Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 341

Once Han got close to the portal, it immediately hummed and opened up. Han walked through and he appeared on floor ninety-five. Han was standing on a large rock floating in the middle of a large void. It was dark all around, but Han could still see what was around him. There were a lot of other floating rocks in this space. Some of them were even as large as planets!. What is this!? Isn’t there supposed to be someone that would meet me here? Where is the second in the temple?

[Danger Sense]

Han suddenly felt an intense bloodlust slam into him and a loud bell rang at the back of his head as his danger Sense activated at a hundred percent capacity! He looked around him as he wondered what was coming! Han’s awareness was very high! There shouldn’t be anything that could sneak up on him without him knowing, but his danger sense was going crazy and Han can’t see anyone! Is it the second in the temple?

A great shadow fell over Han and Han blinked as he saw some rocks fall down to the ground. Strange. There shouldn’t be anything above him. Han finally looked up and he couldn’t stop his eyes from widening as he saw a planet-sized rock barrelling down towards him.

“What the fu-!!!!!”


The planet slammed into Han and cut off what he was about to say! The entire void was quiet for a while, but then there was a deep rumble as the planet started to move! Han grunted as he slowly lifted the planet till he was carrying the full weight of the planet! He pushed it away and the planet shot off like a bullet as it disappeared on the horizon.

Han let out a huff as he dusted himself. That planet wasn’t normal at all! Han knew that he was strong enough to withstand a slam from a planet and he could easily carry a planet without any stress, but that planet was at least a thousand times heavier than a normal planet should be! Han narrowed his eyes as he looked at the horizon! He wanted to see if his deduction was correct about that planet!

The planet appeared on the horizon again as it was flying straight towards Han again!Han grinned as he shot off the rock and dodged to the side as the planet blasted into the rock and destroyed it! The planet shook itself from side to side and then turned around. There was a horizontal line along the middle of the rock and Han wasn’t surprised when the line opened up and looked at him with a huge eye. Fuck! Han already expected it, but it was still fucking freaky!

Han knew that there is no way a planet would be that heavy or that strong without it having some sort of ability. Han knew he was right all along. This planet was alive.

The planet was completely red and the eye looking at Han was a deep black. Han couldn’t stop himself from feeling weird. The only eye he has seen that was this large was the watcher and that fucker was already scary enough! Seeing a giant eye on a planet-sized being was not something that Han would forget anytime soon. This shit is the stuff of nightmares!

“Oi! Are you the second in the temple!? I don’t know if you can talk but I need to know if this is the test I’m supposed to take! If it is, then say something before you attack someone you damn bastard!”

Han shouted this with an annoyed tone! He didn’t know if this was the second in the temple but he knew that this bastard didn’t have any manners! You shouldn’t introduce yourself by attacking like that! Han waited for a response from the planet. Han hoped that the planet would at least give him a nod or something, but the planet didn’t do any such thing! It just closed its eye again and charged for Han!

This planet wasn’t the number two in the temple and the reason it didn’t answer Han was that it didn’t have enough intelligence to speak. Its only job was to protect the number two and prevent anyone from disturbing her. It has been doing this all its life and it has never let anyone get through! Not even Celestials! It won’t let Han through no matter what!

Han cursed as he crossed his hand in front of him before the planet slammed into him! He was pushed back for miles before the planet slammed him into another large rock! Han released a grunt as he felt the intense weight sandwich him from both sides!! The planet was very heavy! Even if it wasn’t moving fast, it was still very hard to avoid it because of its weight!

The planet pulled back and was about to slam into Han again, but Han put his hand up and activated [Supernova]. A large explosion blasted the planet away from Han and Han finally managed to take a breath! He knew that wouldn’t be enough to take it down, but he needed to have some breathing room! Han blasted off the rock once he saw the planet coming for him again! The planet wasn’t even a little injured!


Han slammed his fist into the planet! A large sonic wave traveled through the sky as the planet blasted off and slammed into another planet-sized rock! Han put his hand out and he was about to activate [Laser Beam] but he was shocked when the planet suddenly opened its eye and the entire eye turned yellow! Han’s danger Sense went crazy and he immediately activated [Angel of Destruction] and flew up! The planet’s turned an even deeper shade of yellow before it shot a [Laser Beam] at Han! Han cursed and forced his wings to flap faster! The laser beam from the planet felt like a fucking sun! It vaporized everything it touched and nothing survived once the laser beam touched it!

Han knew that he would survive if he was hit by that laser beam, but there is no way he will get out unharmed. He will either become too weak to fight anymore or he will lose a body part! Han put his hand out and activated his own [Laser Beam] behind him! A giant magic circle appeared and Han shot out a concentrated beam of energy! The beam canceled out the laser beam that the planet shot at Han and Han immediately activated another skill [Electric Railgun]

A beam of electric energy blasted towards the planet and Han grew worried when he saw that the planet was still not hurt! The planet stayed in place as the Electric beam slammed into it, but Han felt his eye twitch when he saw that there wasn’t any significant damage! The planet looked perfectly fine! Han had to use a stronger skill! That Railgun was too weak!



The planet activated the [Charge] skill and a gust of wind pushed it forward! Han suddenly twisted to the side and spread his arms and legs wide once the planet appeared in front of him! The planet would have rammed into Han, but Han was able to barely dodge it! Han held his breath as the planet passed right in front of him! It was fucking terrifying! Imagine a giant planet passing right beside you at insane speeds! Han has never felt so small in his fucking life!

Once the planet passed, Han blasted off as he chased behind the planet! He activated [Palm Strike] and slammed his hand into the planet! The planet released the first sound of pain since it started fighting and Han grit his teeth as the planet immediately turned around and activated the laser beam again! It shot the beam at Han, but Han managed to fly back and dodge using his wing. This planet wasn’t going to stop at all! Han finally decided that it was time to use his [Sword of Destruction] He would find the right time to attack and use it!

Han landed on a moving rock and he saw the planet coming towards him again! It planned on ramming into him with full force, but Han wait till it got to him! He blasted off and met the planet in the middle with a massive punch!


The planet released another sound of pain and it retreated! Han looked at his hand and he saw that there was some purple liquid on it. The same purple liquid was currently dripping from that spot where the eye of the planet is. Han grinned and squeezed his hand as he gave the planet an intense stare.

Han had been aiming for the eye since this fight started but the planet kept on dodging it each time! Come on, if you have that big ass target on your face did you expect me not to attack it!? This time there was nowhere for it to run! It was already partially blind!It was obvious that the eye was the weakest part of the planet and it was an idiot for showing it off like that in the beginning! I’m going to destroy you just for that stupidity!

Han put out his hand and the sword of destruction appeared there! Han gathered all of his power into the sword as he saw the planet coming for him again! IT was probably trying some sort of last-ditch attack!

Han didn’t allow it to recover as he swung the sword down with a shout! A massive beam of light flew from the sword and slammed into the planet!

The planet immediately activated [Protective Shell] to protect against the blast. The planet was going to wait till the blast died down and then it would attack again, but nothing like that happened! The blast was too strong! If was a contest between Han’s offense and the planet’s defense, Hans offense would win every time!


A bright light suddenly shone across the void and Han had to put his hand up to his face to block it. That was strange. None of his skills ever produced a light like this. Did something happen? Maybe I got a new skill? Han stayed like that for a short time before he finally opened his eyes again. Han blinked in surprise. He was no longer in the void.

He was now standing in a white room and at the other end of the room was a huge bed with a person sleeping in it.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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