Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 154

Han appeared with the five girls in the middle of a large room. He blinked to clear his eyes and then looked around at all of the people that were roaming about and trying to speak to all of the chosen that just appeared.

Han wasn’t too surprised by the appearance of many of them, but the girls couldn’t help but be excited. There were a lot of different races among the crowd. Some of them had horns on their head while others had different catlike ears and tails from different felines.

Cheetahs, lions, tigers, and of course cats. And there were also some of them that had only one eye at the center of their heads, like that man that spoke out of turn and got killed.

But while the girls were gushing because of the different races, Han had eyes only for the catgirls! He always wanted to see catgirls! They were like that dream of his that he just thought would never come to pass! But look here! There are tens of them!!

Rina saw where Han was looking and she narrowed her eyes at him before kicking his shin. Han looked down at her and she huffed and looked away in annoyance. Han was probably thinking something lewd about those girls, wasn’t he? She already knew he was a pervert!

Han chucked at his sister before taking another look around. Okay, so from what he could hear coming from all the people meeting the newcomers, they wanted these new arrivals to join something they called a guild. A lot of them were throwing out promises of food and shelter in exchange for joining their guilds. The guilds were like a group of chosen who came together to get through the Temple as one team.

Many of the new arrivals saw the sense in it and they decided to join. Han could understand that they probably thought it was the best strategy they could use right now. They didn’t have any money and they didn’t know anything about what this place was like. So if they joined another group, they would be able to acclimate themselves to the Temple without fear of doing something wrong.

But it was also one of the stupidest ideas Han ever heard. Why would you tie your affiliation to one group when you don’t even know anything about the Temple. Are you an idiot!?

From the corner of his eyes, Han saw the lioness from earlier leaning against a column. She was standing with her eyes closed, but Han could see her ears twitching every now and then to take in what was happening around her. There was a wide berth around her and nobody dared to go near her. Was it because she was a silver Star? Didn’t they want her to join them too? It would be much more sensible to go for the silver Star than to go for all the bronze Stars, wouldn’t it!?


That was the sound of the door leading to the hall opening loudly and Han saw everyone turn to see a man and a woman walking in proudly.

“Look it’s the Trinata guild! I knew they’d come eventually!”

“So that’s the famous Roland!? He’s so handsome! How can a man be that handsome!?”

“Even the woman with him is extremely beautiful! Isn’t she the silver Star, Senna!?”

Han managed to grab the names of the two from the mutters and mumbles passing around the room and he took in their appearance while he was at it. The male was a feline as well. He has tiger-type ears and a striped tail slooshing behind him. Han couldn’t deny that he was a very handsome man with his red hair and black eyes. He was one of those people that you would want to cast for a Star role in any movie.

The female, on the other hand, was an even more interesting person. She had a horn on the right side of her head and she looked around with a glare that could scare almost anyone away. If not for that glare, Han would have said she was a delicate flower type of girl.

The two people walked right up to the silver Star lioness leaning against the wall and she opened her eyes when she noticed that they managed to get close to her. She had been using one of her skills to ward off anyone too weak and she was a bit surprised when people managed to get close to her. She now knew that these two were not as weak as everyone else in this room.

The man extended his hand to her.

“It’s always a pleasure to meet a fellow strong feline. If it is not too much trouble, we would like to extend an invitation”

The lioness eyed them both for a minute while trying to decide if she should go with them or not. Han knew that she was probably wondering if it was worth it to go with them or if she should try her luck on her own. But at the end of the day, the need for a group to protect your back wins out against the solo act. She nodded and the three of them walked out of the room together.

Once they were gone, one of the recruiters sighed while cleaning his brow of sweat.

“Man, those big guilds always have this crazy strong presence around them. I don’t think we even have a chance to get near that woman once the big guild has their eyes on her. It’s too bad too, I would have liked to have a silver Star in my guild!”

The man looked around until his eyes landed on Han, his face bloomed into a smile and he moved nearer.

“Hello, would you like to join my guild? We have thirty bronze Stars in the guild and we promise to provide you food and shelter for the first week until you can get yourself on your feet! The benefits are numerous!”

The man wasn’t talking to just Han, but also to all the girls behind him. Han folded his hand, and this motion caused the man’s eyes to catch the white Star on Han’s palm. The man’s eyes scrunched up in confusion. What the hell? Who has a white Star in this Temple? He never saw anyone with a white Star before!

“Ah! Don’t even bother with this weakling! He doesn’t even have a colored Star! He’s so weak!”

The person that shouted this was one of the people that had been laughing in the Temple and this made everyone in the room look towards Han in shock. He saw how the man that had been speaking to him suddenly began to change his tone. He was no longer so polite since he thought he was talking to someone that was even below the bronze Star.

“Ah, well I guess you can still join us. We always need people that will look after our equipment and clean our stables when we’re away”

An indescribable amount of anger rose inside of Han once he heard this and his hand clenched into a fist. You want somebody that would clean your stables, you say? How about I make you into a horseshoe!! The entire room shook as Han activated his system.

[Laser beam] has –

A hand grabbed Han’s fist and Han looked down to see Yue looking up at him. She shook her head in the negative and Han narrowed his eyes at her before he took a deep breath. Yes, she was right. He couldn’t just get angry here. It would ruin all his plans. He looked back to the man that spoke and saw that he had already gone pale. He was the closest to Han when Han activated his system and he felt the sheer amount of power that Han was about to unleash.

Han made sure to memorize this man’s face and he turned to leave. He would kill him some other time, for now, he needed to see what this world had in store for him.

Han didn’t notice the hooded figure hiding behind a column on the other side of the room that followed him out once he began to leave.

The six of them walked out of the halls and into the steers of the first floor and they were immediately assaulted by how… Normal everything was. There were houses lined up along one side of the street, with the occasional restaurant here and there. Some food stalls were open and there was a man at one corner of the road having a gambling contest. Han looked around him and wondered if this was the dangerous Temple that he was told about.

He knew that the Celestial from before said the Temple was safe on the first floor. But it still seemed more like a medieval town compared to the Temple he envisioned.

People were just walking about and talking and laughing amongst each other. There were a lot of bronze Stars in the crowd, but Han could just make out one or two silver Stars here and there. He still hasn’t seen a single gold Star anywhere yet.

Well, it didn’t matter right now. Han knew that this world held dangers far more intense than what he faced in his former world. If the future he was going to before was a zombie apocalypse, then this world would be a monster apocalypse where humanity was forced to retreat to only one side and band together to live.. It was the closest interpretation Han could give to the current situation.

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