Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 79

Regardless of how much Han thought he would never get to sleep, he eventually managed to end the prayer with the rest of the chosen and left to his room. He was shocked to find that woman that injected him waiting for him on her knees outside his room. She told him that she was to be his consort since she injected him and now that Han could see her clearer, he finally figured something out.

Her knockers were huge!! They were almost as big as the vixens from the void and the way she was kneeling down and jutting out her chest just made them bigger!! Did the lord give her these as well? Haha… At least he was useful for something.

But Han was tired right now and for the first time in his life, he found himself too tired to care about breasts. He left her there, entered his room, and fell on his bed.

The next morning, Han found out that she actually slept in front of his room like some sort of lost puppy! These followers, they were too devoted!!

“Good morning, Chosen one! The lord has granted unto us a new day to worship him and see the light of his glory! May his will be done!”

Yeah, sure. Whatever.

Han nodded his head to her as his eyes saw her breasts bounce beautifully. Even if this lord of theirs was a fake, his followers were quite blessed!

But Han needed to go outside first to see what exactly this world has come to so he told the woman that he wanted to take a walk to see the glory of the lord in his people.

The woman’s face lit up like a Christmas tree and she quickly began to lead him out.

“Our lord has granted us blessings beyond our understanding! Not only has he given unto us the wisdom and understanding of his words, but he has ensured we will never fall victim to the plight of the outside world!”

Han couldn’t understand what it was that the woman was talking about, so he just kept on nodding and saying ‘praise the lord’ every now and then. But it was when he was led out of the church and into an open field that he finally understood what she was talking about.

A large wall, taller than any skyscraper Han had ever seen loomed on the horizon. This… Wasn’t this too much? The wall surrounded a large expanse of land, blocking them from the outside world, or rather… trapping them from the outside world.

Han had heard something like this from Rina before! She once spoke about an anime that was very popular. Wasn’t it Fighting on Titan?… No, no, Attack on Titan! Yes, that was the name!

This wall was just like the ones surrounding the cities in that anime, attack on Titan!

There were many people walking around the city grounds. The church was located on a hill so it was easy for Han to get a good look at all of them below. They all wore the same priest ensemble that he was given to wear. The crosses on their necks shone like little silver stars in a sea of black.

Han would have to find a way to get to that wall. He didn’t need to go there to know what was on the other side. The zombies that they threw over the wall last night had to still be there, but he wanted to know if they had overrun the entire city already.

Was this the only stronghold left in the world? Or was this just a prison keeping the devot from knowing about what the real world outside had in store for them.

The woman that brought Han outside was standing far too close to Han and he turned to see her trying to sniff at his shirt. He took a step away from the weirdo and went back to thinking.

He also needed a way to meet the head of this church. It was obvious that he couldn’t just request for a meeting, so he would have to either rise in the ranks or do something extreme enough to have the cardinal request for him.

Han heard the woman coming closer again and he deadpanned. Why did this woman want to be close to him so much? She was beautiful, yeah, but he didn’t have time for this!

“Do you have a name?”

The woman perked up when Han asked her this and she quickly bowed. How could she be so stupid to not tell the chosen her name! She swore to serve him for the glory of the lord and yet she could not do something so simple! She had to punish herself! She deserved nothing less!!

“My name is Martha, chosen one! I apologize for my error in not telling you earlier! I will cut off my third finger to atone for such a sin against the lord’s chosen!”

Han looked down at her bowed figure with a raised brow. She wanted to cut off her finger just because she didn’t tell him her name? He didn’t give a damn what she did to herself but don’t go doing it because of me dammit!

“I never told you my name either. Should I cut off my finger as well?”

The woman gasped!

“No!!!! Do not do such a thing for a lowly follower like me! The Lord has given unto you authority over my life and death! It is only through your will that I give my lungs breath!”

Damn, this woman was the quintessential definition of a heretic.

Han would have to tread carefully whenever he was around her, it was looking like any little thing he did that was against the will of their lord would probably lead to him being outed.

It was a good thing that Han memorized that black book they left in his room yesterday before coming out. At least he was sure he would be able to follow along with tier prayers and weird chants until he didn’t have to anymore.

And according to the book, ‘Every action a chosen takes against a follower for the sake of the lord, is permitted,’

Wasn’t that them just saying that the chosen could do whatever the fuck they wanted without being held accountable? Han could literally just kill someone while saying it was to exorcise a demon, and he would probably recieve an award!

Who wrote that shit?

“Don’t worry, Martha. I won’t hold it against you so you don’t need to cut yourself. My name is Han. Remember it,”

Martha bowed deeper. Such an honor! To receive the name of a chosen! It was the greatest honor she ever received in her life!

“Tell me, Martha, when is the cardinal going to show his blessed self before us again? I wish to bask in the glory of his presence and I would be glad to receive a time when I can do such a thing,”

Martha looked up at Han with stars in her eyes and he tried his hardest to swallow the cringe he wanted to release so badly! That was the most cringe sentence he ever uttered in his entire life! Bask in his glory!? What the fuck were these people making him do!?

But it was necessary for him to do it like this! If he didn’t, then Martha would definitely suspect him and wouldn’t be so willing to tell him what he wanted. But now that he did, this was the exact reaction he expected.

“Praise the lord! Your wish has to be the will of the lord himself for he has granted you this without you even being aware of it!”

Wait… What?

“The cardinal shall show himself tonight at the Sermon on the walls! He shall be the grand announcer of the feast of the holy lord! You can have your meeting with him at this time!”

Oh… That was what she meant. Han was scared for a second there that she would say she was the cardinal. That would have thrown him for the craziest loop he ever experienced!

But this could work better! He just had to wait till tonight to meet the cardinal. On the wall, with hundreds of people chanting like crazed BTS fans and close to a hundred [Unchanged] in the crowd.


Well, it wasn’t like he was just going to kidnap the cardinal or something crazy like he did with the dealer. That would just be stupid. He still didn’t fancy his chances against a hundred superhuman people and hundreds of other crazed followers. He would win… Maybe. But not unharmed.

But he would have to do something worthwhile though or else the cardinal wouldn’t bother with him. He needed a way to catch the Cardinal’s attention.

Hmm… Now that Han thought about it, what happened with his other girls? He already knew that Rin Woo was a chosen, but what about Miss Kim, Lily, and Rina?

Were they thrown over the wall? Or are they somewhere in the crowd of people below? Following this ‘Lord’ like worker ants following after a queen? Maybe Han would look for them after he was done with the cardinal.

They couldn’t have gone too far away from Rin Woo if they were still within the walls.

Well, he hoped not anyways.

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