Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 76

Han opened his eyes slowly and blinked the darkness out of his vision. It was nighttime and the area in front of him was pitch black. He was surprised that he was on his knees this time. He was kneeling on top of a rocky surface and he couldn’t see anything in front of him but a steep drop.

His hands were tied and his mouth was gagged. There was someone standing behind him.



Han turned to the side in shock to see many people lined up along the wall on both sides of him! Were they prisoners? Why were they all kneeling here?

The people were all looking just as shocked as him to be there, but after a while, their expressions changed and they all became happy, and Han could see them swaying jovially from side to side. Like puppies awaiting their owner.

“Praise the Lord for he is the source of our joy! Praise the Lord for he is the source of our sorrow! Praise the Lord for he is the source of our life! The creator giveth and the creator taketh away! Show your faith unto him and may your faith save you!”

Once someone shouted this, all the people went crazy and began to chant. The cloth in their mouth made it hard for Han to hear what they were saying, but it sounded suspicious like ‘Praise the lord! Praise the lord! Praise the lord!!’

A sharp pain stabbed into Han’s neck and he winced as something was injected into him. There was a short period where he could hear the same wince echoed down the entire line of people and then everywhere was silent.

What did they put inside him? He could feel a deep pain passing through his body, but after a while, it stops and he felt his body calm down. But it was not the same for all the people there.




Many of the people on the walls started to shout and shake around. Han watched as one of them managed to tear her bonds out and attacked someone at her side. Were these things not Zombies!!?

The voice from before shouted again.

“The lord has chosen his faithful and the unfaithful have been punished. Bestow upon them divine punishment for that is the will of the lord!!”

The people who were shouting and growling were kicked off the wall and they fell down into the darkness of the night. Han felt someone grab him up and remove the cloth from his mouth. The woman was wearing a long black gown that priests usually wore and Han rose a brow as she opened his mouth and searched inside.

“My brother! You are one of the faithful! Praise the Lord!!”

The woman hugged the stunned Han and then began leading him across the wall. Han looked over the other side of the wall and he saw a large number of small lights scattered over a huge area. When he activated his [Eyes of Horos] he was shocked to see hundreds of people all wearing the same black priest cloth as the woman leading him. They were carrying candles and chanting the same words as the people before.

“Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!!”

Han and all the other people that were not kicked off the wall were led to a stage in front of the hundreds and then the person that shouted the chant from before came in front of them. He was a balding man with squinted eyes and a crooked nose.

“For the lord has given unto us his decree and now you too have seen the light. Praise his name for you are the chosen ones!!”

The people beside Han all shouted.

“Praise the Lord!!”

The man smiled and a long table was brought forward with many bricks on them. They were the same number as the people standing on the stage and the people all moved forward to stand in front of one brick each.

“Now show unto us your calling! We pray to the lord for your service! For he giveth unto the righteous the passage unto eternal light!”

Holy shit, what the fuck was this guy saying!? Everything Han hears now is just one big red flag after another! Was this a cult!? What else would it be!? They had all the makings of a damn cult!

A crazy ritual where you kill people, check.

Crazy person that shouts out crazy shit, check.

Crazy crowd that believes the crazy shit, check.

Crazy god that the cray people that believe the crazy shit believe in, check,

It was definitely a cult!



Han recoiled in shock as the man beside him suddenly slammed his fist on top of the rock with full force. His hand broke and bent the wrong way and Han watched as the man began to cry.

“No!! I am not chosen!? How lord!? I worship you every day!!”

Jesus Christ! What the fuck!?







More and more people around Han began to slam their hands into the rocks as well. Some of them had their hands broken just like the first man but there were some that managed to break the rocks with only one hit.

The people that managed to break the rocks were so happy that they began to jump around and scream their stupid chants out loud. Han would have found it funny, if it wasn’t a damn cult!!

All eyes were now on Han and he blinked and looked down at the rock. It was a simple brick that they used in building houses and he knew he didn’t even have to use half of his full strength to break it. He would just use the bare minimum so he would be overlooked like everyone else. He couldn’t have them focusing on him a lot.

“Uhm… Hiyahhh?”


The entire rock obliterated into nothing and the table beneath his hand bent in half and crashed to the ground. Silence filled the entire area and Han looked up to see the crazy bald man looking at him like he was the second coming of Christ.

“It’s a miracle!!!! The lord be praised for he has given us another savior!!”

“Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!”

Han sighed.


Before Han could do anything else, he was taken along with everyone else that broke their rock to a large house. It was built like a western victorian church with large pews and a huge cross on top of it.

Han was still sporting the same tired look on his face because he now had time to think about what the fuck was going on! And he didn’t like what he discovered!

The first thing was that he was definitely still in City C. He could tell this because the area he was in now was actually one of the estates he had visited before while moving across the city, it was located on the outskirts of the city and had the least number of people living there. The other thing he discovered was that the cult here was in was probably using some variation of the virus in their rituals.

The proof was clear for him to see in that one. They injected him and many other people with something that didn’t affect them but made other people begin to change into zombies.

Didn’t that mean they were using the virus as an initiation? These people were infecting people just to see who would survive and then taking them into their cult.

He would have to find a way to lose his tailers and then figure out exactly what was going on here. He couldn’t fight his way through hundreds of people without injury and he didn’t know exactly if he would be able to get past hundreds of [Unchanged]. So he would have to just follow them for now and have them lead him to the place he wants. To their leader.

Now if only they weren’t looking at him like he was some sort of god.

Look away from me with those crazy eyes, you wench!

The woman that had injected Han with the virus was the one looking at him the hungriest. She was basically salivating in pleasure while trailing after him. She couldn’t believe she was the one that injected him! The honor of injecting one of the chosen of the lord was greater than she expected to ever receive in her life! This must be it! She would never be able to achieve anything greater than this!

This is the blessing the lord promised her!

Praise the lord for he keepeth his word! Praise the lord for he is the key to her salvation!

She would have to be his guide! She won’t let him out of her sight lest someone else dared to try taking him away from her! His light was too bright that she was sure there were others that would be dawn to it, so she must be on her guard at all times! She would serve him all his life!

Han shivered as he felt a chill run up his spine. Why did he suddenly feel like he was in trouble!?

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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