Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 72

The next morning, Han was back in front of his computer by the time Rin Woo woke up from her sleep. She looked at the time and her eyes widened in shock when she noticed it was already one in the afternoon! She slept for eleven hours!?

Rin Woo quickly went out of the office and had her bath and dressed in one of the rooms on the upper floors. She entered the trading room after a while and Tao Long greeted her warmly.

“Miss. Rin Woo. The boss has been waiting for you. I’m sure he was worried you were too tired from last night,”

Rin Woo’s entire face blew up in a huge blush. What did this man just say!? What did he mean by last night!? Don’t tell her that Han did something stupid to her! If she found out that he touched her when she was sleeping then she would surely cut off his little buddy!!

“What do you mean last night!? Nothing happened last night!!”

Tao Long took a step back from the angry woman. Why was she shouting so much!! He just wanted to tell her that Mr. Han was worried she didn’t get enough sleep yet! Did she think he was saying something else!?

Rin Woo left Tao Long at the door and immediately walked into the room full of shouting traders. They were all passing papers and making calls to each other while making the numbers on the large screen change continuously in a headache-inducing manner.

But it was only the man sitting at the head of all of them that she had any eyes for! She was going to get the truth out of him one way or the other! What did he do to her!?

Rin Woo stalked up to Han and stood beside the busy man. He was slaving away at his computer and his hands were moving at superhuman speed as he traded pair after pair, but he was still able to send a short wave to her behind him.

“Hi, Rin,”

Rin Woo blushed and then cursed the fact that she blushed! Why was she acting like a schoolgirl with a crush when he just said hi!? What was wrong with her!?

She had to ask him what happened last night, right? But he seems so busy. What if it distracted him from his work!?

Rin Woo was in a dilemma!

“Is there something you want to tell me, Rin Woo? You have been standing there for a few minutes now and I’m worried you’ll stab me in the neck if I don’t talk to you ”


How can he still get on her nerves even when he’s this busy!? It was like he didn’t even have any filters for teasing her!! Rin Woo could see a few of the traders who were close to Han’s table snickering at her.

So they were enjoying her humiliation right!? They thought it was funny!? She glared at them and the laughter died in their throats. They quickly went back to trading while avoiding her eyes.

Han sighed after he started to feel Rin Woo getting angrier behind him. What a strange woman. Couldn’t she just say what she wanted and leave?

He had been trading since this morning and the other traders were already having their happy hour so he could spare a few minutes to see what she wanted. Han stopped trading and then turned around to face Rin Woo.

The effects of his exit from the trading showed with just how much slower the numbers on the screen were moving now. He alone was just as good as the hundred people in the room altogether and it showed.

“Okay Rin, what is it? You have been glaring at me for a while now and I’m starting to get worried,”

Rin Woo blushed in anger and then looked away from Han’s face. She still remembered how they cuddled last night and the thought that he did something else to her didn’t irritate her like it was supposed to! Why wasn’t she angry!?

“Y-You… Did you do anything… Last night?”

Han rose a brow at her. What was she talking about? Didn’t she hug him back when he asked her to? And didn’t they say they wouldn’t talk about this in the morning!? Why were women so difficult to handle?

“I didn’t do anything you didn’t want, Rin?”


A trader at the side who had been eavesdropping suddenly found his head being slammed by a keyboard from a female trader. The woman smiled at the two of them before dragging the limp trader back to his seat and propping him in front of his computer.

Han shook his head before looking back at Rin and seeing that she was now looking at him with even more anger! What did he say!?

“You… You touched me didn’t you!?”

Han sighed. It wasn’t even like there was anything to touch!! This woman just didn’t know when to call it quits!

“I promise I didn’t touch you. I just slept with you… I mean, slept beside you. There was nothing that happened!”

Rin Woo caught his slip up and her face burned even more. That was not a mistake! He said that on purpose to rile her up!! He was even smiling!!! She hated this man so much!

She stomped away from him and went to start her duty of keeping tabs of their accounts. She would deal with Han later if she found out that he touched her!

Han sighed and went back to trading. What a strange woman indeed!

The fifth day of trading was one of the smoothest ones they ever had. Everybody was fresh and well-rested and there was only profit coming into the company.

Han was like a trading machine that already knew all the weaknesses and strengths of the companies.





This was how their account just kept on rising throughout that day and then well into the night. But then something happened that made everyone stop trading and look towards the screen in surprise.

The numbers were no longer rising. Instead, they began dropping.



“Hey, hey… What’s happening? What’s happening to the stocks!?”

Someone in the crowd shouted while pointing to the screen and Han turned around in shock. He got up from his seat and stared at the dropping numbers.



What in the world was happening? Why were the stocks dropping? There hasn’t been a single bad trade throughout the last few hours. In fact, there hasn’t been a single bad trade the entire day! Why were their stocks dropping!

A woman suddenly ran into the office with a newspaper and shouted.

“It’s not just us. It’s happening all over the city!! Almost every single company is having their stocks dropped!!”

“Give me the newspaper!”

Han grabbed the newspaper from the woman and then read through the article quickly. There was a lot of official bullshit written there but he skipped through all of them to get to the important parts.

[Trerrors rising as Ren Corp stocks plummet below the fifth percentile. This recent development has driven many companies to bankruptcy and made many careless millionaires broke! Analysts are saying that this is to be expected of a new stock that just came on the market and a rise would be seen again in three or more days, but…]

Han threw down the paper in anger and ran to his computer. This didn’t make any sense! This definitely didn’t make any sense! He didn’t have any more of Ren. Corp stocks in his trading account! He made sure that the company reaped the benefit of the rise and then got rid of all the stock before something like this could happen! He even told all his traders to get rid of it too! What was going on!?


“Not now, Rin!!”

Rin Woo recoiled at Han’s voice and she quickly retreated. He was not playing around right now. He was really angry!

Han looked through all the stocks his trader’s hand registered and read them all. His computer was connected to theirs through a back door that they were never told about and they would not know how to disconnect it.

There were fifteen thousand stock that they were playing around with right now and Han read through them all in only five minutes. It wasn’t until he got to the very bottom that he stopped and shouted in anger.

[[BloodLust] has been activated]

“You son of a bitch!!!!!”

Everybody in the room flinched at Hans shout and he looked up from his computer and glared at a man that was already trying to make his way towards the door. Tao Long quickly managed to grab the man before he could leave and Han began to walk to him.

“I gave you everything! I gave you my trading method and I gave you a place in my company! And this is how you repay me!?”

The man that Tao Long was holding was the same one that had come to tell Han about the Ren Corp stocks in the first place!

Han was seething with anger! How could this man try to trick him like this!? After everything they have been working so hard to achieve!!!

The man started to shake as Han neared him and even Tao Long found himself shivering in fright. Han was not holding back his BloodLust at all! He was so angry!!

“How much did they pay you to do this!? How much did you collect to buy that many Ren Corp stocks and keep them behind my back!? I told you to sell them so something like this wouldn’t happen but you still didn’t listen to me!? How much did they pay you!!??”

The man peed himself in fright!! Han looked like a demon!

“F-Five million – Grk!!”

Han grabbed the man by the neck and dragged him up to his eyes. He wanted to kill this man so badly. He was very close to doing just that but he took a deep breath and dropped him to the floor. There were still laws against killing people in this world and he wasn’t in the underground right now. He needed to focus on other things.

“Get this man out of my sight and blacklist his name. I don’t want to see him anywhere in the trading business again,”

Han said this while moving back to his computer. He quickly disabled the man’s trading account and looked up to see the losses they endured.


Thus was the only money they had in their account.

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