Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 106

Rina chuckled and picked the girl up. What a cutie! She was so sweet!

“Yes, and I brought you many dresses! Do you want to try them on!? I’m sure you will love them!”

The girl cheered and then struggled to get back down before running into their room again? Once she was gone, Rina looked at Lily who was standing with a shocked expression on her face. What was wrong with her? Did she see a ghost?


Lily jolted once she heard her name and she looked at Rina. Ah, Rina. I think you just saved my life! That girl is a monster!

“W-Who is that? I haven’t seen her before”

Rina’s mouth formed into an ooh expression. She totally forgot to introduce them! Now the girl was too excited to stay in one place and she would have to wait till later to do the introduction! Well, she could just tell Lily who the girl was and then they would greet each other later.

“That’s the new girl my brother brought home. For some reason, she keeps calling him Father”

Lily’s heart did a backflip! Father!? Did Han have a child outside!?

Rina saw the expression on Lily’s face and she understood. She also thought Han had a child out of wedlock when she first saw the girl, the resemblance was also making her think he was her real father. But Han assured her that he was still not that careless!

“Don’t worry Lily, Han just adopted her, you don’t need to worry!”

Rina expected to see relief on Lily’s face. She knew that Lily loved her brother and she was also a little jealous of that fact, but what she saw instead was a complicated expression that she couldn’t even begin to decipher.

Lily’s expression fell somewhere in the range from confusion to total fear! Lily trusted her instincts. And her instincts were screaming at her that if she was to fight with that small girl, she would lose horribly! What kind of girl did Han pick up this time!? He just didn’t know how to meet normal people!!

Well, she was also not normal, so she couldn’t say she was an exception! But that just made it worse!

Lily moved to her room silently and waited for Han to come back. She needed to lie down.

No! She was not hiding from that girl! Shut up!


The next day, Ariel sat inside the cafe with a cup of coffee in her hand. This was the second day since she started waiting for Rin Woo to show up and she still hasn’t met the woman! The manager of the cafe promised her that she left a message on Rin Woo’s message device at home for Rin Woo to meet her here today. There was still no sign of the woman and Ariel was getting angry!

She didn’t like to waste time!

A man walked up from behind Ariel and sat down on the seat opposite her. She turned her eye to look at him with the most condescending look the man had ever seen before. What did this thing want from her?

“Hey. Beautiful women like you shouldn’t seat alone here. Would you mind if I joined you?”

You already joined me and you’re still asking? Do you not have a brain? Ariel sighed and turned away from him without saying anything. She would not even give people like this any face. They did not know what kind of world they lived in. They were nothing but fodder in a world filled with monsters!

Ariel has already grown tired of the way the world works. She was just like Han in the way he thought this world was filled with nothing but paper, but in her case, she already gave up trying to interact with people. What good would it do her? It wasn’t like any of them could keep up with her even if she gave them a chance. They were so weak.

The man saw her turn away and he felt embarrassed! His friends on the other table behind Ariel started to snicker and he glared at them to shut up. They dared him to come to talk to her and they were not even trying to cheer for him! What horrible friends!

“I can really show you a good time. Let’s at least have some coffee together!”

“Leave right now unless you want me to burn you to ash. I don’t have the patience to deal with you and your friends dare”

The man was shocked that Ariel knew about the dare. Did she hear them!? But they were three seats away! How did she hear them!? And what was she saying about burning him? Was she one of those kinky types?

Ariel’s heightened senses already caught the entire conversation that the man had before coming here. So he thought he could woo her and have sex with her before even three days? What a stupid bet. This was why Ariel’s hated this world now. Gaining more power allowed her to see people for what they truly were and she has never been more disgusted by humanity than she was at this moment.

People would never change. This man was lucky that she didn’t burn him the second he walked up to her.

“Uhm, sorry about that. My friends were just a bit too forceful with it and I felt pressured to come. I actually think you’re really beautiful and I won’t mind taking you out to dinner.”

Ariel didn’t answer the man this time, instead, a flame suddenly burst to life on his seat and he yelped as he jumped off it. What happened all of a sudden!? The waiter ran up to the man and tried to help him put out the fire and some of his friends also ran in from their table to help.

Ariel just remained in her seat and drank calmly from the coffee in her hand. She really hoped that woman showed up soon!


Han entered his office building that morning with happy energy around him. He managed to finish training his flight skill to the point where he could move around freely now! He almost thought of flying to work that day but he didn’t want to startle the people around, so he drove instead.

He still hadn’t gotten any texts from Rin since the last one yesterday. He thought she would have called him by now to talk about what happened, but it seemed she was still angry at him. He was dreading meeting her today.

And it was also strange that Lily had suddenly become very attached to him. It was like Lily didn’t want him out of her sight for even a second anymore! He even had to stop her from trying to enter the bathroom with him! What happened to her that she suddenly became like this? She was never this clingy before.

Maybe it was because he hung out less with her now that Rin Woo was here? Han knew that Lily likes him more than any normal person should. Her feelings for him were more… Intense than most others. Was Lily jealous?

Han sighed as he decided he would deal with this later. He couldn’t deny that he has been ignoring Lily for a while now, maybe he would take her on a date tonight? For now, he needed to try getting even more money!

But first, time to meet Rin Woo, Han tried to steel himself because that woman would probably ignore him and glare at him all day with how angry she probably was!

“Good morning boss!”

“Good morning boss! Have a good day!”

“Good morning boss!”

“Hello, Boss!!”

A lot of people greeted Han respectfully as he passed them by. He waved to a few of them as he passed them and some of the women blushed at him while trying to get his attention. They could never get close before because he was always so busy, but he looked really calm today! Maybe they could get some face with him before he became busy again!?

Han moved swiftly towards his office before the girls could make their move and he entered to see a man arranging his table for him. He rose a brow curiously. Was this not what Rin Woo was supposed to be doing?


The man straightened up and greeted Han once he entered and Han waved the man’s greeting away. He was more curious why the man was even here at all.

“Why are you the one handling this? Is it not meant to be my secretary? Where is Rin Woo?”

The man seemed to stutter for a bit before he found his tongue and answered Han.

“S-She didn’t come into work today sir! I-I just thought I should help her get things ready!”

Han hummed as he moved towards his table and put his coat down on his chair. So Rin didn’t come to work. Why would she miss work without informing him? She was not the sort of person to do something like that! Was something wrong? Was she sick?

“Have you called her house yet? Make sure she is not sick and come tell me what she says immediately”

Han said this while rolling up his sleeves and getting ready to work. He watched the nervous man leave his office quickly and he sighed. This was why he didn’t want anyone else as his secretary. Rin was very professional and she never mixed personal and work relations. He was already noticing her absence.

A few minutes later, the man came back and knocked on the door to Han’s office. He came in after Han permitted him and told Han that no one answered the phone at Rin’s apartment. All the calls went to voicemail.

Han’s brows furrowed as he heard this. He was now getting worried. There was no reason for Rin not to answer her phone. Even when she is sick, she would still leave a small message to tell him! There was definitely something wrong!

Han quickly got up from his seat – startling the man in the process! – before he began moving out of the office.

“S-Sir! Where are you going!? Should I call the driver for you!?”

“No need. Close my office and make sure all my appointments are moved to tomorrow. I need to handle something!”

Han left the office once he said this. He needed to find out what happened to Rin Woo.

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