Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 95

After the man spoke, Han kept his word and left him alive. He told the man that if he wanted to live he should take all his men and move to the underground at city C for the meantime.

The boss thanked Han for letting him live but he refused to be the boss anymore! He was terrified of the sort of people he was coming in contact with now! First the priest and now Han! Was he going to meet a mythological dragon next!?

Han already beat everyone inside the club and made sure none of them would dare to stand against him, so now, Han got forty men who were willing to lay down their guns at his feet, but he had no idea what to do with them. Great!

He turned to Tao Long that was smiling like a loon at the side. Why the hell is this fucker so happy?

“You’re starting to creep me out with that expression! Just what the hell am I meant to do with these many people!?”

Tao Long couldn’t help his happiness! His boss was the best! He even managed to gain control of the main group in the underground in City A as well! Tao Long knew that following this good boss was the best decision he ever made!

“Boss, you see, the underground respects strength more than anything else. As long as you can handle it then anyone would lay their gun down before you and become your subordinate! This is a good thing!”

It’s not a good thing dammit! Han was going to smack this guy if he kept saying stuff like this! How can he handle these many people at the same time!?

Han sighed as he thought in a way and finally realized how to handle them, so worrying wasn’t even going to solve it. And besides he could kill two birds with one stone with the idea he has.

“Hey, Toa Long?”

Tao Long perked up and answered with an enthusiastic ‘Yes, Boss!”

Han smiled.

“How would you like to run the underground of City C?”

“Ehhh!!!!??? No! No, boss! My place is beside you!”

Shut up! Don’t say things like that, you idiot! People might misunderstand!

Han’s brow twitched but he managed to calm himself down and talk normally. His mind was already made up anyways! He needed people that he could trust handling this shit and he really didn’t want to have to come back here over and over again in the future.

City A is damn cold!!

“Tao Long, I know you’ll do a great job. That’s why I trust you with this. If you want to do something for me then try to gain as much control over the underground as you can. Make sure that something like the drug addiction that happened before never happens again. I’ll trust you with these forty men, by the time I see you next you better have many more. You hear me?”

Tao Long was moved to tears by the amount of faith his boss had in him. This was the greatest honor he ever received. He that hadn’t even finished high school was now being trusted with all these men. He would not let his boss down! If it meant helping his boss then he would conquer the entire underground of City A!!

Tao Long bowed his head deeply!

“Thank you Boss! You will never regret this decision!!”

Han smiled roguishly. This turned out fine after all. He could say that he was just doing this to get rid of the workload on his shoulders, but he really did trust this dude. Tao long has come a long way from the big idiot that tried to touch his sister.

For now, Han would trust him with this much and then see how he does. If he does well, then maybe next time he would get even more.

Han told all the men there that he was leaving Tao Long in charge of everything there. If any of them had a problem with Tao Long in the future then they would have to answer to him directly!

It was safe to say that all the men were quick to swear allegiance to Tao Long.

After everything was settled, Han took a car from the back of the club. A red Ferrari whose owner he didn’t care about. It had a nice feel to it and the speed was not bad at all. Although when he opened the glove compartment, he saw a driver’s license with a picture of that woman that threw a knife at him. So her name was Nikita, eh? How strange.

Han shrugged and then drove off towards the direction of the warehouse alone. In actuality, he also had another reason for not wanting Tao Long to come further than this with him. He didn’t expect what happens next to be as easy as subjugating a gang house. He was going to either run into a lot of drugs at their warehouse or an empty warehouse. Depending on which one happens, he could already be too late in stopping Regulus from making his injections.

He didn’t know what would be the outcome if he and Regulus were to fight now. He might have killed that man easily in the future, but that was still five years away and it was obvious that Regulus did not want to retaliate in that office. It was almost like he… Wanted to be killed?

No. Han couldn’t even get his head around it. It doesn’t make any sense. Why would he want to die that badly?

Unless this was all a part of his plan as well! Regulus was smart. Freaking smart actually. Smart enough that Han was sure his intelligence stats were almost higher than Han’s own. But would that man be able to come up with a plan that involved the past and the future like this? A plan that even took the time hop into consideration?

It was a scary thought.

Han stopped in a location far inside the snowy areas of City A. It had nothing but snow to be seen for miles on every side and only one long, lonely road leading in and out of the place. Han took out his phone and the coordinates of the warehouse lit up in a red dot leading him deeper into the snow. He got out of his car and then began his trek.

It was close to ten minutes later that Han finally came upon three big cargo holds that were just lying in the snow. They were placed side by side and Han cursed once he saw that their doors were slightly open already!

He raced through the snow and dragged the large door of the first one open. Fuck!! Han swore! It’s empty!!

Same thing for this one! And this one too!

They’re all empty!!


All the three storages were now empty. Did that not mean that Regulus’ already got it!?

Crunch! Crunch!

Han turned around sharply as he heard the sound of crunching snow coming up from behind him. The winds picked up and blew a bit of snow around but he still managed to catch a glimpse of a woman standing there. She had both hands in the pocket of her large coat and she simply stared at Han from a distance away.

“Who are you? Do you know who took these and where they went?”

Han tried to talk to the woman but she remained silent. He was starting to become worried. It was already weird enough that this lone woman would be out here in this freezing cold, but the look in her eyes was throwing him off. She had empty eyes, like a dummy.

“So the chosen came after all,”

Han was shocked by the first thing she said. That word, ‘chosen’. Only Regulus knew about that thing at this time. Was this woman…?

“It had been ordained by the cardinal that you will arrive at this place, and it has come to pass as the lord dictated. Come and meet me at the precipice of our encounter and let us change the fate of the world with the power at our disposal, this is the message of our cardinal. Praise the lord for he is great! Praise the lord for his will be done! Praise the lord! Praise the lord! Praise the lord!”

“Hey! Hey hey hey!”

Han stretched his hand forward as the woman suddenly brought a gun out from her pocket and placed it on her temple! He wasn’t able to move fast enough because it was too sudden, but What in the world is she doing!?

“Praise the lord!”


Han felt his breath hitch as her body fell lifelessly to the ground. This… This was too much. This was far too much! That shitty priest!! So he was even doing this in the past now!? He was bringing these people into the war that they were never meant to be a part of!

Han swore to himself at that moment that he was not going to show any mercy to this man. The priest crossed the line this time! He was going to kill that man once and for all!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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