Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 93

In the area on the outskirts of City C, a lone figure walked along the corridor of the mansion on the hills. Priest Regulus had his eyes closed and he hummed a pleasant tune as he calmly moved across the mansion.

“Fake Priest,”

Priest Regulus opened his eyes slowly and regarded the person in front of him. Who dares to call upon him in such a way – oh, it was the angel of fire. How pleasing! He should have recognized her voice from the beginning. How silly of him.

“Ariel, it is rare that you come to see me. Have you finally found your place with the creator?”

Ariel narrowed her eyes at the fake Priest. Like hell would she ever join his stupid crusade. She couldn’t deny that he was a very persuasive person, but it was just her luck that his skills did not work on her like they did on many others. She had her own views and she would never let someone else’s view corrupt her like that.

“I didn’t come here to chat with you, fake Priest. I came to ask you what you are planning,”

Priest Regulus frowned. It seems she still hasn’t seen the glory of the creator. Does she not know that it is His will that they join forces to overcome the evil that is in this world. Only the righteous should be allowed to serve the lord and Ariel has proven herself to be among the righteous. He would not give up. She is righteous but she is still blinded by her humanity.

Very soon, she too will see the light of the creator!


Regulus broke out of his musing. Ah… The angel wished for his audience.

“Tell me, Ariel, why do you want to know my plan?”

Ariel narrowed her eyes and thought for a minute about burning him to death, it would be so satisfying. But she wouldn’t do that. She made a promise not to harm any of the other discarded chosen. Unfortunately, this man was one of them too.

“You’re planning something for this city, Regulus. Something that made you leave for a long time before and now you’re leaving again. You will tell me what it is,”

It was not a request from her and she made sure to release a bit of her power to make sure Regulus got the point. She might not kill him, but she could definitely burn off an arm!

Regulus saw the smoke leaking out of Ariel’s hands and he smiled. So the angel was serious? How fitting that she would be the one to seek out his plans. Only the righteous would have noticed his movements and if she was not righteous, then who was?

“I will tell you then, Ariel. But I hope you will find it fitting to not interfere in it. It is the will of the lord, after all,”

“Just say it, Regulus,”

And Regulus said it. It was one of the most shocking things Ariel had ever heard in her life. The plan was long and hard, but the execution was superb! The amount of faith someone would have to possess in themself to carry out this sort of plan really shocked her. This plan was not something that a simple minded person could come up with, only a very complicated mind could come up with something like this!

But to Ariel, it was now official. Regulus was a mad man. She did not see any end in this except for one where either he or the chosen dies. Would this man really bet everything he had on the small chance that he could defeat that chosen? Ariel didn’t even need an answer to that question because she knew that was the exact sort of thing that Regulus’ would do!

“Now that you’ve heard my plan, what do you intend to do in the meantime, Ariel. You promised that you will not interfere. So I do not expect you to offer your help,”

Ariel scoffed and walked past Regulus. She would not interfere in his plan. It was brilliant enough to gain a little bit of her respect so she would wait and see how this plan worked out. Maybe he would be able to achieve his goal, or maybe he would fail. Whatever happened was none of her business.

But she would also prepare her plan, just in case the fake Priest failed.

Han was sitting in the middle of the room and holding a gun to the boss. It was strange to all the people in the room how one man was able to hold them all at gunpoint, but they knew that he would definitely shoot their boss if they dared to do anything. He was not playing around!

Han knew that this standoff wouldn’t last. He could already see one or two people becoming agitated. They would not be able to hold themselves back by the time he was done here. He needed to get the information he needed quickly before anything started. He would not find it hard to kill all of them here but he needed to get as much information as possible about the drugs! It was already bothering him that the benefactor was missing. People don’t just go missing like that! Well, at least not now that he knew the benefactor was someone important.

Han just hopes he is not too late!

“Okay, you have me sitting down now. What do you want!?”

The boss was not happy at all and it showed, but Han just ignored his tone. From the way things are looking, this man will soon faint from blood loss. He had to hurry.

“I need something from you. You went to visit someone earlier this week. The CEO of ThermoRun. Why did you go there?”

The boss’s brow furrowed. Was that all? Don’t tell me that this man shot me just because of a stupid question like that!!! How can he be so trigger-happy!?

“I don’t know what happened to that fatso! Don’t go thinking that we’re in business together just because I went to see him! He just owed me a favor and I went to collect it!”

Han narrowed his eyes. He couldn’t see any lie in the man’s words. Then he would have to change his line of questioning.

“Where are the warehouses?”

The boss froze up. What? Did this man just ask him that? Did he want to die!? Nobody even dare to talk about those warehouses now? They are off-limits for anyone!

“Hey.. hey, I don’t know anything about the warehouses, I just…”

“I won’t ask again! Where are the warehouses?”

Han could see different emotions running through the man’s face! He was first shocked before he became scared and then finally he became angry!

The boss seethed and grit his teeth tightly. He didn’t want to die! He wanted to live long! But this situation was not what he needed to live long! If he said anything about those warehouses then he would die! He didn’t know when and he didn’t even know how he would die, but he would definitely die!

But if he didn’t say anything then this man would kill him! What sort of situation was this!?

No matter what this man did, there was no way he could scare him like that priest! That priest put the fear of the lord into his body!

“I don’t know about any warehouse okay! I don’t know! That fatso just went missing without paying me back the favor he owed me and I have been looking for him in his office since then. If I knew about his warehouse then I would have taken everything there!”

This man… Was a terrible liar. Han could see it clearly through his [Eyes of Horos]. How the man’s heart rate was spiking. How his blood was flowing at three times it’s normal speed. Even his body temperature was unstable! This man was terrified of something! Something strong enough and terrifying enough to make him lie in front of a gun!

What could have done something like this to this man?

“So you won’t tell me?”

Han looked around the room as he saw many people already prepared for the fight that was about to start. He already accepted that this was something inevitable. He couldn’t kill the boss yet, he still needed information about the warehouses, and it looked like the people in the room were no longer willing to sit down and watch. It seems like his [Bloodlust] was no longer affecting them like before.

“I don’t even have what you want! Just leave if that is all!”

The boss really just wanted Han gone now! He didn’t want anybody asking about those warehouses near him. He didn’t even care that he was shot anymore! If that priest found out that he was talking to someone about those warehouses wouldn’t he be a dead man!?

Someone at the back of the room suddenly became too frustrated to stand by anymore! How can this man just walk into their base and begin asking questions to their own boss!? He would make sure Han never sees the light of day again?!

He roared and shot a bullet at Han. The bullet stabbed into Han’s shoulder and he stumbled forward one step. Did they just shoot him?

Han turned and rose his gun up!


Han shot the idiot that shot him and the man dropped dead! He warned them what would happen if they started their bullshit!!

“Get him!!!”


The sounds of machine guns going off echoed through the club, but Han wasn’t surprised that the first person to move was the woman on the right hand of the boss. Really, Han should have expected it. With the way she has been looking at him and continued licking her lips like some sort of cold-blooded serial killer, he was surprised that she managed to last this long!

Her quick draw technique was spot on too.

She grabbed the knife at her thigh and chucked it at Han at lightning speed. With his [Eyes of Horos], Han easily dodged to one side and the knife soared past him and stabbed into the neck of a random man.. And then everywhere descended into chaos.

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