Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 74


This was the only money they still had in their trading account and Han felt despair fill him. They needed three hundred million now! Three hundred million to make it to a billion or else he would lose his company. How could he make that much money in only a day!?

Han grabbed his head and fell back to his seat. Everybody in the trading room were looking at him in worry and Rin Woo finally came up to him again. She touched his shoulder and he looked up at her with empty eyes.

“Are you okay, Han?”

Was he okay? No, he was definitely not okay! He felt like he just lost everything he ever made with these hands! How could there be people that would try to destroy his hard work like this!? He made that man into someone great and now that same man betrayed him!

But wasn’t that what the world was all about? People betray each other just to get one step further in life. People destroy the hard work of other people just so they could feel important in the world.

Han narrowed his eyes and squeezed his hands into fists. But he wasn’t like that anymore! He wasn’t someone that people just stepped on to get higher anymore.

He was no longer a second-class existence!!

Han sat up and turned on his computers and then he moved his trading account to the one area he rarely did, Forex.

He wouldn’t just let one setback stop him from achieving what he set out to do so long ago! He said he would stand at the top of this world and there was nothing that would stop him from doing that!

If Hou Ren wanted his company then he would have to spit blood first! There was no one that could hold him back!

Rin Woo couldn’t stand close to Han once he started his trading. His focus was like that of a martial arts master that suddenly reached enlightenment! It was very intense!

Every other trader in the room quickly went back to the stations once they saw the boss was trading again. The numbers on the screen were rising like they were a Russian roulette moving at the speed of sound. Han was carrying the entire trading volume on his back and he was taking risks that would have completely destroyed any normal trader.

He traded gold and companies, forex assets, and even small penny stocks that were on the rise. If there was even a semblance of a chance of the market going in one direction, Han predicts it and then trades it!!


The sixth day was like a race against time! Less than twenty-four hours before they could stop and they were still two hundred million dollars away from their goal!

Han was not going to stop for anything! He put his full force behind his trading. He utilized every skill he had and pushed his mind to the breaking point! He was not going to lose all the things he worked so hard to achieve! Not now and not ever!!

After a while, the other traders couldn’t keep up with Han anymore. The trading volume he was using was too high and they felt like they would make too many losses if they put in a bad trade. They had to step back and allow Han to handle the account the best way he knew how to.




The time was 11:45 and Han was sweating like he was in the middle of the desert! He had to meet up to the time! Only fifteen minutes! He only had fifteen minutes before he would have to give up his company!

How can he let go of something he built up from nothing!?









Han stopped and his breaths came out in deep pants. He closed his eyes tightly and tried to stop the tears he was about to let out. Did he not make it?

“He…. He did it….. He did it!!!!!!!”

The entire crowd of traders erupted in celebration and Han’s eyes flew open! He turned around and his entire body fell limply on his seat as he saw the numbers there.


He made it!! He actually made it!

Han began to laugh in hysterics. It was now official! His company was a billion-dollar company! His company was the greatest hedge fund company in the entire world!

He put his hand on his face and tears fell from his eyes! The relief that passed through his body was not small! He was no longer tied down by the politics of those big companies! He was free!

A hand wrapped around Han’s neck and hugged him from behind. Rin Woo smiled and gave Han a kiss on his cheek without even thinking about it! The happiness of the entire room was so contagious! She couldn’t believe he did it! This was the single greatest thing she had ever seen in her life!!

Han let out a loud laugh and shot up to his feet to hug her. He lifted her into the air and rolled her around while laughing happily!

When Rin Woo came down she looked into Han’s eyes and couldn’t help but get lost in there. She suddenly wanted to kiss him and she didn’t try to stop herself from leaning up and planting her lips on his own.

Instead of stopping her like she thought he would, Han grabbed the back of her head and deepened it. The two of them were so lost in their own world that they did not know when the rest of the office started to cheer for them in happiness. Han pulled back from her after a while and Rin Woo blushed deeply at what she did! Why did she suddenly kiss him!? Was she that happy!?

Well, it didn’t matter. Rin Woo smiled at Han and he suddenly felt the same stunning effect he always felt when she smiled.

She was truly beautiful.

“You did great, Han,”

Han smiled happily.

[Departure Time – 24:00:00]

Ren Corp was currently experiencing the usual downtrend that company stocks go through while they were in their infancy. In his office overlooking the city, Hou Ren was sipping on a glass of vodka while looking outside the large glass window.


The voice of Cipher made him turn around and he rose his glass to his adopted son. He told him to grab a glass and join him and Cipher shook his head. What he wanted to say wasn’t a happy thing that they could be drinking vodka for. It was dangerous news

“There is news father. And it is not good,”

Hou Ren turned around and eyed Cipher curiously. It was not common for Cipher to tell him bad news. Cipher usually dealt with bad news before it could get to Hou Ren. Permanently dealt with it.

Cipher produced a copy of business news and placed it in front of his father, and once his father read it, his vodka dropped to the ground.

[A new billionaire joins the ranks of the great three!!]

[HR investments have broken the record for the fastest company growth as they join the great three companies in the billionaires club!!]

Hou Ren’s eyes were wide and he couldn’t believe what he was reading. What was this? Did that Han Luo actually do it!? There was no way he managed to make that much money in a week!

“Cipher! Is this real!? Don’t play with me!”

“I would never play with you father! I just got the news today and it is real!”

Hou Ren slammed his hand on the table. Fuck!!! What the hell was this!?

It was very rare for Hou Ren to show any emotions, so Cipher now knew that his father was very pissed. This Han Luo was causing too many problems for his father. Maybe he should finally deal with the man? It wasn’t going to be too difficult to handle him.

Just a few accidents here and there and no one would ever suspect a thing!

Hou Ren already knew what his son was thinking and he shook his head.

“No, Cipher. I’ve realized that this Han Luo is not ordinary. We cannot just deal with him like the rest of them. Prepare a meeting,”

“With who, father?”

“Han Luo, of course. I don’t think the young billionaire is going to stay dormant for long. He will come to pay respects to his senior soon and he will not come in peace. We must be ready to receive him with open arms,”

Cipher bowed and then left the office. Huo Ren turned to the window again and looked out to the dark city. He didn’t know how Han Luo made all his plans fail but still didn’t matter. If subtlety would not work then force would.. He would make sure Han Luo knew his place in this world.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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