Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 390 Messiah And King

390 Messiah and King

It wasn't news to anyone that the chosen on the lower floors were weak, but Raphael chose to give them the stars anyway because it would be easier to give them the star and allow them to become stronger faster while always making them indebted to him. Raphael already tried giving stars to people that weren't chosen before and he had to stop when all of them started to die from the excruciating pain of the system. Systems weren't compatible with just anyone and you have to be chosen before you can get a system. Everybody in this temple was the best of the best from their respective planets and they were chosen because they could withstand the strain of a system. That is why the chosen down here were able to receive the extra stars so easily and they wouldn't suffer any side effects!

It was a perfectly laid out plan from Raphael. He would come to the lower floors where none of the celestials ever bothered to look and he would create his army silently. Then once Han leaves the temple, Raphael would use the chosen down here as his own personal army to fight against Han. Raphael was more than capable of controlling the stars remotely and just a single thought from him would be the end of any rebellious chosen that tries to be a fucking hero. The stars would allow Raphael to both control and track everyone that received one! It was a skill that Paladin helped Raphael to create. Since Paladin was the one that destroyed the binaries, he had a lot of systems that were not being used for anything! Raphael asked Paladin to give him control of those extra systems and even though Paladin was a bit reluctant at first, once Paladin heard what Raphael wanted to use them for, Paladin was more than happy to give them to him.

Raphael thought that Paladin gave him the systems because Paladin was happy with his plan. But he didn't know that Paladin had a plan of his own instead. Paladin was a very smart man and he knew that it would be hard to win this war against Han Luo without being able to go to the temple soon. The attack on the Xian race from Han Luo taught Paladin that it would be a bad idea to allow Han to come to them so they need to go to him and take everything from him before he can reach them. Paladin wanted t see what would happen to Raphael if he goes to the temple. The creator told them not to go to the temple, and they didn't have any choice but to obey. But the creator has been nonchalant about a lot of things for hundreds of years! The creator overlooked what I did to the binaries and he also overlooked when I went down to the temple to attack Han! So will the creator also overlook Raphael disobeying his direct order? Maybe the creator doesn't care about what we do. If the creator ignores Raphael as well, then I'll know that we can do whatever we want.

This was the reason why Paladin allowed Raphael to take the systems and leave. He was using Raphael as a guinea pig to perform an experiment!


Raphael looked up when he heard someone in front of him. It was a feline male that had a golden brown cat tail and a pair of golden brown ears. The man was standing with his hand held out and he had a look of reverence and devotion in his eyes. Raphael chuckled internally. These chosen adored him so much that he probably wouldn't even have to try at all to make them do exactly what he wants them to do. It was always better to make people do things willingly instead of forcing them to do things. And with how much they respected and praised him on these lower floors, Raphael was sure that the chosen down here would even kill their mothers if he asked them to do it!

Raphael told the man to come close and the man's face beamed in joy as he stepped up on the stage and moved closer to Raphael. Raphael put his hand on the man's stomach and a hot sensation traveled through the man's body as he felt something attaching itself to him.

It was the same feeling that the man got when he was receiving his system for the first time and he could already tell that he was gaining a new one. He waited for Raphael to finally finish what he was doing and once Raphael was done the man stepped back and looked down at his abdomen! An expression of utter joy bloomed on the man's face as he saw the new star there and he rose a hand to all the people down on the ground.

"All hail the messiah!!"

The people on the ground became extremely excited as they started to cheer as well! Everyone there had either received a system from Raphael before or they were about to receive a system from him and they regarded him as their savior! They were all excited that they wouldn't have to be victims anymore and they could fight on par with those powerhouses that usually come from the higher floors!

"It's my turn next, just hold on!"

"What are you talking about!?"

"Get back here! It's my turn!"

"Hey, don't you dare cut in line! Do you think this is a joke!? Get back in line or we'll toss you out!"

"I'm not cutting the line! I already told you that I'm next! Come on, you know me!"

There was a small commotion brewing in the place where some chosen were getting ready to move towards the stage! Some of them were trying to stop one man that was trying to cut in line! There was only a limited number of stars to give every day so the other chosen didn't want the man to go ahead of them. Up on the stage, Raphael rolled his eyes and looked down at the lesser beings fighting over who would be the first to come to him. Raphael didn't bother intervening! Why would he intervene in a fight between animals!? It would only make him dirty as well! The only thing to do in this situation is to watch and enjoy the show!


Up on the higher floors, Han was making his way towards floor fifty-two at intense speeds. Han had been training for more than eight days in his shadow world, which means that he has been gone for up to twenty-four hours in the real world. Once Han came out from his shadow world, he received a letter from Yana telling him that she really wanted to see him! Yana was Han's youngest wife and the daughter of Quinthreath. She has been staying in her parent's castle for the past three months since Han left the temple to go higher because her mother was the most suitable person to take care of her during her pregnancy!

But once Yana heard that Han came back to the temple she immediately sent him a message that she wanted to see him! Yana hasn't seen her husband in a long time and she didn't want to waste any time at all before seeing him again!

Han decided that it would be best to just go and see her before he goes back to training again! He already trained for eight days and that was so only one day in the real world. If he takes one day to hang out with Yana then he can return to his training and he would still have a lot of time to train! Han left Orochimaru with the other girls and he just hoped that Orochimaru didn't eat any of the chosen around floor ninety. A lot of the chosen on floor ninety were already terrified enough of the large snake, so it would be even worse if they see it eating someone.

Han was just happy that his girls weren't the clingy sort. Sure, Rina and Lily were very clingy whenever he was around them, but they understood when they needed to leave him to do what he needs to do. If they were clingy then Han would never have enough time to train. When he told them that he would be leaving to train, he could see that they were sad, but they still allowed him to go because they knew he needed to do this. Rin even told him that she'd prepare a good meal for him when he returns.

Han was grateful that they weren't unreasonable.

Han promised to hang out with them after his training and once he was done with this damn temple, they can hang out together every fucking day if they want. Han grinned as he thought about his things would be when they finally finished all this. Han was definitely going back to earth with his family. There is no way that I'll stay in this place for longer than I need to. I'll train Arthur and maybe he'll finally make some friends his age.

But will I be able to stay on earth without destroying the entire planet?

Han hummed once he has this thought! Han knew that his power was now thousands of times larger than before! In fact, it was probably a million times more! And even when Han was just starting out, his power was already so intense that he could shake the entire planet with only a single pulse of his power! What would happen if I go back to earth now? Won't I just destroy our solar system? Han shook his head as he tried t get that thought out of his head! He knew that the would be hard to finally live a normal life again after all this but that doesn't mean he wouldn't try! Han would find a way to reduce his power output before going back to earth! Either that or I'll find a way to increase Earth's strength so that the planet doesn't just collapse once I step into it.

Han chuckled. He didn't ever think he would be worried about destroying an entire planet from his aura alone! I've really grown strong, haven't I? But even with all this strength, Han still has that nervous feeling in his heart anytime he thought about the creator! No matter how strong I get, why do I still feel like the creator would be something beyond my understanding? Why does it feel like I'm about to face someone that I don't even measure up to!? Han just sighed as he saw Quinthreath's castle coming into view. Well, technically, it was Han's castle. But he gave it to Quinthreath because Han didn't have the time to rule over a single floor. Han was too busy for that. Han decided he would worry about the creator after he speaks with Yana.

Once Han got closer, he saw an entire crowd of people standing on the beach of the castle looking up at him! There were soldiers and adventurers as well as the royal family! The soldiers and adventurers were shouting the usual chant of "All hail the king!" And they were cheering loudly for Han!

Han was a little surprised by all this because he didn't think that this many people would know he was coming around! He really didn't have the time for all this! These people would just cut into his training time pointlessly! Han allowed his eyes to roam across all of them before he finally saw Quinthreath and his family standing to one side. Yana was standing in front of all of them and she was looking up at Han with an apologetic smile. It was obvious that she was the one that caused this.

Yana accidentally told her father that Han was on his way to see her and her father went and made a big deal about it! It wasn't what she wanted but her father felt that if a king was coming to visit then they have to receive him properly! You can't just expect a king to come to visit without a parade at least!

Yana was exasperated by all of it but what could she do? So she just agreed to it and allowed her father to do whatever he wanted! She just hoped that Han wouldn't be angry at her for this. Yana waved at Han from the ground and she smiled when Han chuckled while floating down to meet her. Han could see a small bump on her stomach and he was suddenly reminded of when Rin was pregnant. Damn, I'm about to become a father again.

Once Han landed, he took Yana in his arms and planted a chaste kiss on her lips. Yana wrapped her hand around Han's neck with a large smile and buried her head in his chest to hug him as she spoke.

"I've missed you. Han. I didn't think you would come back so soon,"

Han kissed the top of her head as he returned her hug and he told her that he missed her too. The crowd around them was still chanting and shouting and Han just turned to Quinthreath and told him to get rid of them! Quinthreath was a little surprised! Was Han not even going to address them!? Quinthreath thought that Han would give a speech or something! A king is meant to address his subjects!

Han gave Quinthreath a deadpan look! He didn't come here to give fucking speeches! Does he look like he gives a fuck about things like that!?

"Just send them away, Quinthreath. That's an order. And besides, you're their king, not me. The only people I expect to chant and cheer for me are the other kings. So do you want to chant for me?"

Quinthreath coughed into his hand! He imagined the thought of himself chanting and cheering like one of the soldiers and his embarrassment was obvious for everyone to see! He wouldn't even think of acting like that! Just the thought of it made Yana start laughing! She loved her father, but sometimes he goes way too far with his actions! Maybe this will show him how embarrassing this actually is.

Quinthreath immediately bowed and told Han that he would do as he was told and get rid of the soldiers. Han just shook his head and took Yana by her hand and guided her into the castle.

"How were your travels!? Did you finish what you wanted to do on the higher floors?"

The both of them were walking towards the master bedroom as Yana asked this with a wide smile. She was hugging Han's right hand close to her chest as she looked up at him. Han shook his head with a small smile. Han could feel her breasts pressing into his hand and he immediately noticed that it was larger than before! It used to be as big as Yuuma's breasts, but now it was bigger! Han's perverted mind was already giving him ideas about what he would do with his wife. Yana was strong, so she shouldn't break even if I go all out on her. I'll just hold back a little.

"I still have to go back later to finish everything. There's only one more test left before the celestial plane so it shouldn't take that long at all,"

Han said this with a grin and Yana nodded in understanding before her face took on a more worried look.

"You're always in danger up there, aren't you?"

Yana knew that this floor was dangerous. They were only on floor fifty-two and the monsters here were too dangerous for some white stars to even think of fighting! She couldn't imagine the sort of monsters that exist on floors ninety-nine and one hundred! It was like trying to compare heaven to earth! Yana didn't know how to feel about that because even though Han was strong, that doesn't mean he was invincible. There was no one else up there with him so how would he get help if he was injured?

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