This was a warning to every other Celestial never to disobey the creator’s orders again.


Another lightning bolt, this one bigger than all the previous ones, shot down from the sky and slammed into Raphael! He was no longer moving and Han could already see the beginning of death coming to him. Raphael was strong to have withstood all those lightning bolts, but each of them was at least a UNIQUE rank skill and he has been hit by more than five already. It didn’t matter how strong he was,  there is no way he would be able to withstand those hits!

But even with his death coming closer, Raphael still found the strength to look toward Han with one last glare. His death was without apology or regret. It didn’t matter that this was how he died, because, in the end, he already planted a seed that would lead to the destruction of this temple from the inside out. What he did on this thirtieth floor would be a source of pain and suffering for Han for ages.

Raphael chuckled a little at this thought. Yes, he was not dying in vain.

“I’ll be remembered by thousands for the rest of my life, Han Luo. And you will curse me every day until your own life is also snuffed out like a candle. Just you watch. This death of mine is not without purpose. I still curse the very moment you entered our world! I wish you a painful death, Han Luo!”


Han made sure he caught the very moment of Raphael’s death and he wondered what the hell Raphael meant by what he said. What in the world did Raphael do to my people?

As Han was thinking this, Raphael finally breathed his last breath and the sky above the temple started to clear up again. But Han was having none of it. He turned up and spoke in an annoyed tone.

“Wait right there. You and I aren’t done yet, creator,”

The amount of shock that passed through the heart of every Celestial watching was immense and they all thought that the creator would throw lightning at Han for this! Han was talking to the maker of all things and he was showing such disrespect! There is no way he would survive!

But Paladin knew that the creator wouldn’t do anything to Han! And just like he predicted, the sky stopped clearing up and the loud sounds of thunder quieted down. It was almost like the creator was looking at Han in curiosity and waiting for what Han wanted to say.

The entire celestial plane was holding its breath in curiosity as they wondered what was going to happen. Was Han going to get killed or was the creator going to allow this to pass as well? Is the creator so lenient with Han that he would even allow Han to do this? Is the favoritism so great that a mere mortal would hold a higher position in the creator’s heart than his own people?

Han just put his hands in the pockets of his coat while looking at the large dark cloud that represented the creator. The creator came all the way down here and the creator wasn’t even bothered to come with his real body. He sent a cloud to kill one of his children. Han was getting really annoyed about this whole situation and he needed some answers!

“This is all just a joke to you, isn’t it? Your friend said it to me years ago when I first met him. He told me that you are so nonchalant about this plane that it’s almost like you couldn’t care if the world ended or not. But right now you’re not making any sense anymore. If you don’t care about any of this, then why did you kill your son? What exactly do you want you fucking bastard?”


The sky above Han rumbled and lightning rolled around in the sky before a large bolt raced down toward Han! Han rolled his eyes and slapped the lightning bolt away like it was nothing! Han knew that the creator would get angry because Han insulted him, but Han couldn’t really give less of a fuck about how the creator felt. He couldn’t help himself in a situation like this one. The creator wasn’t making any sense at all. Do you care about the mortals? Then why haven’t you done anything all this time that the celestials have been killing the mortals? Do you care more about the celestials?  Then why the hell did you just kill your own child? Han just needed answers. What is the point of all this if the creator was so nonchalant about all of it?

Han didn’t really care about Raphael, but Han still thought that Raphael was right. The creator had no right to come back after a hundred thousand years and then start acting like he never left in the first place.

Han waited for an answer from the clouds above him and Han already started to prepare a skill just in case the creator decided that he was going to just attack again.

The sky rumbled for a few more seconds before it finally died down and a loud, rumbling voice echoed through the sky.

“I’ll be waiting for you, Han Luo. Find me and I’ll give you all the answers you need,”

[Supernova] has been activated!!!

Han didn’t waste any time as he immediately activated one of his greatest skills right in front of the clouds! What the creator said was not the fucking answer that Han was looking for! Who the hell does this bastard think he is for him to be telling me to find him?? Am I some sort of dog that goes around looking for his master!? Fuck you!


The entire temple rumbled and shook as Hans skill obliterated the area around him! Han was still looking at the cloud with annoyance in his eyes and he frowned even deeper when the clouds cleared and he saw that the clouds in the sky were completely clear! There was no sign of the creator and his clouds were all gone! Fucking bastard.

The Celestials that had been watching the show were all shocked by how things turned out at the end. It seems that the creator was expecting Han to find him! What does this mean? Does the creator really want Han to take over the celestial plane and go up to the higher realms!? That’s madness! How could the creator even say something like that?

All the Celestials knew that the only way Han would be able to reach the creator was by going through them! And Han Luo was not going to go through them without giving them one hell of a fight! He would destroy every single one of them before he moves on to the higher realms! That was unacceptable! It didn’t matter what plan the creator had for Han Luo, a mere mortal can never be the end of them!

Anger and bloodlust from hundreds of celestial that were watching the temple all started to move towards Han and he scowled and turned his head upwards towards the place where they were watching from! The celestial were all surprised when they saw this and some of them even recoiled in shock! How does he know where they are watching from?

Han could always notice whenever someone was watching him and he already knew that the celestials were always watching him. He usually ignored them because he didn’t have anything to hide from them. If they want to watch their downfall, then who am I to stop them? I’ll just kill them if I ever see them watching me with the girls.

This was usually Han’s thought process, but now that the Celestials were openly showing such hostility towards him, he realized that it was time for him to take away their right to watch him. If they weren’t going to control their fucking bloodlust then they didn’t have any right to watch him.

[Administrator Control] has been activated!

In the temple, there is a part of every system that allowed the celestials to pinpoint the location for every chosen and then watch them like they are some sort of movie. Han always knew about this part of the system, but he never bothered to remove it from his system.  Han decided that it was time for him to finally get rid of the celestials.

[The host had requested deactivation of [Real Time]. Once deactivated, the host will no longer have the [Video] function available. Is the host certain that the system should deactivate [Real Time]?]

Han answered yes in his head and he watched as a small loading bar activated on the screen in front of him. The loading bar that appeared on Han’s screen also appeared on the screen of every single celestial that was watching him and it slowly loaded.


[Process successful. [Real Time] has been deactivated]

Han’s smirk was the last thing that every celestial saw on their screen and Han mouthed two words that they easily read. Fuck you.

And then all the screens in the celestial plane turned black.

Most of the Celestials in the celestial plane were completely shocked by what happened! They didn’t think that Han had the power to do such a thing! But Paladin just smiled knowingly as he leaned back in the seat he was seating in.

This was the most interesting thing that Paladin has seen in hundreds of years. One opponent that was more than equipped to take on the entire celestial plane, and for the first time in his life, Paladin felt respect for a mortal! Because no matter how you look at it, Han Luo was probably the most dangerous thing that the celestial plane has ever faced. A mortal was challenging immortals to a fight and the immortals are the ones afraid of him. We actually realize that there is a chance of us losing. Paladin chuckled in amusement.

If Han Luo was going all this way to challenge us, then I think it would be for the best that I answer in kind. I’ve seen everything that I need to see from both the creator and Han Luo to realize that the creator isn’t going to raise a single finger to help us in the coming fight and that is fine by me. We already survived against a lot of things without the creator and this will just be another test in survival. And I’m sure that once Han Luo gets to the Celestial plane, we will be ready for him.

Paladin got off his seat and put his welding gloves on once again before he walked into his lab to finish his work. He never even had a second thought about Raphael.

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