Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 346

As Paladin flew over his city, he noticed many citizens looking up at him and waving happily. Paladin clicked his tongue in annoyance as he ignored them and flew straight towards the largest building in the middle of the city. This is the Palace of the ruler of the Thinkers. The king of thinkers was the only thinker that Paladin could respect among this sorry bunch of idiots. The king and the royal family are the only people other than him that try to improve the city. They are not like the other Thinkers that are comfortable with whatever they have, The royal family is always looking for ways to improve and make things better! This is why Paladin respects them.

This floating city was designed by the royal family. Paladin could have designed it himself and he already knew bout ten ways to improve it and make it better than it currently is, but he wouldn’t tell them about that. Let them have this achievement since they are the royal family and let the citizen at least be able to brag about the royal family to other celestials. Paladin had no intention of becoming the king and if he goes and does something unnecessary like improving the floating city, then the citizens will surely try to make him the king and he will become stuck in this place like some sort of animal. Paladin loved his freedom so he would rather just keep a low profile!

After arriving at the large palace, Paladin saw a beautiful woman looking at him through her balcony from a very far distance. This is the third princess of the Thinkers and the woman that has been pursuing Paladin for more than a thousand years. Her name is Sella and she has been trying to make Paladin marry her for ages. It wasn’t because she was trying to use him and she didn’t have any ulterior motive. Paladin has watched her for a long time to see if he would find any ulterior motives and he was surprised when he didn’t. It was just that Sella truly loved Paladin and she was always trying to be close to him. Paladin wasn’t very comfortable around her. He didn’t understand how any Thinker can feel that emotion called love. It didn’t make any sense to him

Immediately Paladin saw Sella he released a sigh in his heart. What sort of woman is this? No matter what he did she would never leave him. Paladin had tried everything to make Sella leave. He had even told her that he was not interested in children like her, but Sella would never agree. Sella was only three thousand years old and she was a child to someone like Paladin that had lived for millions of years. Immediately Sella saw Paladin she brightened up and waved at him from the balcony of her room. Paladin knew that he would only be here for a few moments so he just waved back as he went and landed on her balcony. He asked her what was wrong? Why did she call him?

Sella smiled as she spoke

“Is it wrong to want to talk to the person you love?”

Paladin cringed. This woman is horrible at taking a signal. Paladin was not interested in a relationship of any sort! The only relationship he ever had was with his inventions and that was all he needs! Having a woman in his life would only cut his time down and he wouldn’t have as much time to be in the lab. Paladin told Sella about this a long time ago but she still wouldn’t agree. This woman is more resilient than those damn Angels.

“I’m here to meet the king and he probably already knows I’m here. Just go back inside, I’ll come and greet you later,”

By greet, Paladin meant he would come to her room later so they can have sex. What? Paladin might not want a relationship but he still enjoyed a woman’s body. Even if the Celestials could not bear children since they are immortal, they are still able to experience lust and pleasure. So some of the races still indulge in carnal pleasures. The smile that bloomed on Sella’s face made Paladin squint! It was way too bright! How can she be this happy because I said I’ll come to fuck her? Women are strange.

Paladin jumped off the balcony again and flew into the palace. He arrived at a hallway that led to the throne room and he was greeted by many guards as they passed. The people here all knew him and Paladin never needed an appointment before he could see the king. If not for the fact that Paladin wasn’t interested in the throne then he could become the king anytime he wanted.

Paladin entered the throne room and he bowed as he saw the king sitting at a table. This room was called the throne room, but it was more like an office than a throne room! There was a large table for the king and he had couches and chairs laid out for any visitor that came. The king was a Thinker, and Thinkers don’t have any need for nonsense like thrones. They would rather have a table in front of them so that they can write and draw out plans for any inventions that they were planning. Once Paladin entered the room, the king waved towards a chair at the side without even looking up at Paladin. Paladin went and sat down.

The king was staring at a piece of paper on the table and Paladin immediately knew that it was a scientific array. The king was a master at creating defensive barriers and most of his work centered around barriers to protect the city in case there was ever any attack. The king was trying to complete a complex barrier that had more than a thousand spells locked into it. He cannot make a mistake at this point because that will ruin the array. If he can complete this barrier then he will be able to rest for the next five years without worrying about the defense of the city. But there was something that the king was missing! All the first fifty spells were already working well together, but he was missing a single array that would lock in the last fifty spells. If he uses the wrong array then the spells would break and he won’t be able to use this array at all.

A finger pointed at a spot on the array and infused a spell into it.

[Defensive Array has been locked in place. Efficiency is currently at a hundred percent. Properties: Defence against cold. Defense against heat. Physical force deflection. Spiritual Force Deflection. Mental Attack Deflection. Protection from Spying…..etc. will the host like to activate this array over the entire city?]

The king looked up and saw Paladin smiling down at him with that smug look. The king sighed as he realized that Paladin was able to solve the array after just looking at it for a few seconds. What sort of bastard is this smart? Can this man even be called a Thinker? He is more like a Binary than a Thinker. I’ve been looking at this array for more than five days and I wasn’t able to solve a single bit of it.

The king decided to just activate the array and he felt happy as he saw that the city had an extra layer of defense on it. He rest his chin on his fist as he looked up at Paladin. Now, what do you want? The king was silently asking this and Paladin answered with a smug look.

“I just thought I’ll come home to see my king. I didn’t know that you were trying to bring up an array for the city. Why didn’t you ask me? I would have helped,”

The king sighed at Paladin. Paladin understood things far faster than other Thinkers and he was also one of the smartest Celestials you will ever meet. But Paladin needs to stop this smug attitude of his. It was really annoying and it made people avoid him because they would not be able to tolerate it for a long time. The king had no idea why the princess was so infatuated with Paladin. She wasn’t his real daughter, he can’t have children, but she was still like his daughter and he would never understand what she saw in this man.

If other people know that this is Paladin’s real attitude then they won’t like him at all. And the king knows that Paladin doesn’t care about things like that. Paladin was even supposed to be king, but the bastard refused it because he used the excuse that he was busy for the creator. What a load of bullshit. Paladin could handle the creator and being the king of this city at the same time, and he will still have enough time to do his inventions if he wanted. Paladin just hated being tied down to one place.

Paladin grinned when he heard the king sigh and he finally decided to stop playing around as he spoke up with a clear voice.

“We have a problem coming towards us. Have you heard of the chosen names Han Luo?”

The king perked up once he heard the name before he started to laugh. The king waved his hand to the side and Paladin was surprised by the reaction that the king had. Was it even funny at all?

“Han Luo? Why are you suddenly speaking of this? I’ve been hearing a lot of rumors around the city that this Han Luo beat you in the temple. Don’t tell me that you came here because of that? I don’t think revenge is befitting of you,”

Paladin felt his eye twitch in annoyance! Did the king think Paladin was so petty? Why would he even try to get revenge by asking for help? Do you think I’m like those damn cultivators that only know how to call for reinforcement? If I’m getting revenge then it will be through my own power.

“Watch what you’re saying, King. I didn’t come here to be laughed at,”

Paladin was now serious and the king immediately realized that his assumption was wrong! He sat up straight and gained a serious gaze as he looked at Paladin. Paladin was not very happy right now. He came here to warn the king about Han Luo and this is the sort of thanks he gets? Paladin considered leaving, but he decided not to. Even if he didn’t like the king’s reaction, Paladin still needs the king to start preparing for Han Luo. Han Luo is not going to be easy to deal with alone so I need to put as many people between him and me.

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