Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 364 Fu*K You, Han!

Yggrain walked into the meeting room with a slow gait and he dragged a sit forward and placed it opposite Ratte’s hologram. Ratte could notice the tiredness in Yggrain’s face and this was the first time that Ratte would notice something like this! What has been happening up here that will make him this tired!? It’s almost like Yggrain has been running around for weeks without any rest!

Yggrain was too tired to even put up a fake act in front of Ratte! Yggrain would usually make sure that he is always upright in front of Ratte! Yggrain was Ratte’s handler and a handler is not meant to show his tired side! But he didn’t care right now! Yggrain was tired! He was so tired that he felt like falling and sleeping right here on the floor! Yggrain has been stressed for months because of the things that Han has been doing up on the upper floors of the temple! Han has passed two of the tests that he needed to pass already and all the celestials knew that it would only take a few more months before he passed the third one and came up to the Celestial plane! He was only one step away from beating the temple!

This has never happened before! They have never even thought that something like this would ever happen! Ever since the creator created the temple, the Celestials thought that it was only made for their entertainment and they would never have to worry about any of the chosen getting past floor ninety, talk less of even coming to the celestial plane! But this man, Han Luo, is already on floor ninety-seven!

All the celestials that work with Yggrain in this control room have been trying to get through to the creator! They have all tried their best to talk to him ad ask him if there is a reason for this madness! Why are you allowing someone like this to climb the temple without repercussion!?

But there was no response! The creator was not giving any response to their questions and the only answer that anyone has received so far was, that this is the main reason the creator created the temple in the first place..

The creator said that the temple was created to be cleared by a chosen and now that a chosen is clearing it why are they scared? What is there to be scared of?

That was the only message that Yggrain got back from the creator and Yggrain could only curse as he massaged his temple! This was madness! We know that the temple was created to be cleared, but we didn’t think it would ever happen! It’s been thousands of years since the temple was created and no one ever came close to clearing it before! Is the creator just going to do nothing at all!? How can he just sit back and watch this Han Luo come up here!? The things that Han Luo has done have made it obvious that he is not an ally to the celestials! He is not someone like Dorea that we can just control with threats!

Han Luo has the system of the Binary King and there is no way that Han Luo doesn’t know what we did to the Binaries! Han Luo killed the scientist and he even killed the fake body of Paladin! If Han Luo comes here, won’t he try to start a fight immediately?

The credit even declared that none of the celestials were allowed to down into the temple ever since Paladin broke the rules before. The creator told Paladin that he was not allowed to go to the temple, but Paladin still disobeyed the creator and went to attack Han Luo. This made the creator angry and he closed all portals that would allow the celestials to go to the temple! That means that they didn’t have any means of knowing what was happening down there! They can only wait for Han Luo to either pass the test or fail the test and die!

Yggrain felt so stressed as he looked at his only source of information from the temple. Yggrain released a tired sigh. He was happy that Ratte was such a coward. If I just threaten him a little, I’m sure I can get information on what has been happening down in the temple all this time! But I can’t believe he is the only way I can get this information.


Ratte immediately stood stiff as he looked towards Yggrain. Yggrain nodded and continued.

“Give me a full report. What have the chosen been doing since king Han left? I’m sure they haven’t been idle…”

Ratte swallowed silently! The chosen have definitely not been idle! They have all been very busy! Every chosen was training hard and they were trying to get their fighting force up to a high standard! Esteroth wanted at least five million white stars that can fight on equal footing with Celestials! Gregory and the other kings have all been training as if their lives depended on it! They were taking dangerous missions and fighting monsters that would have killed any other chosen and they were growing stronger every day! Ratte even knew that Yuuma – one of Han’s wives – was busy creating many different weapons that she said would help them in their fight against the Celestials. No one has seen the weapons yet, but from the amount of power that Ratte can feel coming out of her lab, he knew that they were dangerous! Everyone was preparing!

But Ratte couldn’t tell that to Yggrain! Han told Ratte that his job is to throw the Celestials off their trail! Make sure that the celestials don’t know what we’re doing until the last minute! They can never find out that we are preparing to come to them! If they find it, then I’ll find you and I’ll shove my fucking foot up your ass. This is what Han said to Ratte before he left.

So Ratte tried his best to lead Yggrain astray! He can’t risk angering Han no matter what! Ratte told Yggrain about how the lower floors have been silent for a long time. He told Yggrain about the new Alcatraz guild that Rau and Risque were going to fight against and he also told Yggrain that most of the kings were just laying about like usual.

“It seems everyone is waiting for Han to return so that we can congratulate him. They’re all wondering if he will pass the temple,”

Yggrain rose a brow in surprise. They were waiting for Han? That is very unexpected! I thought they would be preparing weapons or even training so that they can attack us. But they are just waiting? Are they not getting ready to fight?

Yggrain thought for some time about this. It was strange that the chosen would just be waiting! For a small moment, Yggrain wondered if Ratte was lying to him. Is Ratte no longer telling me the truth? It is suspicious that the kings would be lying around when Han is already coming to the Celestial plane.

But Yggrain looked at Ratte again. He saw the scared expression on Ratte’s face as well as his guarded stance and Yggrain scoffed! Like this idiot can ever lie to me! Ratte looks like he wants to piss his pants in fear! Yggrain stood up and finally waved as he left the room! He believed there is no way this coward can lie to him.

“Keep up the good work, Ratte! Keep me informed if there are any progressions, you know what will happen to you if you don’t,”

Yggrain could have stayed back and spoken more to Ratte, but he couldn’t because he was too tired and he had a lot of work to do. Yggrain knew that Paladin was currently going around the celestial plane and Yggrain needed to make sure that Paladin didn’t do anything that could cause problems for them! Right now, Paladin was on his way to the Xian Race to talk to them in their territory and Yggrain decided that he would go with him to make sure there isn’t any problems The Xians were a very uptight race and they wouldn’t like it if Paladin just came and started making demands. Yggrain would have to make sure that there aren’t any problems that can cause a war during their meeting!

Ratte nodded once he was dismissed before he disappeared from the room! He appeared back in his bedroom and he sighed when he heard the sounds of his men training outside! He looked out the window to the side and he saw his right hand training a large platoon of soldiers. He had to get his army ready as soon as possible before Han comes back. I can’t keep lying to Yggrain forever and I don’t think my heart can take this for much longer. Do I have to do this for two more months before Han comes back? He didn’t tell us how long he would be gone, but this is still too long! He has been gone for three months already and it is obvious that Yggrain would start getting suspicious if I keep telling him that there is no problem in the temple!

Ratte groaned! Fuck! This is all Han’s fault! If he didn’t bring me into this mess I would be enjoying my life!

Fuck you, Han!

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