Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 163

Han was a bit surprised by the request.

“I thought only the creator could do that. Was he not the one that made you lose your divinity before turning your people into a power system? Go and plead with him instead”

Yuuma took a sip and a devilish glint flashed through her eyes.

“I am pleading with him. Or rather, let’s say, I’m making a bet for the future”

It took a moment for Han to figure out what she meant, but once he did, Han couldn’t help it, he laughed out loud!! This woman was really the best! She wasn’t like anyone else he had ever spoken to before! The way her mind worked was really making him think it was good that their people were destroyed. If there was an entire race of people like her then it would not be good!

“You want me to become the creator, don’t you!?”

Han let out a few more chuckles while Yuuma could only smile slightly. She gladly accepted the new glass that Han gave her as he folded his hands on the counter. She looked into his eyes.

“And? You are already on the path of destroying him. Why not go one step further and claim it for yourself. With you up there, I know my people would be safe”

Han rose a brow. Hmm? And why do you think I would stick my neck out to help your people? I didn’t even know you existed until a few months ago. If you are really in need of such a thing then you have to give me something in return first. Your king had the right idea when he gave me the extra boost to my system. What can you do?

“And what’s in it for me?”

Yuuma cleared her throat as she finished her drink and asked for another one. Han was a bit worried about her now. Was she some kind of alcoholic? That… Can’t be good for her mind? Maybe Celestials have a higher fortitude than mortals? That would explain a lot about why she hasn’t gotten alcohol poisoning yet.

But the next words that Yuuma spoke were what made him glad that he met this alcoholic Binary.

“I can help your two companions with their system”

Han looked down at her with red eyes and his [God Eyes] dared her to lie to him. He checked every single internal action her body took, and even though she was more robot than human internally. He couldn’t see any of her human parts reacting out of sync.

“You… Better not be lying to me. I don’t know what you’ve learned about me in the past few days, but I can kill you like a bug if you cross me”

Yuuma swallowed nervously but she kept the stare she had. She wouldn’t back down now. She already knew that he was strong. After following him for so long and seeing the things he did to that forest while hunting for food, she knew that the white Star he had on his hand wasn’t just for show. This man was a lion in a field of rabbits and if he had even a slight reason, he could kill everyone on this floor like it was nothing.

Han urged her on and Yuuma continued talking.

“You probably already figured out that their systems have a problem, haven’t you? Almost no one else will know this, but they are not broken. Their system is going through a lag. Something like when a system doesn’t have a proper update when necessary, it lags and then falls behind because it can no longer keep up with the necessary information it is meant to be processing”

“And what exactly can you do about it? I already figured this out before, but from what I figured, there isn’t anything you can do to change the system. Wait… Or are you planning to update it? Can you do something like that?”

Yuuma shook her head.

“No, not me. You. The only person that has the authority to update a Binaries system is the king himself, or rather the king’s system which you currently have. I know the process for updating it, so if you’ll help me with what I want, then you’ll get what you want as well”

Yuuma rose her glass to Han in a toast and Han eyed it while thinking.

Han didn’t have any reason not to accept the offer. It seemed too good to be true, but from what he could tell there wouldn’t be any downsides from him going ahead with her plan for now.

“Fine, I’ll do it. But on only one other condition”

Han took the glass away from Yuuma and smiled down at her mysteriously. Yuuma blinked and then narrowed her eyes.

“What the hell do you want?”

The next morning, Rin Woo woke up and rubbed her eyes as she walked down from the upstairs rooms. They decided that they would make the upstairs floor their main house and the downstairs would be the restaurant. She was about to get ready to start her work for today when she stopped.

The job Rin was in charge of was handling the finances and keeping tabs on their spending and income for the restaurant. It was something she was already used to since she used to be a secretary, but now there was someone else already in the records room.

“Yuuma? What are you doing here?”

Yuuma grumbled as she turned around with a frown. She saw Rin and threw a quick greeting out before going back to what she was doing. She was muttering something foul that Rin didn’t think she wanted to know the meaning of.

Yuuma was in a fairly bad mood so Rin decided it would be better to find the only other person that might know what was going on.

“Han, what is Yuuma still doing here? And what is she doing in the records room?”

Han poked his head out from where he was handling some of the new meat that Lily hunted yesterday and smiled at Rin.

“Ah, Rin. You look beautiful as ever. Did you come here straight from bed? Look at your bed hair!”

Rin blushed and quickly ran her hand through her hair multiple times! Bed hair! She never used to have bed hair!! She just woke up and she didn’t even bother to look in the mirror – Wait! This man is distracting me!!


Han chuckled and came out of the room fully while cleaning his hand with a towel. He kissed Rin deeply and her blush deepened even though her scowl was still on her face! Don’t try to distract me again!

“Okay, okay. Yuuma is our very first employee. She actually doesn’t have anywhere to go and she looks like she needs the money, so I decided it would be good to put her to work in our restaurant”

Rin hummed. She could see from how Yuuma looked yesterday that the woman probably doesn’t even have any proper clothing. She was also an alcoholic that drank close to two bottles yesterday! Yes, yes. They needed to make her pay them back for those bottles first.

Han smiled as he saw how Rin was accepting his excuse like it was the truth, but really, Han was lying! Han actually didn’t care about whether or not Yuuma had a place to stay, the woman already lived for long enough on her own and he was sure that she would survive even if he threw her out on the road right now. But Han needed her around for two reasons.

The first one was because of what she would be doing to Lily and Yue soon. Han didn’t want any chances of her messing up their system and then running away like some kind of parasite. He would hunt her down and kill her, yeah. But that would just be a hassle.

“Boss, I’m done with the records. Anything else?”

Rin Woo’s eyes widened as Yuuma walked out of the record room while yawning. She was done already!? Those records usually took the better part of two hours for Rin to completely look through! How is this woman already finished!?

Han nodded to Yuuma. This was the second reason he decided to keep this alcoholic around. When it came down to analytical reasoning and calculations, who could beat a Binary?

“Great work. You can take the next hour off, but you have to come around and help us open shop once your breaks is over”

Yuuma huffed while looking away pridefully before she walked up to rest. Something like this was nothing for someone of her status!

Han chuckled at her before he looked down at Rin and he saw her looking up at him in shock. Hey, don’t be so surprised. You can see her robot parts, you know. How is it possible that she wouldn’t be one of the best at calculations?

Han gave Rin another kiss before waving goodbye as he entered back into the meat room to continue his work.. Once he was gone, Rin looked around dejectedly. What was she supposed to be doing now?

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