Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 312

Ratte knew that none of the Celestials could go after Han. Ratte was smart as well and he could easily guess that if the celestials had permission to go after Han they definitely would have attacked and captured him already. In fact, none of this would be happening at all if they had permission to go face him! That means that something is stopping them from capturing him!

But that doesn’t make much of a difference to Paladin. Ratte then remembered Yggrain saying ‘the last time Paladin became excited about something, all the binaries in the Celestial plane died’

Ratte paused in shock as he suddenly realized something. If Paladin couldn’t go after Han, then he will definitely go for the next best thing! His family! Ratte quickly opened another channel through the shadow Hunter and prayed to whatever god he worshipped that it went through!


Ratte sighed in relief when Yana answered from the other side. This is the person that Han told Ratte to contact if there was ever a situation where Han couldn’t answer. She was one of Han’s wives, right? This is good. At least I know that Paladin hasn’t gotten to them yet! I need to warn them about him!

What do you mean I should have gone to warn them by myself!? Why!? I won’t even dare to go near Paladin if I could! And besides, I’m a double agent! If paladin catches me talking to them then my cover will be blown! I’d rather just stay here and avoid all the trouble!Â

Ratte was still as cowardly as ever!

Ratte quickly began talking to Yana about what he needed to tell her! At first, Yana was a bit suspicious of him! She didn’t know Ratte personally even if Han already told her about him! But once Ratte mentioned that a Celestial was coming for Han’s family, Yana immediately shot off the bed she has been sitting on! Yana asked Ratte if he should get through to Han and Ratte answered that Han has not been answering for a while now! It was like he just disappeared off the face of the temple! Yana quickly told Ratte to keep trying and she cut off the connection!

The first thing that Yana did was try to contact Han! She might trust Ratte a little but she doesn’t even know him so she can’t be sure that he isn’t lying to her! Yana tried and when she couldn’t get through to Han as well she shouted out for the general to come immediately! Two generals ran to her room like the devil was on their tails! When the wife of your king shouts like that then you know there is something wrong!

Yana started to power walk towards the exit of the castle and she told the generals to call as many soldiers as they could! The generals didn’t waste any time as they called the soldiers immediately!!

Yana arrived on the first floor with fifty white stars! Han took most of the soldiers with him to meet the sixth king so she didn’t have more soldiers to bring! She would have brought five hundred if she could! Yana quickly made her way to the restaurant while ignoring the faces of fear that the people around her were getting! They all wondered what these many white stars are doing here! White stars are now showing up on the lower floors way too often! I thought that this is meant to be a peaceful floor!

Once Yana got to the restaurant she let out a nervous breath before she grabbed the handle and opened it.

“Lily! Bring two more servings for table four! And stop trying to finish the meat on your own!”

Yana let out a shuttering breath to calm herself. They were fine! All of them were fine! She thought that she was too late, but all the girls were here and they were fine! Yana saw Kim scolding Lily to the side while Rina served some food to the tables near the window. Once Rina saw Yana, her face brightened up, but the happiness died down just as quickly once Rina saw the expression on Yana’s face!

Yaha looked like she ran a marathon to come here! She was breathing erratically and her hands were shaking! Rina quickly went up to her! Is there something wrong! Rina tried to get Yana inside the restaurant so that they could talk, but Yana refused! She didn’t have time for that! They were in serious trouble!

“Get all the girls and tell them to just come here. We need to leave. Now!”

Rina’s eyes widened! What? What would they need to leave so soon!? Han didn’t even tell me anything about this! Wait, did something happen to Han!? Is that why we need to leave!?

Yana could already read the panic on Rina’s face and she grabbed her by the shoulder to get her attention again!

“Rina! Nothing happens to Han! But we can’t stay here! Han is in a place where he can’t hear up through the shadow! We need to leave now!”

Rina suddenly realized that Yana wasn’t playing around at all! This was really serious! Rina quickly nodded and she quickly went to call all the girls! Before long everyone eating in the restaurant had been ushered out and the girls were all standing in the middle while talking to Yana!

Most of them wanted to know what happened to Han, but Yana couldn’t answer them! She didn’t know either! But the threat of a Celestial coming to the restaurant is too much for her to ignore! She knows that she cannot just leave her fellow wives here when a Celestial may be coming for them!

Unlike the people on the lower floors, Yana was from the upper floors! Up there everyone knew about the celestials and how strong they are! If a Celestial is coming for them, then there is nothing that they will be able to do individually, but hopefully, if they are in Han’s castle up on the fifty-third floor then they will stand a chance!

Yana quickly told the girls that they are going to leave the restaurant! The girls were still confused about what the hell was going on and Yuuma quickly asked Yana what this was all about. Yuuma was the most level-headed of everyone here and she knows that this problem is not a small one! Yana is acting like a monster is coming!

“I-I got a call from one of Han’s agents. He said that a Celestial is coming to the temple for us. His name is Paladin,”

Once Yana said that name, Yuuma’s pupils grew as small as dots! She stumbled back a step, and if not for someone catching her, she would have taken straight to the ground! She knows that man! That is the man that took her entire race to the workshop and destroyed them like they were robots! That is the head scientist of the celestials!!

“Yuuma, are you okay!? Is it your mechanical part!? Do you need something?”

Dyana was frantic as she worried over Yuuma, but Yuuma shook her head as she hardened her eyes and got herself back quickly! She immediately stood up and turned around! She couldn’t let them stay here either!

“We need to go now! Right now! Just grab anything you can grab! In fact, leave everything! We just have to go now!”

The other girls wanted to get more information about Paladin from either Yuuma or Yana but they couldn’t do that because they were in too much of a hurry! The girls all left the restaurant and they had to fly across floor one in a hurry! All the girls that couldn’t fly were carried by other girls and the fifty guards that came with Yana formed a protective circle around all of them!

They managed to make it to the portal before the guards quickly formed a protective circle around the portal and kept watching the surroundings as all the girls went in. The girls on floor one had still not completed the trials that they are meant to complete to go past floor fifty. Lily, Yue, Rin, Rina, and Kim were all chosen and so they needed to complete trials before they will be able to move from one floor to another. Floor forty had a freaking dragon in it and none of the girls were close to being strong enough to fight it!

And that is why the soldiers were there! With the soldier’s help, the trials were easily dealt with and the girls sailed through all of the floors until they got to the castle! Yana quickly ushered the girls inside and told the generals that they have to form a barrier around the castle! The general immediately called all mage class chosen that could form a protective barrier and told them to come with him! To the people there, it looked like they were about to fight a war!

The general didn’t know what is about to happen, but if the queen is this spooked by it then that means it is a serious problem!!



Han grunted out as his fist slammed against the barrier that has just been formed around him. He pulled his hand back again and he slammed it on the barrier again! Han grit his teeth as the barrier didn’t even shake! It didn’t crack after he hit it fifty times!? What the fuck is this!?


Han looked to the side and he saw Gregory standing outside the barrier. Aria and Gory were also standing outside and they had worried looks on their faces.

They learned a while ago that the barrier didn’t hold them back from going out but once they went out they couldn’t go back in! It only prevented Han from coming out! It was like the effects were reversed for Han. He couldn’t go out but it was easy for him to go in!? Han cursed as he thought this! He pulled his hands back again!


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