Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 401 Conversations Between Women Is the Best! II

Yuuma was inside her lab working on her inventions again. She has been in here for the last twelve hours since Han left and she hasn’t had a single wink of sleep since then. The amount of work that she has to do now was immense and she knew that she was almost out of time before the fight begins.

Han will finish the temple soon and I might not be done by the time he comes to take the army to the celestial plane! I don’t want to disappoint Han after telling him I was going to help him.

Yuuma still feels a great amount of guilt whenever she thinks about Han fighting up on the upper floors alone. She always feels like she is the one that sent Han to go and fight against those strong opponents and if not for her selfish request all those years ago, Han won’t be risking his life like this. It was silly to think like this because Han was still going to fight against the celestials even if she never told him to go, but she just can’t help but feel like this. That is the reason why she was so desperate to help him as much as possible.


The door to the room suddenly opened and Yuuma looked to the side to see Dyana walking inside with a flask in her hand. Dyana gave Yuuma a wave with a wide smile and Yuuma rose a brow.

“Dyana? Did you come all the way here to give me food? How did you even find me?”

Yuuma asked this in disbelief. As far as Yuuma knew, she has never told Dyana where her lab was. In fact, Dyana hasn’t come out from their home in a long time because Dyana is still hiding from the celestials. What exactly was Dyana doing here suddenly?

Dyana smiled wider and held the food to the side smugly.

“Well, I just thought you haven’t eaten for a long time. You should thank me since I care about you so much. No one else bothered to even remember you until I decided to come here,”

Yuuma rolled her eyes.

“Rina told you to bring me food, didn’t she?”

Dyana coughed in shock and then blushed slightly! How the hell does Yuuma even know that!?

Yuuma was right, Dyana wasn’t the one that thought about bringing food in the first place. In fact, Dyana didn’t even think about Yuuma until Rina brought her up earlier. Rina was worried that Yuuma hasn’t eaten anything so she decided to bring food for Yuuma. Dyana volunteered to bring the food since she hasn’t seen the lab before and she was curious about what Yuuma was working on.

Yuuma immediately knew that she was right about what she said when she saw Dyana blush. Her friend was so damn easy to read. She turned back to her work while talking.

“You can drop the plate to the side. I’ll eat it when I’m done with this.”

Dyana walked closer while responding.

“Yuuma, I think you should just eat now. You look like a mess. There are large dark circles under your eyes you know. Don’t you think you should rest a bit?”

Yuuma didn’t even answer Dyana and Dyana frowned and walked closer to Yuuma before turning her chair around forcefully. Dyana knew exactly what Yuuma was doing right now. Yuuma was going to try to work herself to death because this was the closest that she has been to fulfilling her goal.

Yuuma has wanted her revenge on the celestials for thousands of years, and this was the first time that the revenge actually look possible. But that is no reason for Yuuma to work herself to death!

“You’re still as selfish as ever, Yuuma! Just eat something before you work yourself to death for your damn revenge! Do you think Han will be happy if he sees you like this!?”

Yuuma grit her teeth and slapped Dyana’s hand off her shoulder forcefully! She looked away from Dyana’s shocked expression and folded her hand. Dyana blinked in surprise at the sudden reaction and she dropped the food to the side carefully. It was obvious that there was something wrong here.

“Hey, Yuuma. What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you suddenly acting like this?”

Dyana asked Yuuma this question calmly and Yuuma was quiet for a while before she spoke up softly.

“… Am I a horrible person, Dyana?”

Dyana rose a brow. What the hell was this all about? Dyana has never known Yuuma to be the emotional type. She and Yuuma used to live together in the celestial plane before they came down to the temple and she always thought that Yuuma was very stoic and emotionless most of the time. The only time that she saw Yuuma show emotions was when she was talking with Han! That is why Dyana was so shocked the first time when she saw Yuuma and Han together for the first time. Dyana didn’t know that Yuuma could even smile until she saw her smiling at Han!

But this is too much! Is Yuuma not too emotional right now?

Dyana immediately thought about teasing Yuuma about going soft, but she knew that it would backfire and it could ruin her friendship with Yuuma, so instead, she grabbed a seat and sat opposite Yuuma.

“What’s wrong? I don’t think you’re the sort of person to suddenly ask such a silly question out of the blue. If it’s something that you can talk to me about, then tell me. I’ll gladly hear you out.”

Dyana said this with a serious expression on her face and Yuuma stared at her for a while. Dyana could tell that Yuuma was looking for something in Dyana’s expression. Yuuma is probably wondering if she can trust me or not. Dyana sighed internally. This is just too much stress.

Dyana actually felt a little angry at Yuuma right now. Dyana always thought that she and Yuuma were close enough to talk about their problems with each other. They shared a lot of things together and Dyana thought that they were close friends! They’re both Celestials and they even share the same man!

But it seems that Dyana was the only one that thought they were close at all. It’s obvious that Yuuma doesn’t trust her enough for this. She started to stand up while talking.

“If you don’t want to talk to me, then should I call Rin? I know you’re closer to Rin and Rina -“

“No. Please sit down.”

Dyana was suddenly cut off by Yuuma and Dyana turned back to see Yuuma with a pained expression on her face. Yuuma didn’t mean to hurt Dyana’s feelings. She just wasn’t used to all this emotional stuff.

Yuuma sighed to the side and then she spoke gently.

“I’m sorry for acting like this, I’m just not used to talking to people about these things. I usually just lay it all on Han whenever we drink together and he would always have a way to ease my mind, but nowadays I just don’t have that liberty since he’s so busy. It’s not that I don’t trust you, I just feel like it’s something special between me and Han. But it’s stupid to think like that. I’ll tell you.. so will you listen to me?”

Dyana smiled. She was glad that she was wrong about her assumption. It wasn’t that Yuuma didn’t trust her. Yuuma just wasn’t used to talking about this with others. Dyana understood because Yuuma has been hiding alone for a very long time. She was already bad enough when she was in the celestial plane, she must have become very introverted when she was on the run.

Dyana sat back down and nodded to tell Yuuma that she would listen.

Yuuma started to talk and Dyana listened to everything that her fellow wife had to say silently. It was the first time that Dyana would stay silent for so long and Yuuma was a little surprised by how mature Dyana was about all of this.

By the time Yuuma finished explaining everything to Dyana, it was almost an hour and the food had gone cold. Dyana sighed in tiredness and leaned back. What the hell is wrong with this idiot?

“Is that all of it?”

Dyana asked this and Yuuma nodded slowly. Dyana then took the food from the inside and activated a heating skill that Han showed her a long time ago. The food got reheated and she opened it and passed one of the plates to Yuuma. Yuuma wasn’t even surprised that Dyana also brought a plate for herself. She would’ve been shocked if Yuuma didn’t bring food for herself as well since Dyana was such a glutton! Dyana probably snuck the food out of the house because I know Rina would be angry if she saw Dyana bringing food for herself. Rina is already complaining that Dyana eats too much!

But why was Dyana not saying anything about what I said? Yuuma thought this as she collected the food from Dyana and just before Yuuma could ask the question out loud, Dyana finally spoke up.

“Don’t you think it’s silly to feel that way about something so obvious? Listen here. I don’t know what you think about Han, but don’t you dare simplify him like that. You’re not the only one that loves that man, and making his resolve so simple is insulting to all of us that love him!”

Yuuma nodded slowly as her eyes widened in shock! She has never heard Dyana scold her like that!

Dyana took a moment to think and organize her thoughts before speaking calmly.

“Do you want to know how I met Han? I used to live down on the lower floors and get free food every day. It was a pretty good deal and my life was perfect, or at least it was till Han came around. He barged into my life and suddenly made everything crazy. He broke the sword that took me a hundred years to forge and he demanded a reward from me for passing my test even though he didn’t pass it at all! But… Even though he was very annoying, I could already tell back then that he is not the sort of person that you can trap in one place. He had a resolve in his eyes that terrified me and he didn’t care at all that I was a Celestial. You hadn’t even met Han back then, but he already planned to erase this world from existence if he had to, just so he could be free. Don’t even think for a moment that you were the deciding factor in Han’s mission. Even if you never met Han and even though Han never made that promise to you, Han will still be doing exactly what he is doing.”

Yuuma just stared in shocked silence as she listened to Dyana. She never knew that Han met Dyana so long ago. But hold on, was the sword that Dyana spoke about not the same sword that Dyana was always boasting about back in the celestial plane!?  Dyana would always boast that she created one of the best hidden missions in the temple and no chosen will ever pass it!

Yuuma suddenly put her hand to her mouth and started to laugh and Dyana suddenly blushed in anger and asked her why the hell she was laughing! Yuuma waved Dyana’s anger away and just shook her head. Dyana grew even angrier but Yuuma ignored the anger.

Yuuma smiled and relaxed as she finally felt herself calming down. Dyana was right. She shouldn’t be so stressed about things that were never in her control.

“Thank you, Dyana. That really helped me calm down,”

Dyana was still wondering why Yuuma was laughing, but she decided to just let it go and eat. Yuuma spoke up again while picking her food up.

“But did you ever think that we would both fall for the same man? I would have never imagined things would end up like this.”

Dyana grinned and tossed her hair to the side flamboyantly.

“Well, we’re both very similar you know. Beautiful and strong! That’s the sort of woman that Han loves. Han just couldn’t keep his hands off me after he saw me for the first time! I’m sure he already loved me even when he first met me….”

Dyana just went on and on like that and Yuuma scoffed as she started to eat her food. She wasn’t even interested in what Dyana was saying anymore! She thought that Dyana was finally starting to grow up, but it was obvious that Dyana would never change!

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