Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 81


The old woman leading the line shouted in anger.

“Sacrilegious heretic filled with the scorn of the demon! Unscrupulous evil has descended upon the followers of the lord!!”

The crowd around Han went mad with anger! Did this man seek to destroy their sacred tradition! How dare he stop the sermon on the walls!!

Han eyed the now rabid crowd with bored eyes before looking down at the scared boy. The boy was looking up at Han with terror written on his face and was moving behind him to hide. How can these people try to harm someone like this!

Han had been keeping quiet all this while because he was no saint. He understood if someone wanted to sacrifice their life to their god and he would not stand in their way for such a thing, but he would never stand by when he sees someone being forced into following someone else’s will.

It was something Han would never condone.

Three of the chosen, including Rin Woo suddenly landed in front of Han and they prepared to fight Han off. They knew that Han was strong, but there was no way he would be able to take them all on!

“No! please! He does not know all our ways!”

Martha suddenly ran in front of Han and tried to shield him with her body? Han rose a brow. What the hell did she think she was doing?

“The lord is still showing him the way, he is not yet even finished reading our gospel,”

Yes, yes he was. And he regrets every single second of the ten minutes it took him to do it. But Han wouldn’t tell them that. Let’s see if this self-sacrificial madwoman could actually stop them.

She did say she was his consort, didn’t she? The meaning of that word might have changed a lot since Han was back in his time because he remembered reading that the consort was responsible for ensuring the chosen had no issues in the dwelling of the lord. Meaning, Han’s problems, were her problem. That didn’t mean her problems were Hans, of course.

Seriously… Be sensible…

“Move away from the lord’s child! You have no right to stop the ritual from happening!”

Rin Woo stepped forward and her eyes glared into Han. Han did not like fighting against his girls, but if it meant he could save this boy then he would beat her ass!

“As long as he does not want to go, you are not taking this boy away from me. Come and see if you can,”

“Chosen! Please, follow the light of the lord. You do not know all of our ways yet and I understand you are scared. Only the lord can show you the way now! Pray to him with me!!”

Han tuned out Martha before she could start going on her terrible ‘Praise the lord’ chant. The woman was a loyal person, no doubt about that, but she needed to take a chill pill sometimes.

The old woman shouted once again.

“Burn him at the stake!! Use his innards to line the walls of the church and have him seve as an example to others!! Heretic!! Heretic!!!”

The boy standing behind Han moved further behind him and Han moved forward while readying himself. He wouldnt be able to take out all of the chosen at the same time – especially that old woman that was looking at him like a cockroach she wanted to cruch under her feet – but he would definitely be able to carry the boy and run.

The wall was tall, but if Han could get to the stairs with a running start, he might just be able to survive long enough to jump off it on the other side. He was sure a drop like that wouldn’t be too bad.

Well, maybe a broken leg or arm, but he could walk that off.

Rin Woo quickly bolted towards him and Han’s eyes turned red.

[[Eyes of Horos] has been activated]

“Stop, my child,”

The entire area paused at once and Rin Woo fell to her knees faster than the speed of light!

“It’s the cardinal!”

“The cardinal is here!? Oh my Lord!”

“The lord has truly blessed us today!!”

One by one, everyone in the entire area began to fall to their knees and place their foreheads on the ground. Han straightened and turned around to see a calm, regal figure walking towards him. This man wore the same black outfit that everyone around him wore, but it was like his very essence made the outfit look better than the others

His steps were measured and his entire demeanors was like that of a prince walking among commoners, like a king among his subjects.

Priest Regulus came to stand right in front of Han and smiled at him.

“My child. It is not every day I see someone of your caliber among my followers. Your eyes are keen and your judgment is sound. Praise the lord for he has brought you before me,”

Once these words were uttered, something inside the boy shifted and his eyes widened and hallowed. Han looked down at him as he let go of his legs and went back to the line.

“Hey, what…”

Priest Regulus touched Han’s shoulder and Han looked back to the man with a glare. That was a stronghold!

“He is not in disagreement with the lord, my child. He is content only with the things of the lord, and so should you be. Or do you wish to say that you would stop a fellow devotee from following in your own footsteps?”

The chosen who were kneeling before stood back up and the entire crowd rose their heads up to look at Han. Han felt the hand on his shoulder press down even more and he closed his eyes and shrugged the hand off.

“You don’t have to do this if you do not want to. Noone here can harm you if I’m here. I promise to take care of you,”

Han was talking to the boy in a calm, reassuring way. The boy must just be scared of the priest. There was no way this boy actually wants to go through with this.

The boy looked back at Han with the most assuring look he had ever seen on anyone in his life and then his gagged mouth stretched into a smile. Han’s eyes widened and then he clenched his fingers.

He couldn’t do anything now. Not when these many people were only focused on him and he had no motive. If he tried to take the boy away then it was possible that even the boy would fight back. But why the sudden change of heart. This boy was petrified not too long ago!

“Do not worry about the ways of the lord, my child. He works in a way we can never truly understand”

Han’s glare intensified.

“Fuck you,”

Han whispered this just low enough that only the cardinal could hear it and the man smiled in a way that made Han’s entire body shiver in disgust.

“Praise the Lord, my child. For he giveth unto his followers, their hearts desires,”




Han closed his eyes as the sounds of zombies forming echoed across the top of the wall. The zombies have kicked off the wall and then the crowds began to cheer and scream in joy as those who were lucky enough to have survived the injection were brought down to the stage once more.

Han didn’t even need to look to know how the boy fared, the smile on the priest’s face told him already. The boy was not so lucky.

The cardinal looked towards Han for a second before he turned to the crowd and spread his hands out wide.

“Let us praise the lord, for he has given us the key to salvation!”

“Praise the lord!”

“Praise the lord!”

“Praise the lord!”

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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