Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 131

The street they were fighting on was destroyed. Houses were burnt and broken, people were screaming and running away. Tyrian didn’t care about any of them. All he had eyes for was Yue!

But why wouldn’t she just come with him? There was no way she was thinking of living with that chosen. Did she finally go crazy from all the years of being a child?

Yue couldn’t do anything other than stay in one place until Tyrian stopped sending the beam at Lily. She was using all her ropes to protect Lily because if that beam hits then Lily would die!

Suddenly the beam stopped and Yue gasped as Tyrian appeared in front of her. When did he move!?

Tyrian slammed his fist into her midsection and Yue wheezed as the air was blown right out of her! She dropped to her knees and hands as she gasped while trying to catch her breath.

Tyrian didn’t care if she was still in the form of a child. This was the sister he stayed with for years and they fought together constantly. He would punish her for daring to leave!

“I don’t think you understand me, Yue. I’m not the bad guy here. My job is to save this world, just like all of us were told. Why do you still want to go against me? Why can’t you just see that I’m the only salvation this world has!?”

Yue’s hands shook and she tightened her eyes shut as Tyrian continued to rant. Her ropes shot towards him again, but Tyrian activated his [Armament of Troy] and a bronze shield burst to life in front of him. The ropes slammed into the shield and it didn’t even make a dent.

Tyrian laughed as he tried to grab her by the hair, but he suddenly jumped away as something flew to the ground and slammed into the spot he had just been standing.



[Five minutes earlier]

Han was finishing off the last of the Ren family when he heard a great explosion echo through the city. He flew up with Hou Ren’s body still in his hand and he saw how a yellow hue shone from the side of the city where the explosion came from.

That was a fire, wasn’t it? What was happening over there? Then suddenly his eyes widened when he noticed that the fire was from the side of the city where his house was! Something was happening at his house! Han threw the body of Hou Ren to the ground to land beside his daughter and immediately took off.

He flew at great speeds, but it was still a far distance for him to travel. Han saw as the sky began to swirl and a great lightning bolt shot down and slammed into the ground! Another fire burst to life and Han cursed. This is not natural! This is definitely the work of a chosen!

But which of them had power like this!? There wasn’t anyone that could shoot lightning!

Han arrived at the site of the fire in record time and saw Tyrian standing over Yue. Rin Woo and Lily were both unconscious, and the amount of carnage here showed him just how the fight must’ve gone. Han saw red!!



That was the sound of Han flying towards the man before trying to slam him to the ground! Han’s shock was not small when Tyrian dodged the charge and flew to one side. Han looked up at the man with a glare.

“So, you came?”

Tyrian said this with a smile and Han narrowed his eyes while asking his own question.

“Who are you?”

Tyrian laughed before he looked at his status bar and his smirk widened.

“Five years from now, I’ll be waiting in this city. If you want to fight me then come here first before anywhere else.”

[Departure time – 00:00:05]

Han gritted his teeth as he also looked at his status bar and saw the time. He didn’t have the time to kill this man here, but he would kill him no matter what!

“I’ll find you! I don’t care whether it’s in the future or now! I’ll find you and I’ll fucking kill you!!”

[Departure time – 00:00:00]

[Departure time reached. Host will now be transported]


Han gasped as he came into the void again. He was breathing heavily as he looked around. Where was she!?

“You don’t seem very happy right now. Don’t tell me the strongest human is having issues. Or is it that you want to kill someone?”

Han turned around in anger as he heard the voice of that scientist once again. The man was still just a white outline of light, but he was now sitting on a platform and looking down at Han. Han flew up to him.

“I need to leave now. Send me back!”

The scientist rose a brow before he realized what was going on. So REACH already sent their champion after him? To think that they would move so soon! Well, if they were doing this much then it was almost time for this planet’s chapter to come to an end. After this jump, either Han would win, or his entire planet would die.

But Han didn’t need to know that.

“I don’t think you should go to the future with that sort of look in your eyes. You’ll scare the zombies”

The man’s tone was jovial and Han had the sudden urge to strangle him. But Han remembered just how strong this man was and he forced himself to calm down. He wouldn’t win here. Not yet.

“I said send me back. I need to deal with something first. I can come to save the world after I’m finished!”

The man rose his hand up and acted like he was thinking about it, but the entire thing just made Han angrier. After some time, the man stopped and snapped his fingers.

“Oh… No. I can’t do that, can I? After all, you’re the one that chose this”

What? Han wondered what the man was talking about. What did they mean by he chose it?

“We gave you power Han. And in exchange for that power, we only asked you to stop the world-ending events. Why would you want to go against that contract?”

Han squeezed his hands in anger.

“What are you saying? Do you think you’ll scare me? If you think you can scare me then try harder than that. You need me you piece of shit and I know there’s nothing you can do about the power you gave me. If you could do anything then you would have taken it away a long time ago! After all, you don’t like me, do you? Well, news flash. I don’t like you either and I’ll fucking kill you one of these days. It’s a promise from me! Now send me back right now!”

The man was sent into a stunned state because of how much hatred Han had in his words. He was speaking like a man that was ready to fight even a god for this!

How amusing! This man was a human right!? A human! He hadn’t seen this sort of fervor and hatred in any organism other than the Dragonborn! And even they weren’t as capable as Han.

Oh yes, Han will definitely be someone that will rile up the Temple. He could become that wild card that everyone has been waiting for all this while!

“It’s good to see that you’re so energetic, Han. But I think you need to go to the future first. You might just find what you’re looking for over there.”


Han felt that pull on his navel and he disappeared before he could say anything. Once he was gone the man sighed and stretched before snapping his finger. The Vixen that always used to tease Han in the void appeared again and she stood with her head bowed.

“I guess it’s almost time to leave him Dorea. I really am disappointed in you”

Dorea wrung her fingers together before speaking.

“I-I have a request”

The being rose a brow. So she still dared to ask for something. Even after the mistake she made before. There were things they were not supposed to tell the chosen until the time was right, and the identity of the creator was definitely one of those things. The fact that she revealed it to him so early was a grave mistake and he didn’t think she deserved to make a request at all. But he would indulge her for this one moment.

“Speak up then. What is it?”

“C-Can I be the one to speak to him when he comes back?”

The man rose a nonexistent brow. Well. Isn’t this interesting? Don’t tell me you’ve fallen for this man, Dorea. You are a celestial. You have no right to lower yourself to his level.

“And why should I agree to this request? What assurance do I have that you won’t reveal even more to him this time?”

Dorea squeezed her hand and then she decided to try her luck! There was every possibility that she was wrong, but it was her only choice!

“And what’s so bad about telling him!? I know you’re also curious about him! He could be the best in the Temple!”


The man’s aura flared and Dorea fell to her bottom in fright!

“Don’t presume to speak to me like that Dorea. The only reason you’re alive now is that I pleaded for your life. Without me, you’ll be dead!”

Dorea nodded quickly before the aura settled and then the man began to think. It was not news to any of the other celestials that he was an… Eccentric being. His greatest pleasure in life was looking at how situations changed and made people into what they were supposed to be. It was one of the better hobbies he picked up in his eternity of life.

Was that why Dorea said that? Did she know about this hobby of his and then played on it? What a clever girl! She really knew how to make a man feel happy, didn’t she?

“But very well then, Dorea. One thing. I’ll permit you to tell this chosen about one thing. I hope you don’t waste it”

And then he vanished from the void.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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