Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 152

The six of them appeared in the Temple of Celestials and Han looked around the grassy field they landed in. It was wide and the breeze blowing through it made the entire scene very calming. The clear sky and large expanse of empty land made it look so different from the city that Han couldn’t help but compare it to a more calm rural area.

Yue held on tighter to Han while looking around in awe and Han brought her down when she asked him to. He then turned back to the front and looked around again. There was a cliff in front of them and Han went forward and looked down.

Ah. There they were. Han knew that he wouldn’t be the only person here. There were several other people also looking around in awe. They must be the other chosen that were brought into the temple. These people also had one or two companions with them and Han realized that he wasn’t the only one that brought people from his world here. Although, some of them stood alone with hard expressions on their faces. Han chuckled. They were so cute when they were trying to act tough.

The other girls came to stand beside Han and looked down at the multitude below. There were about thirty people and they were all waiting for something. Han decided to go down, so he carried Miss Kim and Rin grabbed Rina as they all jumped down to the ground.

Han was a little surprised when a bright light shone in the middle of the crowd once he touched the ground. Were they waiting for him all this while? Maybe he was the last to come?

The light shone in a straight line into the sky before it spread and formed into the shape of a man. He wore a long white robe and had a white hood covering his face from view. Han couldn’t help but notice how everyone seemed to immediately quiet down once the man showed up. Some people did not look like they were happy to be here, they were the ones that were probably forced to come since they didn’t want to leave their home behind, but even they shut up once the man showed up! Han was impressed as he was thinking this was some kind of skill or something.

The man put his hand behind his back and spoke to everyone.

“Welcome to the Temple of Celestials. It is your greatest honor to have made it this far, I congratulate you! I will be brief and tell you exactly what this Temple is all about. This Temple is a gateway between the mortal world and the world of the celestials. It has a hundred floors and every floor has a challenge that must be passed to get to the next one. The chosen – you- have been allowed to pass these tests and claim a place in the celestial plane -”

Someone suddenly cut off the man with a loud shout.

“And what if we don’t want to!”

Everyone turned to see the angry-looking man. He was a rather tall figure of at least seven feet with one eye at the center of his face. The first thing that entered Han’s mind once he saw him was Cyclops. This man was a race of mythological beings called the cyclops. It was widely known to most that they were very physically gifted and their forgery skills were the best among all the races.

The man that had been talking turned towards the cyclops as the cyclops continued to shout!

“I had a good thing going where I came from and you people just took me away from my home! What gives you the right to do that!?”

Han saw how the robed man’s eyes narrowed before he spoke in a cold tone. Even Han could feel the tremor that shook across the entire field when the man spoke.

“Is that how you really feel?”

The cyclops also noticed the tremor, but he was either too angry or too stupid to tell that his life was in danger. He shouted that it was what he wanted again! And Han just said goodbye to the stupid fool.

“Very well,”

The robed man snapped his finger and what happened next was instantaneous. Every single bit of the cyclops turned to dust and his clothes immediately fell to the ground. Han’s eyes widened. This was his skill! Since when can [Erasure] work like this!? Is this what the upgraded version of the skill can do!? If it is then Han can’t wait to get there, it would be amazing to just snap your finger and completely eradicate someone from existence!

There were muted murmurs across the field and Han rolled his eyes. Did they really think anything else would happen!? You thought you would just bitch and scream for a minute and they would send you back with an apology and a hail Mary? Bullshit! These celestial were interested in only watching us fight! They gave all this power to mortals and put the chosen in this Temple so that they can entertain themselves! This means they don’t see mortals as anything but a means of entertainment and amusement, so why would they bother listening to people they only see as dogs?

Han turned back to the robed figure as it began to talk again? This time the silence in the field could have rivaled a graveyard.

“You were allowed to bring two people along with you, and although some people have disobeyed this rule, it is not within my power to be bothered by it,”

Han could see the eyes of the robed figure burn into his head and he stared back rigidly. So it seems the celestial already knows that Han killed all the people that came after him. But why didn’t they do anything? Was it because of that scientist again? Han knew that the scientist was always watching him and trying to see how far Han could go, but not knowing what that man was doing was not sitting well with Han. He would have to find out soon.

“I will only give you one piece of advice in this Temple. Power is everything and with power, you can gain everything. Do not let your lack of power be the cause of your downfall. The first floor of the temple is a safe haven where you will be given the opportunity to attune yourself with the principles of the Temple and meet other chosen. Hostility is not acceptable on this floor, although what you do out of our sight is none of our business,”

The people in the field could all tell that the being was smiling in a way. They couldn’t see his face, but they could tell! So he was saying that they shouldn’t hurt each other on the first floor, but being told not to do something doesn’t mean that they couldn’t do it. They just had to do it in a place where no one would see them and they would go scot-free.

Han saw the being look towards him again and he started to feel uneasy. He was already showing too much and he didn’t know how much they knew about him. He didn’t want all this attention before he had the opportunity to at least become strong enough to challenge a celestial! Han has been using that scientist as a bench mark all this while and he could confidently say that he was at twenty percent of the scientist’s power. But twenty percent was nothing when compared with a hundred percent. The scientist was surely not one of the strongest celestials, so if Han was only at twenty percent of one of the weaker celestials, he still had a long way to go!

There was a bright flash of light on the back of Han’s left hand and he looked down to see a Star appear there like a tattoo. The Star was completely white and Han narrowed his eyes as he tried to realise what was going on.

Gasps echoed across the room as many other people also looked at their hands and saw the Stars appear there. Yue and Lily gasped from behind Han and he turned around to see them looking down at the bronze Stars that appeared on their hands. Han rose his brow and then looked back at his white Star. What was this for?

“On your hands, you will see the Star that shows you your current level in the Temple. The Stars are known as Shields and they are either gold, silver, or bronze. The Gold Star means that you possess two skills that have surpassed level two hundred. The silver Star means you possess two skills that surpass level one fifty and the bronze Star means you possess two skills that surpass level one hundred.. If you are anywhere below these three Stars then you have no right to be here.”

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