Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 53

The entire room suddenly felt suffocating and the bishop felt his vision swim in and out of focus. He grabbed his throat as he was choking on nothing but air. The feeling from the BloodLust was almost twice what it was before Han went to the future. He had more than enough practice with the dealer and he leveled it up a lot.

A hand grabbed the bishop and pulled his back into a chair. A hand tilted his head back forcefully and a cloth covered his entire face.

“Waterboard him”


“Gurgle~ Gurgle~ Gurgle~!!”

The bishop shook uncontrollably on his seat, turning from one side to the other forcefully as he was assaulted with water. After a while, Han rose his hand up and Tao Long stopped pouring the water. Han stood up and walked up to the coughing bishop.

“Will you talk now?”

“Yes!!! Yes!! She’s in City A! She’s in the frigid mountains in City A!”

Well, that was quick. Han waved a hand towards Tao Long and they released the bishop and allowed him to drop from the chair. Han allowed him to rest for a minute before he spoke to everyone.

“Get ready. We’re moving to the frigid mountains in thirty minutes. Tao Long will handle your weapons and the bishop will show us the way. We are going to visit the dealer,”

With his part said, Han turned and began walking away. He thought that sounded convincing enough for them to come with him. He didn’t need them for a long time, he only needed enough men to serve as a distraction and cleanup.

He was really starting to get a hang of this underground business… Right?

In the mountains of City A, a convoy of cars drove towards a hidden facility and parked in front of the gate. The man at the gate immediately opened it once he saw who was inside and the convoy drove in. The inside was a dimly lit warehouse that held many large glass cages.

The main car opened and the dealer stepped out from the car. She took off her glasses and looked towards the man standing at the front of the cars.

He was Dr. Fu Young. The head scientist at this facility. He was a short man with a mousy face. He had a full head of white hair and a mustache that twirled at the ends.

“Doctor. Tell me you have something for me,”

She said while walking up to the doctor and looking at the glass cages behind him. They were filled with humans with pale skins and white glaring eyes. Failed experiments that she didn’t have any interest in. She would have thrown them away a long time ago but the doctor was fascinated with them for some reason and she decided that some motivation might help his productivity. They only started this experiment a week ago but he was definitely bringing good results.

Dr. Fu smiled at the dealer and waved her forward.

“The test subject is becoming less and less lucid every day. The number of escape attempts has reduced to almost nothing today and she will soon be suitable for transport”

The dealer nodded along absentmindedly. She already knew that it’s will would break. She was a master at breaking wills and no human was different from the other. Keep them in confinement long enough and anybody would be pleading and begging eventually.

What she wanted to know was about the Wisteria and the doctor could easily see it in her eyes. He smiled at her roguishly and the dealer grimaced at the look on his face. She never liked it when he looked at her like that. It made her feel dirty.

“Right this way ma’am. Let me show you our progress”

The dealer was led into a viewing room with a one-way glass that showed another room on the other side. Inside this room, Lily was tied with metal chains by her hands and feet to the wall and spread wide.

She was naked and her hair fell down her face in a sticky wall of blue. Once the dealer stepped in she looked up and stared directly at the mirror in front of her. She couldn’t see who was on the other side but she knew whoever was there was looking right at her. She gave them a vicious smile. Very soon she would get out of here and kill them all! She would bathe in their blood and they would scream and scream and scream!!!

The dealer saw the smile on the girl’s face and knew her spirit was not yet broken. It would take a few more months at least to do something like that, but all she wanted to know was if she would get what she wanted.

“Do it,”

Dr. Fu eagerly grabbed a button in front of him and pressed it down. The electricity in the room flickered for a moment and he smiled.

“500 volts,”



Lily screamed and trashed in pain as her entire body was hit with electricity. But the doctor didn’t stop until he began seeing her shake uncontrollably. Then a sudden blue fog covered her entire body and began to fill the room. This was her body’s natural defense system. The best way to bring forth her powers was to hurt her. This would make it surge forward to try to protect her.

All the doctor had to do was collect this fog and solidify it. He stopped the electricity after she stopped shaking from the shock. The fog now filled the entire room and the glass in front of them now had frost forming on it.

It seemed he would have to increase the volt output next time. Five hundred volts of shock therapy was more than most men could handle before they were completely fried from the inside out, but this girl took it and now even needed more! She truly is his favourite test subject!

“Show me and stop daydreaming!”

The dealer screamed at Dr. Fu and he quickly snapped out of his thoughts. He pressed another button that opened a fan on one side of the room. It collected the fog and then a small table rose in the center of the room with a transparent disk filled with a white substance.

This was the Wisteria.

The dealer’s eyes were filled with greed as she stared at it. This was the drug she had been trying to perfect all this while. If she got this drug in it’s purest state then she would rule over the underworld. There wouldn’t be a soul that could oppose her.

The former samples of the drug were less than satisfactory. Most of the test subjects went mad and began trying to attack other people. They were able to kill or capture them before things got it off hand but the doctor still kept them to test on them every now and then.

None of them knew they were keeping an entire horde of zombies as test subjects. They just thought the men went mad because of the drug.

But the dealer was sure this one would be the best batch. The last one went out to the public and there hasn’t been any bad news yet.

Dr. Fu called a guard and told him to grab their next “willing” participant. The guard led a young wide-eyed man into the room and placed him in front of the Wisteria. He was skittish and kept looking around like something was chasing after him. He continuously scratched at his wrist and his left eye was a little dead.

“Test subject 75. Take the drug and inhale it”

Dr. Fu’s voice echoed through the room and the man flinched. He looked around him more erratically and began inching in on himself. Who was that!? Where was he!? Did he need to pay rent yet? No… Drugs. Yes, he spent his rent money on drugs and they told him to come here and they would pay him. Where is his money!?

“Where is my money!? You told me I would get paid if I come here!!”

“Test subject 75, you will get paid once we are done with the experiment. If you survive, that is”

“Why are you calling me that!!? My name is Ren! Call me Ren!!”

The dealer snarled and grabbed the microphone from the doctor. She was tired of people wasting her time!

“Ren or whatever the fuck your name is. You better take that drug in the next two seconds or I’ll come in there and shove my gun up your ass!!”

Ren flinched in fear before quickly looking towards the drug. He just had to take this right? They would pay him. They would pay him and then he could go buy more drugs! Yes, this was a win-win! He already had a deal for the money so they wouldn’t kill him!

Ren hesitantly reached forward and took a small portion of the wisteria and both the dealer and the doctor leaned in anxiously. Ren put the drug to his nose and then inhaled.



Ren’s entire body felt like it was floating on the ocean. How peaceful. How pleasant! It was like heaven and orgasms and drugs combined into one feeling!! The combination of feelings were so strong that he fell to the ground and sprawled wide with his mouth open in an expression of excitement and his eyes closed.

The doctor leaned even further forward and grimaced. This… Was this good!? Would he finally see results?

Ren’s eyes shot open and he began to laugh hysterically as his eyes and nose suddenly began to leak blood. He put his hand to his head and rolled on the ground like a puppy. He did this for a few minutes before he just stilled and his entire body slouched.

The dealer sighed in annoyance. Another failed experiment!? She couldn’t keep –

“Hahahahaha!!! What a success!!!”

Dr. Fu had a different thought though. He laughed happily while looking at the dead body of test subject 75. To think the drug would work this well! It was too good to be true!

“What has you laughing so much? Are you finally going mad, Fu?”

The dealer growled angrily while turning towards the doctor. She didn’t see what was so funny about another test subject dying. Dr. Fu leaned back and smiled at her.

“I’m laughing because it was a success,”

The dealer glared, “How?”

“Drugs are simple things, dealer. They are guides, they are pain relievers, partners, helpers and saviors. But at the very foundation, a drug is really just an illusionist. Something that creates a new place far away from the recesses of your mind and allows you to escape this world for a few minutes. A drug is an illusionist, dealer. But just like every other thing that is good in this world, drugs have the ability to kill you if you use too much of it. You’re allowed to have your illusions, but only in moderation.”

The dealer leaned back with folded arms and waited for the doctor to get to the point. She was already used to him going off on long speeches when explaining things about his craft. It was annoying to have to do it every time but she found out it was easier to get him to tell you something if you were just a little patient.

So she wouldn’t blow his brains out… Yet.

“Five years ago I experimented on a man to see just how much cocaine a human body can absorb before dying out. The wonderful thing is that in the middle of my experiment he went into a permanent coma. How body was still working perfectly but his mind was no longer there! He was gone!”

The dealer narrowed her eyes and turned back to test subject 75.

“So he isn’t dead?”

“Oh no… He’s definitely dead. There’s no way he survived,”

“Then what was the point of telling me all this!?”

“I just wanted to prepare you for what I’m about to say! This man didn’t just die. He exhibited the same traits I saw on the test subject from so long ago. He went into an unbearable amount of hysterics before finally succumbing to the drug. But that was cocaine and this here… Is Wisteria. Wisteria is known to be fifty tmes more intense than cocaine and three times as addictive. The amount of stimulus he was going through was too much for his body to handle. So instead of just going into a coma, he went into something more… permanent.”

The dealer was silent for a while as she tried to assimilate all this. Dr. Fu might be annoying but she couldn’t deny he was brilliant. What he said could actually be true. But if it was true then where did that leave her? She needed people addicted, not dead!

It was like Dr. Fu could read her mind because he immediately spoke up.

“I have an idea for the drug, dealer! I have an idea!”

He moved out of the room quickly and moved towards his other experiments. The zombies floating in the glass tubes turned their bleach-white eyes towards him as he neared them and began to growl. He hugged one of the tubes and purred in excitement.

It seemed he would be using his babies after all.. They would be the perfect settler for the drug, or at least their blood would. There was a reagent inside them that prevented their bodies from breaking down under a great amount of stress and he was sure that putting that inside the Wisteria would allow people enjoy the feeling without being overwhelmed!! Genius!

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