Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 111

“I can freeze her feet and make sure she doesn’t move around freely. If you can hit her enough times I’m sure we can win”

Rin narrowed her eyes and nodded.

Lily said this to Rin after seeing what she could do. Lily didn’t even want to understand why Rin could suddenly fight back now. All she knew was that the punch Rin gave to Ariel hurt her. If Rin could dish out a few more of those then they would definitely be able to win!

Rin tore off the arms of the office shirt she was wearing. They were restricting her. She had on trousers and she almost contemplated tearing those off as well, but she didn’t have time to do so because Ariel suddenly charged them with an angry yell.

Rin pushed Lily to one side and Lily slid to a stop while freezing the ground as she went. She slammed her hand on the floor and the spot where Ariel was to step on suddenly froze solid! Ariel stepped on it and almost slid off her feet. This split-second mistake gave Rin the chance to slam her fist into Ariel’s face with all her strength. The woman flew back and slammed into the wall on the other side of the room! Rin ran forward and tried to catch her off guard again, but she still wasn’t used to the strength and she overstepped again!

Ariel used this opportunity to try and kick Rin, but her foot was suddenly frozen in ice again! Lily grinned. Now that she wasn’t under stress with trying to fight, she had more control over her powers! Nothing would get past her!

Ariel grunted as a punch landed in her stomach and Rin kicked her one last time before stepping back. Ariel’s feet began to smoke and the ice around it thawed. She bolted forward faster than Rin could keep up with and her hand blurred forward!


A wall of ice!? Really!? Come on!!!

A wall of ice – courtesy of Lily blocked the punch!

Lily was pushing her abilities to the very extreme. She saw that Rin was readying a punch on the other side of the wall and she released the ice at the exact moment that Rin would swing forward. Rin punched with all the strength in her body and since Ariel wasn’t expecting it, the punch flew through the ice and slammed right into her jaw.

Slam! Crack!

That punch dislocated Ariel’s jaw and the woman fell back in stunned silence. That one was stronger than all the others. Was this woman getting stronger during their fight? No… Ariel refused to believe it! There was no way a human would defeat her!

She grabbed onto her jaw and realigned it with a crack as her aura flared to life!!


The entire building suddenly heated up to extreme levels as Ariel began to stand up while massaging her face. She has been going too easy on them all this while. To think that she almost lost because she didn’t want to give them any permanent damages.

Lily tried to bring up ice again but the heat in the room made the ice melt before it could even form. She saw Rin moving away from Ariel as quickly as possible as a column of fire suddenly encased the woman.

Ariel was not playing around anymore!!!



An explosion echoed across City C!!!!

Han was hovering over the top of the highest building in City C and looking around with his [Eyes of Horos] activated. He could see the entire city from up here, but it was a bit tricky for him to find one person among all of them. There were hundreds of people around!

The only other way Han could look for Rin was to go around by himself and try to see if anyone had seen her, but Han wasn’t going to be an idiot, it was obvious that this was the fastest way. He looked towards the eastern side of the city and narrowed his eyes as he saw a car parked in front of a building that seemed broken down and unused. Was that not the car Lily has been driving? He thought she had just gone to the supermarket. What was Lily’s car doing there?

In fact, what has Lily been doing over the past few days? Han knew that Lily was hardly ever home these days. She would stick to him like glue and then disappear like a phantom for the next few hours.

An idea was already forming in Han’s mind. A crazy idea. If it turned out to be true then Lily would have a lot to answer for!!

Han turned towards the uncompleted building and was about to shoot off towards it, but before he could do so an explosion rang out across the city!!


Han’s eyes widened as the uncompleted building blew up!!!

The building was completely incinerated. Not even the floors managed to survive against the wave of fire that Ariel sent out across the room. The floors were black and charred, the walls were broken and torn. The roof was just gone, missing, extinct!

But that was not what surprised the two women the most. They were able to jump out of the building before Ariel blew it up and they survived the explosion, what surprised them was the fact that Ariel could fly!!!

Rina moved a little in front of Lily as she saw Ariel glaring down at them. She didn’t know what Ariel would do now that she had the upper hand again. Ariel looked like she got even stronger. Even the bruises she had before were nowhere to be found!

Ariel, meanwhile, was fuming in anger! She tried to be civil with them! All she wanted was to take Rin and Lily back to city A. She would not have hurt them more than she needed to, but now they just went and pissed her off!

“I’m going to kill you!”

Ariel said this while glaring at Lily and Lily felt a chill run down her spine. The way Ariel said it was like a declaration. Ariel was no longer going to be holding back.

Name – Ariel

Level – 30

Strength – 50

Stamina – 62

Agility – 35

Intelligence – 32

Skills – [Aura of Flames – 80] [Flight – 100]

Rin moved between the two again and glared right back at Ariel. She could see that Lily would not even be able to put up a small fight in the state she was in. It wouldn’t even be a fight, it would be a beating!

“You’re going to have to go through me first – URK!!!!!!”


Lily shouted in shock as Rin Woo suddenly flew away from her! She didn’t even see Ariel’s move! The woman just disappeared and appeared in front of them in a burst of speed!

Rin slammed into the wall behind them and disappeared into the house.

Lily tried to bring up another wall of ice, but Rin swung her arm, and an arc of fire tore through the ice and almost tore Lily’s hand off! Lily had to jump back before the fire cut through her as well and she held onto her hand with a grimace. She was no longer at full strength. She had to find a way to escape!

This woman was too strong! It was obvious that she has been hiding her power all this time!! Lily took a look to the side and saw Rin Woo was trying to get to her feet. Could they form some sort of plan to get out of here? If Lily was honest with herself, she knew that the both of them couldn’t get out together. Ariel wouldn’t let them escape.

The only way was for one of them to hold Ariel back while the other person ran away. But who?

Han would be sad if Rin dies.

This was the only thought that flashed through Lily’s mind. It was not even a thought about her own feelings, but rather, about Han. To Lily, the difference in importance was as clear as night and day.

If Rin Woo died here then Han would be sad and angry. But if she died… He wouldn’t be as sad, would he? He would probably heal faster if she was the one that died! Then another idea suddenly flashed through her mind as well. If Rin Woo dies here, then she would have more time together with Han! Yes, he would be sad for some time, but he would heal and she would be there to help him through it!

But what about Rin? Rin tried to help her even though she kidnapped her. In truth, Lily didn’t want to kill Rin. She never had the intention of killing her. But Rin didn’t know that. Rin still helped her even though she treated her like a prisoner.

Lily’s confusion froze her to the spot. She didn’t know what to do in this situation. She didn’t want to die. She wanted to be with Han, even if it was at the cost of Rin Woo’s life. But she also didn’t want Rin Woo to die!!

Ariel wondered why Lily was so distracted. Did this girl fear death so much that she would freeze up in front of it? Well, it didn’t matter. She already said she would kill Lily because the only person she needed alive was Rin Woo. She would take that woman after dealing with this one.

Ariel coated her hand with fire and as she was about to hit Lily again.


Only for her to stop as the greatest fear engulfed her!!! Everybody stopped breathing as a commanding voice rang out across the area.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

[BloodLust] has been activated.

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