Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 322

Esteroth and Han clashed swords, and Esteroth pushed against Han with a wide grin! Han was gritting his teeth and he flapped his wings to give himself the advantage! Han wasn’t a swordsman, so even if he has swordsman skills, Esteroth will still be with the advantage if they are fighting with swords. Han suddenly pulled back to make Esteroth lose balance and he kicked Esteroth right in the back! Esteroth blasted off because of the kick, but he easily turned with the kick and Immediately pointed his sword at Han as he activated another skill [Sword Ray]!!!

A giant ray of light flew straight for Han and clipped his wing before he could avoid it completely! Han grimaced and flew away from the ray as it kept on following him! He flew around a planet-sized rock and the ray slammed into the rock before destroying it! Han grabbed one of the debris from the explosion. The piece was as large as a moon, but Han easily used it as a baseball that he threw at Esteroth!

Esteroth rose his hand up and managed to defend against the rock! But it released a lot of dust when it slammed into him and for a while, he couldn’t see!


But the entire space suddenly became very bright as Esteroth looked toward Han? Han had his hand up in the air and a bright light was surrounding him on every side! Han had a very intense look on his face as he immediately shouted out the name of his most destructive sword skill!

“Durand El!!!!!”

The entire space shook! Esteroth saw the ray of light coming down at him and he knew that it was moving at an intense speed! He cannot even avoid it! This is amazing! A mage creating such a brilliant sword skill! It is simply amazing!

“But did you think this would be enough to kill me!? You underestimate me, Han Luo! I know you are still not using your full power! I want to have it all! I want every single bit of it!!”

[Full body Armor] has been activated!

Esteroth suddenly had a gold material appear on his body in the shape of a full knight armor! From his head to his toe, he was covered in the gold armor! He pulled his sword back and he sent an even larger slash straight at the one coming down for him!


The two slashed collided in the middle and a large explosion resounded across the entire region! The people outside the space were holding onto their seats as they felt the explosion!! They couldn’t believe that the shock wave was affecting them over here! Aren’t those kings going to break that space if they keep on going like this!?

Esteroth’s people only started to shout even louder as they watched the intense fight between their kings! They didn’t even care if the two kings destroyed this entire floor! As long as they continue fighting!!

Han was shocked when he saw Esteroth block his Durand El! He has never had anyone block that slash before! That slash has even destroyed an entire floor on its own! This man is really not a slouch at all! He is just as strong as they all said he was!

“Is this how you dishonor me, Han Luo! I said give me everything! Use all the materials in your arsenal! I am giving you all I have and you refuse to do the same!?”

Esteroth suddenly shouted this whole spreading his hand! Han could hear the absolute anger behind those words! Esteroth really wanted Han to fight him with everything he had! Han felt something bubble in his chest and he only recognized that feeling as excitement!

He chuckled and then dropped the sword as it disappeared! Han then put his hand up and another weapon appeared in his hands! From the very beginning, Han has never been a sword man, he has always been a mage! And it is only as a mage that he will truly be at his strongest!

[Staff of Domination] has been activated!

The only time that Han used this staff was against the scientist and it was able to destroy an entire floor without even trying! That was a long time ago and Han is far stronger than he was then! If he uses this staff now, Han knows that he will not lose here!

“You better live through this, Esteroth! I respect that fighting spirit in your heart and I would love to have you in my army! But I won’t dishonor you in this fight!! If you want everything that I have, then I will give it to you!! Defend with all you have because if you don’t, then you’ll definitely die!!!”

Han put up his hand and a great gust of wind started to blow around the entire space!

[Psionic Blast] has been activated

[Worlds End] has been activated

[Overcharge] has been activated

[Strength Boost] has been activated

[Supernova] has been activated

Han activated all of these skills at once and he could feel the unrestrained power inside the staff making the entire space shake! The space was already breaking at the seams! It was strong, but there wasn’t any place that could withstand Han’s full power! If Han releases these skills, he knows that the entire space will immediately collapse! He looked to see if Esteroth already activated his defenses and he couldn’t help but laugh! Esteroth was not even defending at all!

Esteroth had his sword pulled back and his face had a look of childish excitement on it as he also activated ten of his highest attack skills at once! He would never defend himself in a situation like this! He wanted to see once and for all if there was someone stronger than him out there!! He would never let go of this opportunity to release his strongest skills against someone! Come, Han Luo! Hit me with everything that you have! It is the greatest gift you can ever give to someone like me!!

Esteroth’s sword was swirling with a rainbow of colors and the space around it was also shaking as it became distorted! The sword extended till it was almost ten times its original size and he screamed as he swung it forward!



The sword skill cut through time and space and distorted reality as it flashed forward! For a second, there was absolutely no sound in the space and everyone held their breaths!!


But then with a loud boom! Han lit up in brilliant light as all of his skills also activated!! He put his staff up and his eyes glowed a magnificent gold as a large area around him was bathed in white light from the staff!!

It was like a god declaring judgment upon mortals! The [Staff of Domination] was able to double the effects of any skill used by a mage class. Han never used this staff after he fought with the scientist because he knew that he could destroy everything in the temple if he was careless with it! But not this time! Esteroth wanted everything that he has and Han would not hold back!

Outside the space, people were stunned into silence! They couldn’t even imagine how much power was being released right now! They all knew that they would die if they were even close to any of those two! The girls were the ones who were shocked more than anyone else! They haven’t been around Han whenever he uses his power since they were always in the restaurant, and this is the first time they are seeing him use his full power! It was like watching an actual god!

Han pointed his staff toward Esteroth and the skill activated! All of the skills he activated combined and formed into a large ray of light that left no room at all for you to run away! Esteroth saw the light completely destroy the slash that he released and he laughed happily as he opened his arms wide! Yes! Finally!!!


The space crumbled like wet paper under Han’s power! Not even a single bit of it could withstand the onslaught of skills that Han released all at once! Both Han and Esteroth dropped out of the space and the people watching were stunned to see Han standing over the burnt and injured body of Esteroth! But their shock didn’t last long at all as someone immediately shouted!!!



“He won! He really won!!”

“King Han! King Han! King Han! King Han! King Han! King Han!!”

The chants from the crowd were deafening and Han looked around as everyone started to shout his name! He looked towards his girls and he smiled as he saw that they were also cheering happily! He breathed out a shuddering breath to calm himself! He finally did it! All of the kings in the temple were under his control! Han rose his staff into the air as he stood victorious over everyone!!

[The winner: King Han Luo! The King of Kings!]

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