Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 115

In a dark room, a group of five men gathered around a round table and were having a meeting. Their presence was not something humanity was aware of. It can be said that they were phantoms moving in the shadows. Their body did not exist in this plane of existence, so all that could be seen was a white light representing each man.

The man at the head of the table looked bulky and had a big build. When he spoke, his voice reverberated with a deep baritone.

“Tell me, how many times has he changed the timeline now?”

The man on his left answered.

“Four times now. He is moving faster than we anticipated for a human. In fact, he is one of the fastest of all the chosen,”

The man at the head of the table thought on this for a moment. He wasn’t used to being surprised by events that were occurring around him, but the growth of this chosen was a surprise to even him. But he was only a level thirty-five though, so it would be okay.

“I want you to send the last one to him. Tell REACH that we are extending this as a challenge? Should they win, then they would be free to take this world and do whatever they want to it. But if we win, then we will have another challenger joining the Temple of Celestials,”

The man beside him agreed and disappeared to do as he was told. Then one by one all the other white lights began to disappear as well. All except for the one at the head and one other man who was standing on the right side. He chuckled once he was alone with the man at the head.

“So you think he is ready? A human?”

“I think anybody can become strong. The creator granted every Chosen the opportunity to grow strong regardless of their race. The imperfections are usually gotten rid of before they can fester and ruin the system,”

“Hmm? I have met this human you are so sure of, and I can tell you that he is nothing like what you expect”

The man speaking was the same one that met Han in the void that one time. The one that had to stand in for the vixen because she made a mistake in giving Han information he should not know. But that one interaction he had with Han made everything he knew go down the drain.

In truth, he didn’t think that man was a level Thirty-five at all. Usually, whenever he releases his aura on someone of level eighty that person would not even be able to remain conscious. It was shocking to him when Han remained on his knees even when he experienced that aura, it already made this man suspect that there was something wrong with Han’s system.

But he wouldn’t say anything for now because he found it a little funny that a human would be that strong. He wanted to see how far this human could go! The aura he released before was a mere 5% of his power, but it was usually impossible for any human to withstand 2%!

If Han could get even stronger than this, then he would become a very interesting test subject for a scientist like him. He hoped Han would come to the celestial plane. That was where they would be able to really meet.

“Do you think this human is hiding something? Will he not be able to handle REACH on this planet?”

The man at the head of the table asked this and the scientist chuckled.

“Of course, he will be able to handle Reach. In fact, if he is not in the Temple of Celestials soon then I know there is something wrong!”

The man at the head of the table hummed in interest. He never heard this scientist speak so highly of any human before. But he would wait and see if this Han Luo was worth it. It would be some time before the next summoning happened. That was when the real test would begin.

The Temple of Celestials would tell if Han was worthy or not.


The next morning, Han walked into his office with Rin Woo trailing after him as normal. The people in the building were a bit shocked to see Rin Woo suddenly because they thought she was sick. She must have gotten better and Han must have been taking care of her. What a lucky secretary.

This was the thought on most women’s minds and they gave Rin Woo a deep glare. But Rin didn’t care about what they did because Han was working her to the very extreme today.

“I want reports on Hou Ren’s life. His business and what he eats for dinner on Saturday. I need you to put a tail on him and find out what he does on weekdays. And also get Tao Long on the phone, I need to speak with him.”

Rin Woo wrote all these things down quickly before nodding and moving to do as she was told. Han entered his office and went back to trading like he usually did. He traded for a long time and had just made over fifty million dollars when his phone rang? It was Tao Long.

[Boss!!! It’s a pleasure to hear from you boss!!]

Han groaned and put the phone away from his ear. This man was still as loud as ever.


On a dark road in City A, Tao Long stood with three men flanking him on both sides. He had on a black suit with a black fur jacket over everything and there was a cigar in his other hand. Ever since Han left him in charge of things here he has been busy cleaning out the underground and taking charge of everything. Now, his men were more than one hundred in number, and once he was finished with what he was about to do they would increase even more.

All the men there already heard stories of the dangerous person that was backing the new boss. Tao Long never revealed Han’s name to anybody, but everybody knew that if they ever went against Tao Long they would have to answer to someone very dangerous.

It was a shock to the six men behind Tao Long when Rin Woo called and he answered quickly. He was standing on that street because some of his men were inside the house on the other side. They were currently sweeping out a drug cartel that was trying to spring up from some people that didn’t know how much Tao Long hated drug dealing.

But don’t worry. They would learn their lesson very well once he was done with them!

When Tao Long saw that it was Rin Woo calling he quickly answered her enthusiastically. He and Rin Woo were on a friendly basis ever since that long trading week when they had to stay in the same building for long. They had a few conversations and Tao Long was able to quickly realize that this woman really loved his boss. It was such a shame because he also liked her before, but he didn’t stand a chance against his boss when it came to women.

Their conversation was sort and Tao Long got the information that the boss wanted to talk to him about something. Tao Long quickly ended the call with Rin Woo and called his boss. He didn’t want to keep him waiting.

“Boss! It’s a pleasure to hear from you boss!”

The men around were even more shocked when they heard their boss suddenly shout this. Was he talking to the big boss? The man that destroyed the biggest gang in the underground singlehandedly!?

From the other side of the phone, Han heard the six men muttering in the background and told Tao Long to get rid of them. He wanted to talk in private.

Tao Long frowned at the men around him.

“Get out of here and deal with the people in that building! If they’re not kneeling here by the time I’m done with this call then your heads will roll!”

The men scurried away in fright and Tao Long went back to his call.

“They’re gone, boss! What did you want to talk about?”

[I need you to find someone for me. Fourier Tan is the leader of the satellite distribution company, Connective. Find him before I reach there in a week’s time. Don’t fail me,]

Tao Long felt the urgency in his boss’s voice and a sense of pride rose in him. His boss was asking him to do another important task? This was the greatest honor he could receive!

“Of course boss! Right away!”

Han cut the phone and Tao Long yelled to the men gathering the dug dealers to hurry up. Once they brought all the dealers out of the house they arranged them in a straight line in front of Tao Long. Men on one side and women on the other. Tao Long looked over them before his eyes landed on the man he knew was the leader.

“You there, pass me your gun,”

Tao Long stretched his hand out and one of his men put a gun in his hand. Tao Long didn’t waste a single moment before aiming it right at the leader.

Bang! Bang! Bang!!

The women suddenly began to scream in fright and the men all cursed and shouted but another shot into the air made them all shut up. Tao Long didn’t have time to play around here. The message he just sent was simple. If you don’t want to end up like your boss then you better know who you follow now.

He looked at the second in command in this place, a man that was staring at him in fear, and he asked him.

“Who’s your boss?”

The man felt a drop of sweat fall down his forehead as he looked from the dead body of his former boss to Tao Long. He already heard about Tao Long in the underground and he knew that the person backing him was not small. For Tao Long to just kill this man that was a big boss before. Didn’t that mean he could kill all of them without flinching?

“Y-You… You are the boss…”

Tao Long smiled wickedly.


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