Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 398 I Will Be Leaving Again

Han sighed once more and he realized that he has been doing that a lot lately since he came down here. Han came down from the ninety-ninth floor to see if he could relax with his family, but he hasn’t even been able to relax for more than a day! He just keeps on running into more and more trouble from stupider and stupider people. He looked up to the sky. He truly wanted to get back up to floor one hundred and finish all this nonsense. I think it is time for me to finally make my way back up there.

Han turned to Paravell and told him to handle the chosen that were here. Han didn’t care what sort of punishment Paravell gave them. Han just didn’t want to be the one to deal with them. All of them were fools and Han felt like it was a waste of time for him to give them any sort of attention.

Once Pravell agreed, Han told both Gregory and Rau to come with him. He was going back up to floor ninety. The two of them stepped closer to Han and Han opened a shadow portal under his feet before all of them disappeared.

Orochimaru was still on this floor and he just slithered around floor thirty for a few more minutes and scared the hell out of the chosen before he opened a portal of his own and entered back into Han’s shadow world. Orochimaru really wanted to just eat the people that made his master angry, but since his master told him to let them go he would hold back for now!

Once Han arrived on floor ninety, he immediately went straight to Esteroth’s castle to meet with his girls. Han already told Yana to come up to floor ninety a while ago, so when he arrived at the restaurant, all the girls were there waiting for him!


Lily was the first person to see Han once he entered the restaurant and she immediately launched herself at him like a rocket and hugged him tightly! Han grinned as he caught her and spun her around a few times. He looked down at her and he smiled when he saw the bright smile on her face! She looked like she just saw the most important thing in her life! There was no way that Han wouldn’t smile back at her.

Han kissed the top of Lily’s head and then he dropped her to the ground before hugging Rina when she also came close. Han sighed in Rina’s embrace and he smiled. This was the reason why he was doing what he was doing! He was trying to save his family!

Han has been thinking of the reason for all this trouble ever since he shouted at the chosen down on floor thirty! If all of them were so eager to abandon him and seek power from somewhere else, then what was the point of him fighting for them and trying his best to make them reach the celestial plane with him!? They were all acting like everything he did was for nothing and he didn’t have any right to tell them what to do!

But Han knows that he wasn’t doing all of this for just them! The real people he was trying his best to save were his family! They are the ones that have been with him through everything and Han would be damned if he allowed the fools on the lower floors to ruin everything he is doing for them!

“Han, are you okay? You look troubled,”

Han heard Rin talking from in front of him and he looked up from his hug with Rina to see Rin looking at him with worry. She was holding Arthur with one hand and holding a toy with her other hand for Arthur to play with. Han smiled at his first wife. He really shouldn’t be looking so down when he is with his family. He will start making them worry for nothing.

“Nothing, Rin. I just had a stressful day. I’ll tell you all about it later. For now, I’m starving,”

Rin was still a little worried and it showed on her face! She obviously wanted to know what caused her husband to look this worried. But since Han wasn’t going to talk about it now, then it was okay. She would just ask him about it when he is calmer.

Once Han spoke about food, Rina perked up and she told Han to hold on for a while so she can get it ready! She immediately dashed into the kitchen to grab a plate for him!

Han walked up to Arthur and pinched his chubby cheek with a smile. Gregory and Rau went to the bar to go and talk about something since they could tell that Han wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone right now. They wanted to ask Han where he got that familiar from but they knew that this wasn’t the best time.

Han saw Rin smile at him and he couldn’t stop himself from smiling back. He leaned down and kissed her and she happily responded to him with a small moan. Rin could tell that Han had something on his mind and she gave him a stern look once they separated.

“What’s wrong, Han?”

Han frowned a bit before he finally sighed. He might as well just tell her about what was troubling him now. she would just keep worrying about me if I keep it to myself.

Han told her that he would be going back to the upper floors today to try and finish this temple once and for all. Rin was a little surprised by that, she didn’t think that Han would leave so soon after he was gone for so long! he just came back a few days ago! She asked him why he was in such a hurry and Han then told her about meeting the creator and how the chosen on the lower floors were starting to rebel.

Han wanted to finish all of this before things could get any more dangerous for anyone. It would be best if the chosen realized that their true enemy is the Celestials, not each other. Han knows that if he just allowed things o escalate, then the chosen on the lower floors would start killing each other again to gain more power. Arthur giggled and stretched his hand out to try and grab Han’s ear but Rin stopped Arthur immediately. Rin called Lily over and she handed the small baby over to Lily and asked Lily to look after him. Lily grinned at Arthur as the two of them walked towards the kitchen to meet Rina and Dyana.

Lily wanted to talk to Han as well, but she knew that Han and Rin were talking about something very important and Lily didn’t want to interfere. Over the past few years, Lily has gained a lot of respect for Rin as the first wife since Rin took care of all of them a lot when Han wasn’t around. Lily would allow Rin to tell her about everything later.

Once Lily took Arthur away, Rin looked back at Han and asked him another question.

“When do you think you’ll come back again? I know you have to do this, but you can’t stop me from getting worried. The celestials aren’t people that we can mess with without any repercussions and if you rush into things like this, won’t it be far more dangerous?”

Han nodded his head to her statement and he looked to the side to watch as Arthur grabbed Lily’s hair and yanked out a few strands! Lily cursed and screamed when she saw the hair and Rina just laughed before taking Arthur away from Lily. Han smiled when he saw the murderous look in Lily’s eyes before turning back to Rin.

“I’ll be back once I’m done with everything. I know I was gone for a long time before, but this time I won’t leave you alone for long, I promise. I’m already at floor hundred and I just have to meet with one person before the passage between the two planes is opened. In the meantime, just try to get the army ready and look after Arthur. There will be a lot of fighting in the next few months and I want you all to be safe,”

Rin sighed and she immediately hugged Han close to her. Han put his chin on top of Rin’s head and held her close. He could tell how worried Rin was for him. Out of all the girls, Rin and Rina were the only ones that knew him before he became really strong. Han was just like a normal human when he met Rin and that image of a normal human would always be the one that Rin had of him.

Han knows that Rin really wanted to leave all this behind and go back home. She just wanted to live with her family and enjoy every day without having to worry about if Han would come back alive or not.  But Han had to finish this. Han was a man of his word and he gave his word to thousands of people that he would finish this for them.

“Come back safe, please. I – I don’t know know what I’ll do to myself if you don’t come back. I think I’ll rather just die with you,”

Han kissed the top of Rin’s head.

“It won’t come down to that, Rin. I’ll be back. I promise.”

Rina finally walked out of the inner kitchen with a tray of food for Han to eat. Yuuma and Dyana also came out holding a few plates for the girls since they haven’t eaten since Han left. Han kissed Yuuma and asked her where Yana was. Yuuma told him that Yana was resting upstairs with Yue. Yana was already close to the final stages of her pregnancy and she was really tired when she came up to floor ninety from floor fifty, so Yue volunteered to take care of her while she rested.

Dyana also came up and demanded a kiss from Han and Han happily gave her one before they all moved to go and seat down for their meal. Gregory joined the family to eat once he saw that they were all settled but Rau had to leave because he wanted to see his sister.

To tell the truth, Rau just got lonely after watching Han and his wives and Raun wanted to go and meet with his own wife as well. Han told Rau to greet his sister for him and Rau smiled at the fact that Han remembered her. Rau nodded and then he took off into the sky to reach the portal.

Gregory took a seat at the table and the entire family just had small talk as they ate. It wasn’t until they were almost finished with the meal that Han finally spoke up again.

“I’ll be going back to the upper floors today,”


Lily’s head shot up at impossible speeds in shock and she gave Han a wide eyes look! What did he mean by that!? Lily didn’t think that Han would be going back to the upper floors for at least another week!!

“Han-oppa… Isn’t that too soon? You just came back, and you haven’t even rested yet. You’ve been working for too long.”

Rina said this with a worried expression and she touched Han on the bicep while looking at him. Han could see the worry on the faces of all the girls there. Even Gregory looked a little worried, but they weren’t going to change his mind.

“I’m fine, Rina. And I’ve made up my mind. There are a lot of things that I have to finish before things get out of hand in the temple. I’ve been going through tests that will grant me enough power to face the creator and there is only one test left before I reach the celestial plane. I want to end this as soon as possible.”

“But -“

“Stop, Lily,”

Rin spoke up from the side and Lily immediately stopped speaking when she heard the annoyance in Rin’s voice. Rin continued.

“Han is doing this for all of us. He wants to stay home just as much as you want him to stay home. But if he doesn’t do this then we will all be slaves for the rest of our lives. Let’s just support him, that’s the only thing we can do from here. Okay?”

Lily was still a little bothered by all of this but in the end, she nodded and agreed to what Rin said. She gave Han a small sad smile and made him promise to come back. Han just grinned at her. When has he ever allowed some fucking Celestials to threaten his life? Of course, he would come back.

Yuuma spoke up for her and Dyana.

“Should we come with you, Han? Dyana and I know the celestial plane like the back of our hands. We can help you navigate through all the planes easily,”

Han shook his head. Han knew that the two of them were busy down here, and he thought it would be best for them to finish what they were doing here to help him. And besides, Han had that idiot to watch his back. Han would prefer to take Gretha into battle since it won’t really matter to him if she gets into danger. It would probably be a good thing for the rest of the world if that idiot disappears.

“Wait. Now that I think of it… Where the hell is Gretha?”

Han’s face scrunched up in curiosity as he asked this and he was shocked when Lily and Rina both coughed as they started laughing! Rina was in the middle of drinking some water so she sprayed the water all over the table when she couldn’t hold back her laughter! In fact, all the girls were laughing! What the hell did that idiot do this time!?

“Han, are you sure that girl is from the upper floors?”

Han nodded slowly. Gretha was actually from the Celestial plane, but Han decided not to tell the girls that. It would feel like an insult to all the Celestials. Imagine that – Han was trying to protect the dignity of the celestial by not relating them to Gretha in any way. Han scoffed at his own thoughts before he just asked them a question.

“What happened to Gretha?”

Lily wanted to explain things to him, but she was still laughing so Dyana decided to say it instead. She told Han about how Orochimaru came to the restaurant when Han left. The giant snake slithered around the restaurant and stayed there to sleep but Gretha wouldn’t let it rest! Gretha was curious about the snake because she was also a beast creature and she kept on poking it and disturbing the snake to wake up.

Orochimaru finally had enough when Gretha climbed on top of its body and poked its eye and it immediately swallowed her whole in one gulp! It was the scariest thing that the girls had ever seen! They were all worried about Gretha for a while but they finally calmed down when they heard Gretha screaming from inside the snake’s stomach. It seems that Orochimaru didn’t digest her. He just swallowed her and kept her in his stomach so she would stop bothering him! Gretha has been inside there for the past three hours!

Han couldn’t stop the chuckle that came out when he heard that story. For some reason, he couldn’t see anyone else but Gretha doing something so stupid. No wonder Orochimaru was pissed when he came down to floor thirty earlier! Gretha was already making him angry, so he didn’t have any patience left!

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