Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 315

Paladin couldn’t help the small laugh that came out of his mouth. Inside his head, he was already thinking of a hundred ways to kill everyone here. He clenched and unclenched his fingers. Fifty percent. That is how much of his power he had in this temple. He cannot go past this level or else the creator will find out what he is doing here. Paladin doesn’t want the creator to know what is going on here! It might be too dangerous to allow the creator to know! But, the creator only said that no one can touch Han Luo, but he never said anything about his child! I just want that child!

But even if it is only fifty percent, that doesn’t mean that this is even close to a challenge! Paladin put out his hands again and the shouting from the army increased into a defending magnitude as they all prepared for his attack! Ai, Argo, Ratte, and Quinthreath were all flying beside Gregory. Since Han was absent. Gregory was the one that would be taking charge in this battle as the right hand of the king. Gregory breathed out deeply as his eyes took on an intense look! He twirled his scythe in his hands and grit his teeth as he waited for the right moment!

Paladin was the one to break the silence!


Immediately after Paladin said this, Gregory shouted a battle cry louder than anything anyone has ever heard before!!


Pandemonium broke out in the sky above the castle!! An army of five hundred thousand chosen charged against a smaller army of a hundred thousand androids, but even with this advantage in numbers, the chosen knew that they were the ones at a disadvantage!! The androids here were Celestials! Each of them had enough power to kill a hundred white stars all on their own! But that didn’t stop the army from charging forward! If this is where they die then so be it! They were done being slaves to these people! For the first time in their lives, the chosen fight a battle for themselves!!!


On floor eighty, Han and Aria were still trying their hardest to break the barrier that was holding Han back! Han has used everything! He has tried all the skills he has! Nothing worked! HE tried to call his artifacts, but for some reason, he couldn’t summon them inside this barrier!

This barrier was designed by Paladin to be able to hold a very strong celestial in captivity! Han was strong but he was still not close to the strength of the stronger celestials!

Even Aria was growing tired! She was a king and so she also had superior strength. But it was obvious that her strength was not even close to the amount required for this! She was someone that focuses more on mental attacks when fighting, so she doesn’t have many physical-based skills. She can’t use mental attacks to break the barrier!

Han pulled his hand back and slammed it on the barrier again in anger! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What the hell is this!? Why cant this stupid barrier just break!? Han had no idea what was going on out here! He needs to know that his family was safe!!

Aria looked at him with sadness in her eyes. She could understand what he was going through. If it was her sister that was out there and she was trapped inside the barrier then she will also be angry! But there is nothing they can do. Her entire floor is already a wasteland from the number of skills that they have used to try and break the barrier and she will have to find a new place to live when this is all over. If none of the high-level skills they used could break the barrier then there is nothing they can do!!

But then all of a sudden, Han told her something that shocked her.

“There’s something I’m going to try now, but I don’t know if you can stay here for it,”

Aria looked at him with a raised brow. For some reason, she didn’t like the sound of that. Aria has been here since he was trapped and she felt like she had to see this through with him. She didn’t want him to just be trapped inside there alone! What if his plan doesn’t work? Will he just stay inside the barrier alone while thinking about what could be happening with his family?

“Aria! Just leave to the lower floors. I know you want to help me but you can’t. But you can help my family. I haven’t gotten any word from Gregory yet. That means that my family might be in danger!! Go to floor fifty-three first and make sure that they are okay, if they are not there then check floor one!!”

Han had a desperate look in his eyes as he begged her and Aria felt her resolve waver and break! She grumbled a little and Han finally saw that childish side of her that Gory was talking about before! She is really just like a child!

“Fine! I’ll go! But you can’t die, you hear me! If you die here then I’ll come to drag you out from hell and bring you back to your body! I don’t need something like that on my conscience!!”

Han grinned at her and Aria blushed angrily at his nerve before she turned and flew out of the portal! Araia decided she will have to protect his family for him since she is leaving him here like this! Her conscience won’t accept it if she just allows his family to die! She had no idea that she won’t even have the time for that!

Once she was gone, Han finally stepped away from the barrier and shook his body a little while breathing out of his nose. He knew what he was about to do was stupid. In fact, stupid will only be putting it lightly. It was madness. But Han is going to do it. He has to get out of here.

[Armament of Lightning] has been deactivated

[Body of Adamantine] has been deactivated

[Pain Nullification] has been deactivated

Just like that Han started to deactivate all his defensive skills. More and more of his skills deactivated before Han suddenly put his hand up to his chest and grit his teeth.

[Electric Railgun] has been activated


It felt like a thousand watts of electric energy were tearing into Han’s chest! Han grit his teeth as he braced his legs against the ground! Blood leaked out of his mouth but he realized that it still isn’t enough! Even with his defenses dropped, Han is still strong enough to tank this skill! Han closed his eyes as he activated another one

[Psionic Blast] has been activated




The battle happening on floor fifty-three was immense and there wasn’t a single part of the floor where there wasn’t the sound of explosions and battle! People were screaming and dying everywhere as they tried their best to hold back the android that came to attack the castle! Even inside the castle, some of the soldiers that were stationed there were fighting three androids that managed to make their way inside! The androids were stronger than any white star and only a black star could handle them, but the generals were already close to being black stars and so five of the generals could take on an Android if they really tried their best!

A general ran straight for an Android with his sword and slashed at it! The android stopped the sword with one of its hands and kicked the man back! An arrow flew through the air and slammed into the eye of the android courtesy of another general! The swordsman general grabbed his sword back and tried to take another slash at the android, but the android only put its hand down and shot a blast straight through the general’s leg! The general grunted as he lost his leg and his eyes widened when he saw the android aiming for his face! He was going to die here! Shit! If he is going to die then he will at least give his team a chance to live!

The man changed the slash into a throw and he threw his sword right into the other eye of the android to blind it! This didn’t stop the android at all as the android shot him right in the face and destroyed his head!

The archer general screamed as she shot another arrow right at the android! The android was blind now so there is nothing that can save it! But she was shocked when the android dodged the attack and aimed its gun at her face as well!!

She doesn’t know how much she underestimated the android! She had no idea that it also had infrared and echolocation! Nothing can destroy this android!

The woman cursed.



The android destroyed her completely with his cannon before he put his hand up and took out the arrow and sword that were in its head. Once the weapons were removed, it suddenly began to reform its eyes until it was brand new! As if it never even suffered any injury at all!

Paladin was a genius that has been experimenting on people and organisms for years. Do you think he will bring a weak army to this Temple? His army was capable of self-regeneration. Complete infrared, echolocation, and even Self Destruction when it is in a situation that is too unfavorable! There isn’t anything that a white star can do to the android that can kill it!

The android started to walk deeper into the castle. Its job was to find the wives of king Han and kill all of them other than the pregnant one. The pregnant wife is to be taken away and brought to Paladin unharmed. That is its mission and nothing is going to stand in its way.

The android used its infrared feature to look around the entire castle. It looked for any room where there were multiple women waiting and it finally found one on the western side of the castle! It walked down the hallway and finally got to the room where it saw the heat signature! It put its hand on the lock and broke it before opening the door!

Only for a cannon to be positioned right in its face courtesy of Yuuma!! Yuuma’s hand had transformed into a cannon and she had a pained expression on her face as she stared at the android that she was about to kill. She could recognize this man as one of the former Binaries.

She knew that this was no longer her people, but it still hurt her to see them like this! The androids that Paladin used to make his army were all once Binaries. After taking out their system, the Binaries became empty husks that Paladin could program in any way he wanted! The man Yuuma was looking at didn’t even recognize her! He was already a dead man walking.

Yuuma clicked her cannon and she said a small apology before a giant blast of blue plasma destroyed everything in the hallway!!!


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