Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 317

Ai quickly nodded to Ratte and the two of them blasted off to finish eh job that Gregory started! But paladin was no longer smiling!



Ratte and Ai suddenly slammed into a forcefield as Paladin said this! They stopped dead in their tracks as they saw that Paladin was not even looking at them! The forcefield that he erected was pure white and it surrounded him on every side like a sphere! Paladin looked down at his arm in anger! There were some mechanical parts sparking inside the arm and he was annoyed!

He made this body to be able to withstand fifty percent of his full power but now he is going to have to make repairs to it. His real body couldn’t come with him from the Celestial plane so this is the body that he was able to come here with. How dare these mere mortals touch his body!?

“I’ve been giving you all a free pass because you are like children to me. But I don’t think I am going to do that anymore. I haven’t used the full extent of my abilities, have I? Let me show you what a Celestial can do”


The entire battlefield suddenly grew quiet before a massive sonic wave blew over every single person there! Paladin’s entire right hand grew back in a minute and he then clapped once before smiling. Ratte wondered what exactly the man was doing. Is he trying to lure them in? No. Paladin isn’t an idiot. He wouldn’t just smile like that without a reason? He just did something!

“I can’t use it! Why won’t it activate!?”

“Dammit! My skills!”

“What!? The skill is no longer activating!!”

Things like this suddenly started to echo around the entire battlefield and the sounds of chosen being thrown around and beaten by the androids that was becoming louder! Ratte quickly put his hand out and called his sword again, but nothing happened! He tried to transport himself out of this floor using his journeyman skill! But nothing happened! What the hell is this!? I can’t use my skills!? Is this some sort of joke!?

“I call it an SDP. A System Disruptive Pulse. It’s very hard to create but it was worth every second of work. None of you on this floor can use any offensive skills for the next ten minutes. I will assure you right now that it will be the most agonizing ten minutes of your life. Do whatever you want, but none of you will leave this floor alive,”

The despair that showed of the faces of all the chosen was like ecstasy to Paladin! Knowing that he was the cause of their despair and heartache! Ugh! This is the best feeling in the world! If only he could stay in this moment for eternity!

Quinthreath looked at his rings and he saw that they were inactive. Even his artifacts weren’t working! But he could still fly? Maybe it is because it isn’t an offensive skill!? Only offensive skills were shut off! Wait, then that means that his defensive skills will still be working!

“Everyone! Set up your defense and try to hold on for the next ten minutes! Mages! Activate every single defensive artifact you have to protect the spearmen and the swordsmen! Now!”

Quinthreath shouted this out to the different people there and everyone immediately obeyed and they rushed to protect themselves. Quinthreath wanted the mages to protect the spearman and swordsman because those two were the worst when it came down to defense. The Tanks and other classes could defend themselves, but those two classes were very bad at it!

Paladin watched all of them rushing to try and protect themselves and he felt like laughing! They think that this mere defense will be enough to save them! Mortals are always so funny!

Paladin put up his hand and all the androids did the same thing! Their hands started to glow a dark red and it was obvious that they were charging up an intense power!

Paladin will kill everyone here and then he will go and get that woman that is holding his next test subject! They think that they can stop him!? They don’t know what it means to seek knowledge! They have no idea of the benefits of science!! They are nothing but illiterate animals!

“Everybody Run!!!!!”

The shout that suddenly echoed out to everyone was not something that any of them said! It was a new voice that came from above! They looked up to see the sixth king, Aria, flying towards them with immense speed! She wasn’t running to help them! She was running away from something!

Paladin’s eyes widened in alarm as he suddenly got shocking news! The shield that he set up to hold Han back on floor eighty was completely shattered!


The roar of a monster echoed through the entire floor as everything suddenly started to shake!

[Berzerker] has been activated!

Aria was flying towards all of the chosen with immense speed! Her face was filled with fear as she tried her best to get away from what was coming as quickly as possible! She wouldn’t believe what this thing is! There is no way that thing is Han! She left floor eighty after Han told her to go, but she was shocked when she suddenly fell something shake the temple! It seemed like Han has broken the barrier and she quickly went back to see if he did!

But once Aria saw Han, she knew that this is not the same person that she left on her floor! Han looked like a monster! His eyes were red and he was hunched over! His breaths were coming out in deep puffs and Aria could see that he had a lot of injuries on his body! Did he hurt himself!?

Han looked up at Aria and she immediately took a step back when she saw intense anger inside there! This is no mam!


[Barzerker – Increase all attributes by 100% and sacrifice 90% intelligence for five minutes]

The roar that Han gave her echoed inside her head like a battle cry and Aria didn’t waste any time as she immediately ran! She couldn’t stay here and see whether he will attack her or not! She just ran!

Aria was already on floor fifty-three and she knew that she was very fast! If she goes at her full speed then she might be able to reach the army and tell them to leave quickly! They don’t know if Han is going to only focus on the enemy when he is like this! He might actually start fighting everyone! They have to leave so that he won’t mistake an ally for the enemy!!


Only for a force to almost blow her away as something blasted past her at lightspeed! Aria immediately noticed that it was Han and she shouted out to everyone!

“Run Now!!!!!!!”

Han roared!


The entire army of chosen looked up in shock and saw the body flying towards them! The entire floor was shaking and the water down in the ocean was already turning into a tsunami!


Han ignored everyone! He only had eyes for a single one of them! He might’ve lost 90% of his mental ability but that didn’t mean he didn’t have the mental capacity to think clearly, he was able to see the person that was leading the army that attacked this place! He still knew exactly who the fuck was the enemy!

Han’s hand wrapped around Paladin’s neck at super speed and the two of them shot into the horizon together! Paladin grit his teeth angrily as he immediately realized that something was wrong! He couldn’t see any sanity in Han’s eyes! Did he do something to his mind!? It’s like he went mad!

Han pulled back his fist and brought it down on Paladin like a hammer and a great boom!! sounded across the floor! Paladin flew down and slammed into the ocean! He sunk straight under and he saw Han blast into the water as he chased him! Han grabbed Paladin again and took him even deeper down! He slammed him into the ocean floor and started to pound him over and over and over!

Outside the ocean, Quinthreath was watching the entire floor shake in shock! Han wasn’t even using any skills at all! Everything he was using now was only pure power! How did he even get this strong! It’s like Han wanted to destroy the entire floor with only power! A mage shouldn’t have this sort of strength!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

This was the sound of the entire ocean vibrating as it echoed the beating that Han was giving Paladin!

Paladin suddenly dodged a punch before he put up his hand and fired a cannon straight at Han! Han’s right hand was blown off the socket and disintegrated but Han didn’t stop at all! He used his other hand to pull Paladin back before slamming his entire body into the ocean’s floor again! Paladin let out a ‘gah!!’ in pain as he felt his back crack!!

Han grabbed the hand that had a cannon in it and put his leg on Paladin’s body before pulling! The entire arm came off the socket and Han threw the cannon to the side! Paladin quickly tried to heal himself but Han didn’t even let him do that! Han shot his hand right into Paladins chest and pulled out a blue glowing ball that was helping with the regeneration! The ball had a lot of wires embedded inside it and it was sparking at various places! Han squeezed down while ignoring the angry look on Paladin’s face and the ball burst into a million pieces!!

Paladin was pissed! This fool! Does he know how long it took for me to create that regeneration orb! Paladin had to kill and destroy ten binaries for him to be able to perfect it!

Han ignored whatever the fuck that Paladin wanted to say as he rose him up by the neck and activated the strongest explosive skill he had!

[Supernova] has been activated!!


This was the sound the ocean made when the skill activated. The entire army above suddenly saw the entire ocean shift and swell before it burst upwards into a large ball as the explosion happened! The sound of the explosion was still enough to make most of the white stars fly backward because they couldn’t withstand it! Quinthreath put his hand up to his face in shock. He will never be able to understand how he and this man are the same class! Han is on a completely different level! The entire ocean moved from just one of his skills! What the hell is he doing down there!?

It didn’t take long before they saw Han flying out of the water again? Han was holding Paladin by the neck, but Paladin was completely wrecked! His body was only a skeleton of mechanical parts and wires! His face was burnt and he was missing an arm! It was obvious who the winner was!!

The army of white stars went crazy once they saw their King win!!!


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