Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 88

Han appeared in the void and he looked around in surprise when he did not see the vixen anywhere. The white area was just glaring back at him as he turned around to see if he could find her.

Was she playing another joke on him? This one was too much! Did she think he would let her go just because he couldn’t come after her? He still had questions dammit!

And what was that method of sending him away all about? It was the first time he felt any pain during the void travel. Should he be worried about her?

“There is no need for that,”

Han turned around sharply at the sound of the voice and he saw a man standing in the void. Well. It wasn’t a man actually. It was like a white silhouette of a man standing there. He seemed pretty built and had his hands folded across his chest. There was no mouth but Han got a distinct feeling that he was smiling.

“Who are you? And what are you doing here? In fact, where is the other woman?”

The white sillouete tsked. He did not even give Han the regard of telling him his name, instead, he simply ignored all his questions and began to talk.

“You will be sent back and then you better start your job. There won’t be any room for failure,”

Han narrowed his eyes and turned fully to face the man. Why wasn’t he answering any of his questions? And why was he the one greeting him instead of the woman?

“I asked you who you were. Answer me,”

The figure’s mouth stretched into a black grin. Han could feel the amusement flowing off it and he wondered if it would even talk at all, but after a while, it finally spoke.

“Do you know what you caused by being so curious? Dorea is now having to answer for her stupidity of giving you such leeway. I will not be so kind,”

Was this man going to just talk nonsense!? Han was feeling his anger reaching a boiling point! He had to take a deep breath to calm himself before he thought about things. So the name of the vixen was Dorea. It was a strange name to Han but he didn’t pay it any mind, instead, he was more focused on other things, like the fact that there was someone that could replace Dorea like that. He always thought that Dorea was attached to this place.

And why was she being taken to answer for something he did. It wasn’t like she did anything wrong! She wasn’t even aware that he found out about this creator!

If they hurt her because of something he did then he would be very angry!

“Where is she? Don’t mess with me or you will not see my good side! If it is a fight you want then I will surely give you one,”

The figure in the void was silent for a long time before it doubled over in righteous laughter. He couldn’t believe it! Did this man just threaten him?? A human being just dared to threaten him!? He had never seen anybody that could look at him like that and dare to say such nonsense to his face.

The pill was truly a genius for choosing this man! He would be fun!

He looked back at Han and saw that he was getting angrier. He could feel some BloodLust leaking from his body and it was actually a little impressive. None of the others that he saw could do something like that.

“I don’t think you should be talking like that to the person that made you. Or did you think your powers were just a result of your own brilliance?”

Han was a bit stunned by the man’s words, but then his mind suddenly flashed to the seed he ate at the beginning of his journey. Was this the person responsible for creating it?

But what did it matter? So what if he made it? Han was still going to get the truth out of him! What the hell were they doing to Dorea dammit!

“You still want to fight, do you. If you believe you can fight then I will show you the level you must rise to first. The power you have may be limitless, but humanity is not. Witness the aura of divinity,”

It was like Pandora’s box was opened right on top of Hans head. He felt a deep searing pain pass through his entire body. He was being oppressed by this aura. There was nothing he could do to get out of it.

The being began to talk.

“Can you feel it now? The difference between the two of us. You may be strong but you are not yet a pebble before me. You are nothing,”

So this was the power that the person that made him possessed. And from what Han heard, he was not the only one with such power. In fact, was he not just a scientist who made the drug? He was probably one of the weaker ones in this world, wasn’t he?

The aura disappeared and Han got up while coughing. He could feel his hands shaking a little and he couldn’t get the fear out of his head.

So this was the limit he had to surpass. He hated this! This feeling of weakness! He hated it! How can he feel like this after he swore to never feel it again! After the humiliation in the past did he not say he would never bow like this again!?

Han bit his lips till he drew blood!

“Don’t beat yourself over this. It is normal for a human to feel despair when faced with the inevitable. But I challenge you to become even greater. Grab this challenge and climb the ladder of strength till you surpass even me. Like I said before, you possess the gift of limitless, the only limit is your own humanity,”

Han swore that he would become even stronger! If this was the power that this man possessed then he would double it! Even triple it! He would become so strong that no one would make him bow like this again!

The man smiled when Han thought this! He was curious to see how far his seed would take this man. He made that seed after close to a hundred years of research and now that it landed in a human he was angry! He did not think a human was capable of taking his invention to the heights it could achieve. Humans possessed nothing that would make them crave power! Not even the instincts to rule was inside them! It only came from their need for validation! All they really wanted was to have sex and reproduce like rabbits!

But then he got to meet this Han and he was surprised by the improvements made in this short time. It was nothing special for him, but for a human, it was very impressive. He indeed made the seed with the potential to be limitless, but it was human nature not to do anything unless they had proper motivation. This little display of his would be more than enough motivation for Han to want more power.

Powerlessness was the greatest motivator, after all.

Han managed to get his feet under him again and he looked at the man. His eyes were practically digging into him. He would not win this time if they were to fight. If they were to even start he would die before he managed to raise his right hand to punch him!

But then what about Dorea? What were they doing with her? What would a being with this much power be doing to a woman like that!?

The man scoffed.

“I am not a pervert like you, Han! I am not doing anything bad to her! But if you are so worried then I will tell you that she will come back next time. She just has to pay a debt to the creator for the mistake she made. Next time I will not meet you here. I hope you don’t disappoint me when the time comes,”

Han narrowed his eyes and his resolve hardened. He now had an idea of how far away he was from his goal. This man was going to be the one bowing when next they meet.

“If you deserve it, then I would be more than happy to give you my respect. Until them, chosen one. Don’t disappoint me,”

The man read Han’s mind and answered with this statement before Han felt the pull on his navel and he was pulled through the void once more.

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