Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 280

Floor twelve was the coldest floor on all the lower floors as well as the place where the Echo species took as their home. This is the same floor where Han tested Lily and made her more independent, so for Lily, this floor was always special. Yana could go to the floor easily because she has already been to a higher floor. It was easy for the three of them to reach the twelfth floor quickly. Lily told Yana that she shouldn’t be shocked if she sees anything weird. Yana asked what could possibly happen and Lily chuckled nervously while Rina giggled. Rina has been to this floor before and she still remembers how the queen of the echo always acted around Han. It was like she always wanted to get rid of him as quickly as possible! Rina didn’t know what happened between Han and Lily here because they didn’t want to tell anyone, but she knew that it made Lily a much better person than before! If only they told me then I would be able to know why this queen is so afraid of Han!

Once the three girls arrived at floor twelve they were met by many others that also wanted to clear this floor. Just like always, the people on the lower floors were still trying to climb higher by killing monsters. Yana was smiling as she looked around at the canopy of snow! It was like there was nothing but white for miles and miles! She didn’t even care about the strange looks she was getting from some of the people here. They were all shocked to see someone dressed like her but Yana was already used to the stares that she always gets as a princess. She couldn’t care anymore.

Lily smiled happily as she felt her entire body relax once she came to this floor. She couldn’t deny that this is her favorite floor out of all of them! She just feels so free here! Even her powers feel stronger because of the cold! Lily looked up as she saw the queen and her group coming from the distance. The queen was rising her chariot proudly as she looked across the entire group of people. When the queen’s eyes landed on Yana, she rose a brow in surprise. It was very rare for the queen to see anyone dressed better than her on these lower floors, but she has to admit that Yana looked beautiful in her dress!

But it wasn’t until the queen saw Lily that she almost had a heart attack! Shit! This girl again!? What are you doing here!? Lily smiled at the queen and the queen tried her hardest to smile back although it came back a little shaky.

The queen took a deep breath and made sure no one could tell she was even nervous at all. She came down from her carriage and walked toward the three women. The first person she greeted was Yana and Yana smiled while giving the queen a curtsey.

“Hello. It’s a pleasure to meet fellow royalty,”

The queen rose a brow. So this girl is a queen as well? Or maybe a princess? Wait, that isn’t what’s important right now! The queen went close to Lily and whispered very low so only the four of them could hear it.

“I-Is he here? Your husband?”

Rina couldn’t stop herself from laughing lightly and the queen glared at her! This isn’t a joke! Just answer me! Lily shook her head and the queen let out a deep sigh as she finally relaxed. Ah! Thank goodness! The queen finally stood straight again and waved to her guards to take the other people here so they can start their mission while she spoke to the girls with a smile.

“So, what can I do for you then? I don’t think you just came here to visit my castle,”

Yana spoke up quickly!

“We did! Uh… I mean, we will love to see your castle and everything!”

The queen looked toward Yana in surprise. In fact, now that she thinks about it. Who is this? I haven’t seen her before and she already seems very close to Lily. She asked Yana who she was and Yana’s eyes widened in shock! She forgot to introduce herself properly!

“My name is Yana and I’m the eighth and youngest wife of his Majesty King Han! It’s a pleasure to meet you!”

The queen stumbled back in shock!! Eighth wife!? What in the world!!? This Han is a beast! Who would take eight wives at once!? I’ve never even seen anybody take more than two wives before and this Han is taking eight of them!? What a pervert!!

Somewhere deep on the sixtieth floor, Han sneezed! Hmm? Was someone talking about him?

The queen put a hand to her head as she figured out that Rina is probably another one of Han’s wives along with Lily and Yana. She really should stop being surprised by whatever Han does. From the beginning, she already knew he wasn’t normal. If this is something else he did then she shouldn’t be surprised!

Rina finally explained to the queen that they were here for a few ice wolves and the queen nodded as she told her guard to kill three of the wolves and bring them to the castle. There was no need for the girls to go do it themselves.

She turned around and invited the girls into her carriage. I suppose I should show you my castle since you came all this way.

Yana was so excited as she moved to the carriage! She was walking calmly but it was obvious from the silly smile on her face that she was very excited. Maybe I’ll tell Han about the castle when I get back! I don’t think he has been there before right!? I’m sure it’s amazing!

The ride to the castle was quick since most of the wolves on this floor were being hunted by the other chosen. The castle came into view after only thirty minutes of riding and Yana gasped in awe when she saw it! It was a huge ice castle! The castle was nowhere as big as the castle on floor fifty-five but it was still big! The queen took the girls down and welcomed them grandly to come into her home.

The guards at the door bowed and opened the large door for them to enter. Once they entered the girls all heard the sound of quick footsteps coming towards them until they saw two small children running down the stairs leading upstairs! One was a small boy with blue skin and dark blue hair and the other one was an even smaller girl who also had blue-skinned hair, but her blue hair was tied up in a ponytail! The queen smiled and caught the two children as they ran into her arms!


The two children shouted this excitedly as the queen squeezed them tightly! They both had small horns on their heads so the queen had to hold them in a way that wouldn’t stab her face.

These were her two kids. The boy was the older one and the girl was two years younger than him. The two children looked up and smiled at their mum and she grinned back at them. She loved her kids so much!

There was a sound from behind her and the queen turned around to see Yana and Rin looking at the two children in awe!

The small girl furrowed her cute little brow at Rina and Rina squeaked in joy! This girl is so cute! Look at her cute little horn! She even has blue skin!

The boy came down from his mother’s arms and walked up to Yana. He then looked up at her with wonder! He has never seen anyone that dresses as well as his mother so Yana was the first girl he got interested in! She looked so pretty!!

“You’re really pretty!”

Yana smiled widely before she bent down and hesitantly rubbed his cheek with her palm. He was so cold! She hoped he was okay! If she ever got this cold then she would be freezing!

“Uh… My name is Yana, what’s your name?”

“I’m Trewly! Nice to meet ya!”

Yana blushed at the cuteness! He had a missing tooth and whenever he smiled it would make the missing part stand out! It was so cute! Rina was walking toward the girl that the queen was still holding and when Rina tried to touch her the girl huffed and looked away. Rina sulked and Lily laughed from behind her! You look like a child, Rina!

Once the queen introduced the three girls to the children she dropped the girl and allowed the children to greet the girls properly. The girl’s name was Slyph and when she allowed Yana to touch her Yana realized that she was just as cold as her brother! Maybe it was something special to the Echo’s?

Rina pouted from behind Yana. How come they are allowing Yana to touch them and I can’t!? It’s not fair! The queen smiled and told the kids to take the girls on a tour and Trewly grinned widely as he grabbed Yana’s hand and began dragging her into the house! He wanted to show her all his toys!

Lily watched them go with a small smile on her face. Me? Go with two excited children to look around? Yeah, no. I’d rather fight Han again!

Lily just didn’t like children.

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