Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 331

“Well, if you don’t have a contract of submission then there is a problem. What the hell am I doing here? Why did you allow me to come up here if you would just trap me without giving me anywhere to go?”

Han knew it would be impossible to fight the watcher without losing his body part and probably his life as well, but he could also tell that the watcher had no intention of fighting either. Were they just going to remain like this forever?

The watcher spoke up from beside Han.

“This is a test. I’m sure you already know that these highest floors are nothing like the lower ones. The three beings that you’ll meet here aren’t people that you can punch away. You will meet beings that control important aspects of the multiverse. I am one of those people. I control reality and everything in it. I’ve given my power to many people before me, like that little king Aria and your wife, Dyana. I needed them to get you here and so I gave them the power they would need to get your attention…

“I already said I’ve been watching you for a long time. And even if I couldn’t control every decision you make. I influenced them enough to lead you here. But from now on, I won’t be able to do that. I will no longer influence your choices, nor will I guide your path. From here on, I’ll test you. If you pass the test then everything I own will be yours….”

Han’s eyes widened in shock. What? Everything he owns? Does he mean his powers?

“I already said that this temple was made for you. I was put here for you and this conversation was orchestrated for you. If this was a movie, then you would be the main character with that tragic back story who’s meant to rise from the ashes and defeat all evil! Too bad this is nothing like that. Those kinds of characters are always the best.”

Han deadpanned as the watcher started to go off on a tangent and started talking about movies and some good characters! Han has never heard about any of those characters before so he was sure that they weren’t from earth! Who the hell is General Clotpole!? Han allowed the watcher to go on for a while before he finally drew the man’s attention back by clearing his throat. The watcher blinked in surprise as if he forgot that he was meant to be doing something else! He grinned apologetically before he focused again and snapped his fingers!

The entire scene of the beach changed and the watcher and Han were suddenly in a classroom. There were standing at the back of the class and Han immediately knew this place! They were in his classroom when he was still a child! Another memory!? What are they doing here? Han looked to the side and he frowned when he saw his younger self sitting to one side. He was the outcast of the class even when he was a child.

“I usually watch this memory a lot. I think this was the only time you entertained me when you weren’t a chosen,”

Han looked around him curiously as he asked a question

“Why are we here?”

“Because I want to show you something. Just watch,”

Han’s frown deepened. What the hell is the watcher talking about? Han didn’t remember much from when he was still in high school. He didn’t like to even think about it because he didn’t have many good memories from that time.

“Hey, Luo. Don’t tell me you’re still reading!? You can’t even pass the exams so why the hell are you reading? You’ll just burn a hole through your tiny brain!”


A tall boy suddenly walked up to the younger Han and shouted at him before kicking his table! The entire table toppled over and the older Han saw how his younger self grew annoyed! His younger self glared at the tall boy and the tall boy started to laugh as he pointed at the scowling Han!

“Look at him? He looks like a rat! He’s so tiny! How did this tiny guy even get into a school? They should have just left him on the road as a kid!”


The watcher released an ‘ooh’ as he saw the younger Han bolt off his seat and slam his fist into the bully’s mouth! The bully immediately tumbled back and fell to his arse.

The older Han laughed as he watched his younger self! He now remembered this memory! It was the only time he ever fought back against his bully! The bully has been picking on Han for a very long time and Han finally got annoyed enough to fight back. But the bully was obviously bigger than Han and what happened next was quite obvious. The older Han spoke up with a sigh.

“Let’s go, I don’t want to see this memory anymore,”

The watcher waved his hand and told him to hold on. Just watch. Han looked back and saw how the bullies were beating up his younger self. Han’s younger self didn’t have any way of fighting back and he was already dirty from the number of kicks they gave him! But that was when a young Rina ran into the room in shock! Once she saw what was happening, she quickly tried to help Han! She pulled back one of the bullies and tried to make them stop but the bully immediately pushed her away from him and she hit her back against the wall behind her!

Once the younger Han saw this, he immediately went ballistic! He didn’t even know when he grabbed the person that pushed his sister and he started to slam his fist into the boy’s face over and over! Everyone tried to get him off the boy, but it was like Han didn’t even notice them! He only saw red as he kept on slamming his fist into the boy’s face! No matter how much the other boys kicked him, he wouldn’t let go! This bastard hurt his sister and he won’t let him go!

Han only stopped when he noticed the boy had already passed out! He stood up and cleaned the dirt on his cheek with his wrist as he turned to look at all the bullies again. He was basically daring them to attack him again! None of them dared to!

The older Han smiled a little as he watched his younger self check on Rina. Even back then, he always loved his sister. But this incident would be the beginning of his downfall in this school. No matter how strong you are, you can never fight against money! That tall bully was extremely rich and he easily swayed the school authorities to listen to his story! Han was suspended for attacking and injuring a student and then he was labeled as a bad person by every student in the school. He started to stay away from Rina a lot so that she wouldn’t be affected by his bad name. It was a mess.

“Can we go now?”

Han looked at the watcher again and the man finally grinned and snapped his finger. This time they appeared inside a university classroom! Han wondered what the watcher was trying to achieve here? Han could see his teenage self sitting at the front listening to what the lecturer was sayings and he wondered what time this was. The subject on the board was ‘Marketing Strategies’ and Han figured that this is his second year at the university. It was in his second year that he learned this course. The class was already coming to an end, and before long the students were already moving out of the classroom. Han watched as his younger self stood up quickly and started to move out to meet someone. He looked so happy as he rushed. The older Han tried to remember what he was going to do. Am I going to meet Rina?Â

His younger self stopped on the stairs and waved at someone with a smile. The older Han turned around to see who it was and he immediately frowned. Tan Woo. This is definitely his former girlfriend from earth. Wait. If they are like this, then I remember this memory!

“Han, let’s break up,”

Right! Han definitely remembered this memory! This was the time when Tan Woo broke up with him. Why the hell is the watcher bringing him here? Han asked the watcher this question and the watcher only smiled.

“Do you know that I rooted for the two of you? I never really liked Tan Woo, but I couldn’t deny that you loved her. I don’t know what you saw in her but mortal romance always fascinated me and I thought you would only be happy with her. I wanted you to see the way your younger self was an idiot. If only your younger self could see you now. He would have a heart attack.! Eight wives!!”

Han frowned at the watcher and the man chuckled as he continued.

“Well, that’s not the only reason. This was also the moment when you grew up,”

Han looked back at his younger self and watched how the light left his eyes. His younger self was so shocked that he didn’t even know what to say for a long time! His emotions were all over the place and he felt hurt and angry! But he finally chose anger as his reaction and frowned as he then spat out one vicious sentence.

“So you finally found someone else to extort money from?”

Tan Woo looked scandalized and she looked around to make sure no one heard what Han said. She then turned back to him with a glare!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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