Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 357

Han and the woman he saved were still standing in the destroyed field. Han was still inside Taurus’ body and the woman was looking at him in shock! She couldn’t believe her master was alive again! Why did her master live and Han die!?

“Master? Is that really you?”

“I’m not your master,”

The woman was a little surprised at first. What does he mean by he is not my master? He looks like my master, doesn’t he? He even has the same voice. What sort of game is he playing with me!? Or is he saying that he no longer wants to be my master!? Maybe he is abandoning me because I brought that man here!! No!

“Master, I’m sorry!! I didn’t know that this man was that strong! I didn’t bring him here on purpose! Please don’t abandon me! He bullied me into bringing him here! He said he would kill me if I didn’t do it!”

“I said I’m not your master, you dimwit! Your master is dead. Now get the fuck up!”

The woman blinked in shock as she heard the speaking pattern that had just come from her master! Did her master just swear!? No way! Her master never swore and he never uses vulgar words when talking with them! He is a young master and he would never use words like that! The only person that I know talks like that is Han!

“You’re him!? You’re the one that attacked my master! What are you doing inside my master!?”

That was probably the dirtiest sentence Han has ever heard. Is everything that comes out of this woman’s mouth so disgusting!?

Han sighed in annoyance as he waved her concern away and turned back to his body. Han could feel that it would be easy for him to go back to his body if he wanted to! He can just think of it and his Spectral form would return to his body. Right now, Han was a perfect replica of Taurus, the only thing Han didn’t have were Taurus’ character traits, but Han currently had all of Taurus’ important memories and he could also remember some of the important dates and people that Taurus knew. Han knew it would be hard for people to notice the difference between him and Taurus if he learns how Taurus behaves. Once Han can imitate Taurus’ character, it would be impossible for anyone to notice the difference between them! And since Han already devoured all of Taurus’ abilities, he can easily replicate any of Taurus’ abilities!

Taurus turned to the woman and asked for her name. She seemed confused about this entire thing but she easily told Han that she was Gertha. It turns out that the women that Han killed before were her sisters and they were all servants of Taurus. Gertha asked Han what he was planning to do with her master’s body. Is this some kind of sexual kink? Does he like possessing the bodies of those he killed to satisfy himself? Han’s eye twitched and he rose his hand threateningly! Gertha immediately cowered while putting her hand over her head and apologized loudly! She has been hit three times by Han and she knew just how strong he was! She didn’t want to get hit by him again!

“Sorry! Sorry! Don’t hit me!”

Gretha peeked out from her fingers to see if Han has dropped his hand! There is no way he would hit a girl if she is begging like that -!!



Gretha held her head in pain as Han smacked her hard! She dropped to her bottom and scratched her temple in pain! He doesn’t even hold back against girls! What sort of man is this!? Even my master doesn’t hit me like this! Han gave Gretha another scowl before he decided to ignore her and think about what he would do next.

Han knew that it would be impossible for him to go to the celestial plane with his own body, but he still wanted to go there and see what it was like and that is why Han took control of Taurus’ body. Since Han can take control of Taurus’ body, it would be easy for Han to go to the celestial plane while impersonating Taurus!

“Why do you want to go there?”

This was the first question that Gretha had for Han once he told her what he wanted to do. Han looked at her with narrowed eyes as he spoke

“Do I need to tell you the reason?”

Gertha shook her head quickly as she heard the threat behind his words! No need! No need at all! If I ask for too much you’ll just hit me again! Gretha was already scared enough of her master, but having her master’s face with Han’s attitude was too much!

“How does Taurus usually Dorea?”

“H-He just says her name. I heard that she has power over multiple realities so she can hear your call from anywhere in the multiverse. As long as a celestial calls her she can easily transport them,”

What the? She is that strong!? Han never knew that Dorea was that strong! The watcher told Han that he gave Dorea some of his power, but isn’t this enough to make her overpowered? Well, maybe not. She can’t do anything even if she knows where you are. It’s not like she can influence reality. She can only transport things across space. She isn’t that strong physically. She is basically like the watcher 2.0… without all the raw power.

Han wanted to go and talk to Dorea immediately but he didn’t think it would be a good idea right now. Han only had five minutes to stay in this body before he had to go back to his body. If I want to check out the celestial plane then I need at least ten minutes of possession time. I’ll take this body with me and grind my skill till I increase it to the required level. If I can increase the possession time before the week is over then I can carry out the plan easily.

Han thought about this for some time and he finally decided that he would try to level up the skill till it got up to ten minutes of possession time. Han deactivated his skill and he was forcefully thrown back into his own body. Now that I’m sure I can possess Taurus’ body, I just need to perform some small alterations.

[Renewal] has been activated

[Shadow World] has been activated

Han easily healed all the injuries that Taurus had on his body. Taurus was already dead so he wouldn’t come back to life, but Han was able to make sure that Taurus was clean and all the injuries on his body cleared out immediately! Once that was done, Han placed Taurus into his Shadow world! Han would leave him in there till it was time to possess him again.

Gretha was just waiting at the side because she had no idea what she was supposed to do now. Now that her master is dead, what will happen to her? Will Han kill her since she doesn’t have a use anymore!? No! He is in love with me, isn’t he!? A stupid smile started to spread across her face! Yes, he is still in love with me! I can play around with him! Gretha looked toward Han with her wide smile but it disappeared once Han grabbed her by the shirt again and blasted off in another direction!

“I said I can fly!!”

Han ignored her as he traced his flight path back toward one of the towns that he saw before. Since all of the women were now dead, those towns would be free and Han decided that he would stay in one of those towns for the next week.

Han got to the town quickly and he found another inn where he booked a room in. Han didn’t do much in the next week as he just was training his [Spectral Seperation] skill. Han tried to use the skill as much as possible every day so that he can level it up. He would leave his body in the inn and move out of the inn to possess someone’s body for five minutes at a time. Every time the five minutes ran out, Han would be pushed back into his own body forcefully, and even though it felt very strange to move from one perspective to another one so suddenly it wasn’t something that Han couldn’t get used to.

The first time Han left Gretha alone with his body, he came back to see her painting his face with a piece of chalk. She was looking down at his face when he suddenly woke up and Han immediately headbutted her with force!



“You fucking idiot!!”

Gretha shouted in pain and she stumbled back with a concussion! God! My head!! I think I’m seeing stars!

Han couldn’t describe this woman in any other way than idiotic! After he was done with her that day she never tried to touch his body again!

After a few days, Gretha got used to Han coming and going constantly. Han never tells her how long he would be gone from his body, but Gretha was smart enough to predict when he would be coming back. Every five minutes, she would hear a gasp coming from Han’s body and that was the signal to tell her that he was back.

Why did she never try to run away at that time?

Well, Gretha already thought about running away, she didn’t have to stay with Han since nothing is tying them together. But she couldn’t go anywhere since she didn’t know anyone on this floor. Even if Gretha was very strong, her power was only at Ultimate rank. She couldn’t hope to survive on a floor like this without a stronger person looking out for her. The only reason Gretha and her sisters could make these towns and handle all these people easily was that Taurus took care of all the string beasts around these areas and the beasts were too scared to come back and fight him again.

If Gretha goes out of this town and started to wander this floor alone, she will definitely run into a monster that is a higher rank than her, and that wouldn’t be good! Gretha was a Shape Shifter. She had the power to transform her body into any of the different monsters she has already killed before. Right now, she can transform into more than twenty different Ultimate rank beasts, but none of them would give her a chance of winning against some of the monsters here. She would just look tastier to the monsters!

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