Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 101

The first thing Han did the next day was going for a meeting with Hou Ren. The Ren Corp building was a large skyscraper that towered over every other building in its vicinity. It was at least twice the size of HR investments. Han parked his yellow Lamborghini in front of it and walked into the building.

The receptionist there almost choked on the coffee she was drinking once she saw him! Was this not the man that Cipher told her not to allow inside no matter what!?

“Uh… Excuse me, sir? How can I help you?”

Han looked at the woman with a smile and the woman could feel blood rising to her face. He was very handsome!

Han decided that he wouldn’t come here today with Rin Woo because he didn’t want her slowing him down. He received a message from her yesterday that she would be a bit late to work so he didn’t expect to see her for a few more hours. That was why he took the opportunity to come here now.

This wasn’t a complimentary visit. It was a declaration.

“Is Hou Ren in?”

“Uh… Y-Yes sir, but he’s in a meeting!”

Oh my god! Why did she say yes!? She should have just said no! The receptionist gave Han a plastic smile and Han immediately knew that this woman was lying!

Oh, so you were told not to let me in? How interesting.

[Hypnotic Aura] has been activated.

The receptionist’s eyes glazed over!

“Can you please tell me the office of your CEO? I’m in a hurry”

“Yes, of course, ~ Just take the elevator and go up to the twentieth floor. The receptionist there will be waiting to receive you~”

Han gave the receptionist one last smile and then walked away. These people were too easy.

Hou Ren was inside the shower of his office when he heard the door open and close. Was that Cipher? He remembers telling everyone that he didn’t want to be disturbed for the next hour. What was the point of having a shower in your office if you never used it?

Hou Ren turned off the tap and stepped out of the shower while tying a towel around his waist.

“Cipher, you better have a good reason for -”

The words died in his throat when he looked up to see someone else standing in front of his window with his back turned to him. This person was not Cipher. What was this man doing in his office!?

Did that stupid receptionist want to lose her life!? How did she just allow anyone inside?

“You! Who do you think you are!? How dare you just enter my office without permission!? If you want to forfeit your life then you have come to the right place!”

The man hummed and then turned around slowly. Hou Ren’s eyes widened. Han Luo!?

“Your office is much larger than I thought it would be. I can’t believe this entire floor is just your office. Aren’t you wasting space by using all of it?”

Hou Ren clicked his tongue and then began walking to the side of the room. There was a changing screen positioned there and he moved behind it to change while talking.

“I don’t remember having an appointment with you today. Are you now breaking and entering? I know you are now one of the billionaires in City C, but you still act like an average person”

Han couldn’t help but smile. Was that true? Han was now so far from the normalcy of the world that things like this were nothing to him. So what if I came into your office without permission?!

“Well, I just thought I should come to visit you after last week. It was a surprise when I saw that you wanted to poach my company. I thought we were closer than that. Hou Ren”

Hou Ren arranged the necktie of his suit and smoothened his jacket before subtly taking a gun from the inside of the screen and putting it inside his jacket. He would have to be prepared, just in case.

He came out from behind the screen and moved to his table to sit down. Han was still standing at his window and watching him move! It was very unnerving, to be honest! Han’s eyes were not angry or even threatening like Hou Ren thought they would be. Han was just calm! Too calm!

What kind of man was Han Luo really?

“So what do you want to do now? Do you want to shout at me because I wanted to take your company? You know more than anyone else that this world is dependent on power alone, Han Luo. With power, you can do whatever you want. Isn’t that exactly what you did to AeroDynamicity, my former child company?”

Han chuckled. So Hou Ren was trying to remind him of his own poaching so that he would be able to make this situation seem small. It was a good move because any normal man would think that they were also at fault for what they did before.

But Han knew the truth! Hou Ren didn’t give a shit about AeroDynamicity. The only reason he even had that company in the first place was that it belonged to his son. So Hou Ren just tried to poach him because he didn’t like Han. Nothing else.

Han wasn’t going to make Hou Ren get out of things that easily. He still had a few tricks up his sleeve.

“Well, I suppose you’re right. I took your company from you so you tried to take my own company. That should make us even right?”

Hou Ren rose a brow. Well, if Han was going to be so easy then who was he to deny him? Yes, this should make them even.

“But you’re forgetting one thing, Hou Ren.”

Han leaned down on Hou Ren’s table and spoke right in his face.

“I’m not the kind of man that forgives easily. I already told you before that you should not try to cross me, and now you went and did exactly that! I’m going to destroy you, Ren”

Hou Ren clenched his fists! Who did this Han think he was talking to!? you’ll destroy me!? I fucking made this city into what it is! I can destroy you in a heartbeat and a phone call!!

“You don’t want to threaten me, boy. I was already a part of this world before you were even born. Don’t think that I will take this lying down!”

Hou Ren glared up at Han and Han smiled down at him.

Han already said what he wanted to say, so there was no reason for him to stay here anymore. He arranged his suit properly and gave the angry Hou Ren a wave before he turned and walked out of the office. It was strange to do a thing like this now because for some reason, Han was less than satisfied by all this.

He was getting his revenge, yes, but it felt strange to him. Like he was holding himself back all the time.

Was it because of how much power he now has? He didn’t think that it was fun to deal with people that he could squash like bugs under his finger. If he really wanted to, he could just kill Hou Ren and no one would ever know about it. Why was he even bothering to go this far to threaten the man? Why should he have to deal with people who were not worth the dirt under his shoes?

NO! No! No. Han stopped himself before that train of thought could go any further. This was the exact reason why many of the villains he saw in his sister’s animes became the way they were. They thought they were better than everyone one day, and then boom! The next day they’re killing babies with a smile on their faces!

Han would not become like some second-rate villain! He was better than that!

But he still couldn’t deny that this world was no longer looking very pleasing to him. Han was in the elevator going down and he stretched his hand out and scratched it against the metal door of the elevator. The part under his hand started to peel like he was tearing paper under his fingers.

Han scoffed. He was a nuclear bomb living in a world of paper!

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