Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 118

The inside of the office was a simple room. It had mahogany floors and a large table to one side. Behind the table sat a woman with thick glasses on her face. She was the principal of the school. Miss Yun.

Miss Yun stood up once Han entered the room and Han rose a brow in mild surprise. Why was she suddenly standing?

And then she bowed and Han realized this meeting was not going to be normal.

“Mr. Han Luo. It’s a pleasure to meet you!”

Han blinked and then tried to get the woman to stand straight.

“Uh… Hello. I don’t think we’ve met before. Do I know you from somewhere?”

The woman stood up with wide eyes. She didn’t even introduce herself properly! But she was just so nervous! She couldn’t believe that one of the richest men in the city wanted to bring his daughter to her school. There were many other schools for rich people around but this man decided to bring his daughter here instead!

She can’t let him go!

“I’m sorry for not introducing myself! I’m Miss Yun, the principal of the school. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Han Luo!”

Han smiled and shook her hand. He could tell that she was nervous from how much her hands were vibrating, but it was good that she was keeping her composure. He would have already left if she didn’t.

“So you know me? I thought I wasn’t that popular among the public people”

Han said this while taking a seat and the principal shook her head. Han’s face might not be popular but she was shocked when one of the examiners ran inside her office earlier with Han’s exam paper. A 1.5 billion dollar net worth wasn’t something just anybody could boast about. She had to go confirm immediately that it was actually the original Han Luo, and once she did, she realized that she couldn’t make any mistakes that would make him leave.

He was a god in the eyes of most people!

“Yes, I know you, Mr. Han. I’m very happy that you chose my school. I’ll be sure to give your daughter the best education she can receive.”

Han smiled and then told the woman to sit down. She was making him feel bad by standing in her own office. Then Han began to ask her questions concerning the school and then things he wanted to know.


Outside the office, Yue was bored. She was seating in the place her father told her to, but she didn’t have anybody to talk to her! Why did father not just take her inside with him!? She didn’t want to stay here!

There were a few other parents in the waiting room with their children and some of the parents were whispering among themselves to see if it was a good idea to allow their children to walk up to Yue. Maybe their children could become friends with s rich man’s child. That would definitely make their status rise in society.

But every time someone tried to push their child forward Yue would turn her eyes to them and give the child a nasty glare. The glare said only one thing.

Don’t you dare!!

All the children would turn and run back to their parents before they even took two steps forward!!

But then, there would always be the exception.

“Why hello there little one… Are you alone here? Where’s your father?”

Yue turned to face the annoying woman that has been following her father for close to an hour now.

Marie left earlier to get her son from his class and came back with him to see if he and Yue could become friends.

She was sure that this child would love her if she was a bit kind to her! What child didn’t want a pretty woman as their mum!?

Yue sneered before turning her face away from Marie and looking back towards the door of the principal’s office. Father told me not to cause any problems! You better not do anything!

Marie reached out and her hand landed on Yue:s head to pet her and the chair under Yue suddenly cracked because of how hard Yue was squeezing it!

Father told me not to do anything! Father told me not to do anything!! Father told me not to do anything!

“How about you come to say hello to my son? He’s just a year older than you. I’m sure you two will be good friends!”


The sound of a girl screaming came from the other side of the hall and everyone turned to see a boy pulling in the girl’s pigtails.

“Hey! Let go! That hurts!!”

“Haha! It’s so funny looking! Why do you look like a pig with these pigtails!?”

Marie cursed under her breath! What was that boy doing!? She told him not to deal with any of these stupid children until he made friends with this girl first! Can’t he hold himself back at all?

“Let go of my daughter right now!!”

A man came forward and pushed the boy away from the girl and pulled the girl back toward him. He glared at the boy as he saw the girl was now crying.

“How dare you!”


The boy received a slap across the face and the man pointed a finger at him.

“Just wait here! Where are your parents!?”

This boy needed to learn the meaning of manners! If his parents didn’t teach it to him then he would be the one to tell his parents that they were in the wrong!

The boy held his cheek and glared at the man and the man felt anger boiling in him again! Did this idiot boy mother him.

“I said where are your parents!?”

“I’m right here,”


The man’s face turned to one side as a resounding slap echoed across the room. Marie stood with her hand stretched out and a sneer on her face. She would never tolerate anyone touching her boy. How dare this man think he could hit her child and get away with it!?

“Oh no! It’s the PTA chairman! So that was her child!?”

“This man is in trouble now! They never touched her child before! The last person that did it suddenly lost their job!”

“But he is a parent and her child was bullying his own!”

“Since when does that matter!? Only status matters in this school and this woman is at the top!”

The crowd in the room could do nothing but stare at the sight happening in front of them, not even a single person came to the aid of the man. He clenched his fists and glared at the woman. He couldn’t hit her, not without suffering the repercussions that came with hitting a woman and a member of higher society!

“If you want to discipline someone, then discipline your own child. Maybe she shouldn’t be wearing such ugly pigtails to school next time so no one would bother to pull on them,”

“How dare you! Are you not a parent too! Is this the sort of teaching you give your child!?”

Marie stepped closer to the man and stared him down, even though she was nearly a head shorter than him. It was impossible for him not to cow under that stare.

“If I want to, I can ruin you in this school and make sure your daughter never gets past the third grade in her entire life. So you better watch what you say to me,”


The man turned away from Marie as he heard his daughter scream again. That boy was pulling her hair again!? That does it! It didn’t matter if he got kicked out of the school! That boy needed to learn a lesson!!

The man began to move forward but Marie suddenly grabbed his bicep!

“Where do you think you’re going? They’re just children, let them have their fun”

“Kyaaaaa!! Papa!! It hurts!”

“Let me go”

The man pulled his arm away from Marie and was about to move to his daughter but then a scream echoed across the room

“Father said I shouldn’t do anything, but you people are all so annoying!!!!”


Han was in the middle of his meeting with the principal when his enhanced senses suddenly caught a loud crash coming from outside the door followed by riding bloodlust. The principal’s office was designed to be soundproof to ensure meetings were always private, but Han was able to hear this sound easily.

He suddenly stood up – shocking the principal – as he moved to the door and opened it in a hurry.

Han blinked in shock! The principal came out and stopped before she also blinked in shock.

Everybody in the room was sitting perfectly still. A girl was sitting in her father’s lap and crying into his chest and her father was stroking her hair to calm her down. But the thing that shocked him the most was that Marie was also sitting on a chair. There was a small red handprint on her cheek where someone must’ve slapped her and she had a few tears in her eyes.

But where is Yue!? Did that girl do something to this woman!?

Once Marie saw Han she immediately bowed on her chair! She couldn’t stand up because her ass also hurt! Her ass has never been spanked before and it was embarrassing that it was a child that did it first!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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