Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 335

Raphael was still waiting for Paladin as Paladin hammered the CElestial metal. Raphael wondered what sort of contraption Paladin could be making this time. If Paladin was using Celestial metal, then it is definitely something very strong, but what exactly would he want to use Celestial metal to make? A weapon? Maybe it is something that will help them deal with Han Luo. I know that Paladin can’t go into the temple to fight Han Luo again, but I don’t think he’ll give up that easily. I won’t be surprised if he attacks Han the moment Han reaches the celestial plane!

Clang! Clang! Clang!


After a few more hits, Paladin brought the metal out and put it inside a bucket at the side to let it cool. He then turned to Raphael while cleaning his hands on a rag.

“Alright, what the fuck do you want? I’m a busy man and I can’t keep entertaining your disturbances every time,”

Paladin said this in an annoyed voice as he folded his hands over his chest. Raphael clicked his tongue in irritation. He didn’t like Paladin and he knew Paladin didn’t like him, but the two of them were like-minded so they can barely tolerate each other. No one ever said you have to like your partner in crime. So long as you both are getting profits then liking the other person isn’t necessary.

“I heard you had your ass handed to you by the chosen with the binary king’s system. His name is Han Luo, right? What do you intend to do about it? He’s already moving up the top floors,”

Paladin shrugged. Why would he do anything about it? It’s not like he could do anything even if he wanted to. None of the celestials are allowed to interfere directly when a chosen is taking those tests. It is a rule put in place by the creator and Paladin had no intention of disobeying the creator. If a chosen is good enough to get past floor ninety, then the creator mandates that he will not be interrupted till he either passes the tests or dies trying. Once Paladin said this to Raphael, he saw a vein twitch on Raphael’s forehead! The man was very close to an outburst! Raphael barely managed to hold himself back from shouting!

“So you’re just going to allow him to come here? Do you even know what sort of problems that can bring for us? You already know that the binary king would have spoken to him! It’s obvious! Even the seer said that he is coming here for a fight! Don’t allow your mad loyalty to the creator lead to our downfall! That man is coming here to kill us!”

Paladin looked back at the metal he had been hitting with a smirk. He knew that Han was coming for a fight and he also knew that Han was going to be far stronger than he was before. Han is someone with unlimited potential. It will not be an exaggeration to say that he could one day become as strong as the creator himself.

It sounds absurd to even think that anyone can be as strong as the creator, but nothing is stopping Han from achieving this feat. He has the system of the king of Biaries and the king of Binaries was already becoming as strong as the creator when I infected him with that virus. The virus won’t work on Han, but I have a plan, I just need to perfect it.

“Don’t disturb me with your petty worries, Raphael. You’re an angel, use your wings to solve it yourself. And besides, didn’t you already put something in place for all this? Don’t think I didn’t notice the sudden migration of monsters from your star sectors. You need to work three times harder if you want to fool me. You’re too stupid to try something like that,”

Raphael was surprised that Paladin noticed! It was true that Raphael already made preparations for Han Luo. The creator said that no Celestial can disturb the chosen when he is on the upper floors but the creator never said anything about monsters.

There aren’t any regular monsters that can match the black stars in the temple. The strongest monster in Raphael’s star system is probably only as strong as the third king Aria.

“I suppose I hoped for too much when I thought I would fool you. If you won’t do anything then I will. I don’t care how many monsters I have to use, I’ll use any amount of monsters to kill him! If one is not enough then I’ll use a hundred, if that isn’t enough then a thousand and if even that isn’t enough then a million! There is an infinite number of planets in the infinite universe and I’ll use all of them if I have to,”

Paladin hummed as he told Raphael that he should try to keep Han’s body intact if he manages to kill him.Â

“I still want to run some tests on his body so if your monsters manage to kill him, then make sure they don’t eat the body,”

Paladin didn’t know if Raphael would fail but just in case he succeeded, Paladin wanted Han’s body intact so he can perform all the experiments he wants on him.

“Now get out. I’m going back to work,”

Paladin said this before he turned around and continued to hammer the metal again and Raphael turned to leave the workshop.


Han appeared on floor ninety-three with a gasp! He couldn’t believe that the watcher just threw him out like that! And why the hell did he just make me teleport!? Wasn’t there a portal!? Han frowned in annoyance and stood up. He was wearing his normal outfit of black slacks and a black t-shirt. He also has black fingerless gloves on his hands.

Han looked around him and tried to figure out where the hell he was. He was in some kind of forest. There were many trees all around him and the trees were very tall!! They were at least as tall as a skyscraper! Han was standing close to a tree and he suddenly felt something moving behind him and he turned around sharply to see a tongue coming out of an opening in the tree! Han grimaced and put his hand out immediately to activate [Erasure]! Immediately the tongue touched his hand the entire thing turned black and started to disintegrate! The opening in the tree screamed as the entire tree also turned into dust! Han looked around once the tree disappeared and he saw that all the trees were starting to come to life as well!

The trees in this forest were all sentient and they could attack using their long tongues. Once the trees saw that there was someone dangerous here, they all immediately shot out their tongues to attack Han! Han just put out his hand again and activated [Laser Beam]!


A huge beam of light blasted across the entire forest and everything in front of Han was immediately destroyed! Once Han deactivated the skill he saw that there was now a very wide path in front of him! His skill destroyed everything for miles! Han looked around and he saw that the trees were no longer attacking! The trees were too scared to even come close to Han now! Immediately they saw him activate that skill they knew that they didn’t stand a chance against him!

These trees were called ‘Tannibals’. They are carnivorous trees and they usually eat any organism that came too close to them! They were very durable and it would take a lot of power to be able to kill even one of them! For Han to be able to kill hundreds of them with only one skill means that he is not someone that they can go against! Han turned to the path he created and started to move forward! He didn’t care about the trees! As long as they didn’t attack him first he won’t attack them either! He walked for a long time until he felt a tingle at the back of his head. It felt like his [Danger Sense] was warning him of danger ahead, but it was very faint. This means that the danger ahead wasn’t enough to be a threat. It was just something that blocked his path. Han still needed to find a way out of this floor, so maybe the thing ahead would be a clue? He didn’t know if this floor had a portal or if it had another test. But this is just floor ninety-three, right? There is no way that the next test would come this early. I have to find a portal and get out of here.

Han reached a cliff side at the end of the forest and he stepped on the edge and looked into the horizon. Han rose a brow and whistled in surprise. Well, would you look at that?




There were thousands of beasts roaring and screaming as they looked up at him with malice! Hans [Danger Sense] was going wild as he looked at all the monsters! They all wanted to tear him apart!

How cute!

[Shadow Hunter] has been activated.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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