Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 127

“Shut up and listen to me for once! You always do this! This is the exact reason why -!”

“Why what! The reason why you abused me!?”

Fen Ren gritted his teeth and looked away from Miss Kim shamefully as she rose her hands to show him the bruises that still lingered from the one time he held her too tightly. It wasn’t his fault! They were just having a difficult time and he became too angry when she kept on talking about that Han Luo! Why would she talk about him!? Was he the one she was engaged to!?

“Kim. I’m sorry about that…”

Fen Ren tried to touch Miss Kim, but she pushed his hand away in anger. He was always apologizing and she was always forgiving him, but she couldn’t do that anymore! This man had anger issues that were going to get her killed. It wasn’t like he hit her all the time it was only that one time when he bruised her wrist that he touched her.

But Miss Kim could see the anger always simmering beneath his eyes. He was a dangerous man and there was no way she would allow herself to go anywhere with him!

“Get out! I don’t care about what you want anymore! I may have smiled at you because of my family but it will never work! We need some space and I want to have peace of mind! If not for the fact that this is a marriage between our families then I would have called it off a long time ago!!”

Miss Kim’s words drove Fen Ren to anger and he shouted!

“Why!? Why are you still being a total bitch!? I said I was sorry but you still act like this!? It is because of that Han right? You still think about him, don’t you!?”

“Yes! Yes, I do!! And so what!?”


A resounding slap sent Miss Kim straight to the ground and Fen Ren growled as he kicked her!

“Fuck you! Fuck you, you fucking whore! I don’t care anymore! Go to him for all I care!”

He stomped on her and her head bounced off the ground with a crack! Miss Kim could do nothing as he gave her a few more kicks before putting his hand to his face and growling into his hands.

Fen Ren saw what he had done and he looked away in anger! This woman was just fucking annoying! She was always doing this! If he knew that this was how it was going to be then he would have just fucked her a long time ago and left her! Now he didn’t even have time for that!

Fen Ren turned with a growl and left the house in anger as Miss Kim watched him go through blurry eyes. She could feel iron in her mouth to show that she had some internal bleeding and the blood pooling under her head told her that she had a cracked skull.

Ah, was she going to die here? Was this how things ended for her? It was very pitiful isn’t it? She didn’t even put up a good fight.

Miss Kim coughed and blood splattered on the ground around her. Her eyes were becoming heavy and she could feel herself slipping out of consciousness.

I should have spoken to Han more.

This was the last thought that Miss Kim had and she couldn’t help but laugh. To think that the last thought she would have was about that man. He really had a hold in her, didn’t he?




Miss Kim’s ears caught a scream echoing from outside her house and she forced her eyes open slowly to see someone walking in. He came to stand right in front of her and then a body dropped to the ground beside her own. Fen Ren’s glassy eyes ad horrified expression showed just how much pain he must have been in just before he died.

“You really should have spoken to me.”

Wasn’t that Han’s voice? No… No. There was no way Han could save her. He didn’t even care about her so why would he be close to her house? She must be hallucinating. So she was hearing his voice for the last time before she dies? It wasn’t a bad way to go.

A hand scooped her off the ground in a bridal hold and Miss Kim could feel herself floating into the sky. She opened her eyes again and the blurry image of a face came into view. The person looked down at her with a frown.

“You better not die on me. I hate it when you die”

What a strange man. How can you hate it when people die? How many times can one person die again? Hehe. If this was Han then he would surely say something like that. He always was a strange person.

Miss Kim couldn’t keep her eyes open anymore, and so she just fell unconscious.

Han looked down at the woman in his arms and he couldn’t stop his heart from beating hard when he saw her eyes closed. But then he heard her heartbeat and he realised that she was only unconscious. He breathed a sigh of relief as he sped up towards the hospital. It was just his luck that he managed to fly over her house at the same time he saw Fen Ren leaving. Han almost didn’t bother dropping to the ground because he was on his way to somewhere else, but once he saw the blood on Fen Ren’s shirt he could have dropped any faster!

Has this sort of thing been happening for a long time? Was this the reason why she had those bruises on her wrist from before!? Dammit!! Why didn’t Miss Kim tell him about this!? She was such a stubborn woman but even she should have realised the kind of issues this would bring for her.


Han landed in front of the hospital, much to the shock of a security guard stationed there, and hurried inside.

He shouted to a doctor and some nurses quickly came out with a stretcher for him to drop Miss Kim on. Once he was sure that she was being taken inside he stood and waited outside the door of the ICU. It wasn’t until a few minutes later when a nurse came out and told him that she would live that Han finally breathed easily again.

He couldn’t believe how terrified he was. Was he too late? Would she not survive? Those things just kept on ringing through his head constantly! It was good that she would live!

Han turned away from the nurse and she asked him where he was going.

“Aren’t you going to stay with your wife?”

Han had to register Miss Kim as his wife in the hospital before the doctor could tell him what would happen to her. It was some sort of stupid policy where only a family member could be told about the patient’s medical conditions.

Han waved back.

“Please take care of her. I have to deal with something”

The nurse couldn’t see his eyes, but she could easily tell that he was going to do something dangerous because of how hard his tone was. She nodded and then watched him leave through the doors.


Cipher drove to the area where the hangar was located and he turned off his headlight while parking to one side. He got down from his car and looked around while strapping his bag tightly around his chest.

He could count ten people down the hill from where he was. They were stationed around the perimeters of the hangar and were standing watch over everything.

Cipher opened the hood of his car and then grabbed a bag from inside. He opened it to show a sniper rifle that had been dismembered. Thirty seconds later there was a fully assembled rifle sitting on the hood of his car. Cipher screwed on the silencer and then he looked through the scope and counted in between his breaths.


Pew! Inhale.


Pew! Exhale.


Pew! Inhale.

Each bullet flew true and slammed into one of the sentries silently.. His position was in a dark place so they could see where he was shooting from and he made sure he didn’t kill anyone in a position where the other guards would be able to see.


Pew! Inhale.


Once the tenth man was down, Cipher dropped down the cliff and to the ground. He looked at his watch and cursed. It was already eight. Hou Ren would probably be waiting at the airport. He had to finish this and meet his father there quickly!

Cipher began to hurry into the base, but then his eyes caught something flying through the sky. He furrowed his brow as the figure stopped In the air and simply hovered in the sky above the hangar.

What was that? A human? No, humans couldn’t fly like that! Cipher looked at the figure through his scope and his eyes widened as he saw Han’s red eyes staring back at him. Han had a look on his face that scared Cipher more than anything ever did before!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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