Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 97

Name – Han Luo

Level – 31

Strength – 105

Stamina – 70

Agility – 69

Intelligence – 71

Free Points – 7

Skills – [Critical Hit – 79] [Crowd Control – 66] [Critical thinking – 60] [Blood Lust – 65] [Eyes of Horos – 40] [Photographic Memory – 50] [Berserker – 1] [Mental Defence – 5] [Danger Sense – 15] [Hypnotic Aura – Max] [Mutation – 2] [Burst – 5] [Body of Steel – 25] [Clairvoyance – 5 (2 familiars)] [Reflexes – ×5]

“Ultimate Skill: Telekinetic Shield”

What? Ultimate Skill? Han stopped his motion because he didn’t know what this ultimate skill would do, but he suddenly had to dodge out of the way when he saw a shadow dropping from the sky. His reflexes kicked in and he dodged another shadow that suddenly appeared above him. Two large benches crashed into the ground where he had been standing.

Weren’t those the chairs for the congregation? How the hell did they get there?

Han stood up slowly and took a look around himself. He was still in the church, yes, but something felt different from his [Eyes of Horos]. He was used to seeing the world in different shades of red whenever he was using this skill because it mainly showed the heat coming from objects when it was activated. But that was what was so surprising.

Han used to see the church as a light yellow that didn’t allow much heat to enter. Maybe it was because there were precious things inside that the architecture was like that? But now he could see a deep red hue instead of yellow. Something changed. Something big.

Footsteps drew Han’s attention back to the front and he saw Regulus’ walking towards him. He stopped a few feet away from Han and smiled.

“What is this? You are controlling the church now?” Han asked

“I control everything the eyes can see! The Lord granted me this power to show you to the light! Witness my power and be enlightened!!”

Han’s [Danger Sense] tingled like crazy!!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Han jumped back to dodge out of the way as multiple chairs began to fly around the room! He could see them smashing into the places he was just at!! So, the crazy priest was trying to smash him to death? Did he think it would work? Did he not know just how strong Han was now?

No, he probably didn’t. In fact, he didn’t know anything about Han at all. The only person Han met was the future priest. This one was like a completely different person.

A sharpened flagpole flew across the room and Han caught it just before it could stab into him. He turned around and threw it towards Regulus, but the pole simply broke against a shield in front of Regulus.

Han blinked in shock. Wow, that was something else. Was there some sort of force field in front of him? No, not a forcefield. A shield?

It seemed he was right after all. Priest Regulus’ skill went beyond just controlling people’s minds. He was a full-on telekinetic as well. Han couldn’t help himself, he was impressed. He suddenly wanted this sort of skill now. He knew he could use it far better than Regulus ever could!

Han threw his coat off and let it get caught by another flagpole that was sent at him with supersonic speed! He landed on the floor and grabbed a chair from the side and threw it with all his might.


The chair broke into pieces once it got close to Regulus and Han was not surprised when the pieces were suddenly sharpened into stakes and sent towards him like a rain of wooden needles. He rose his hands.

[Body of steel] has been activated.

The stakes smashed into his hands but none of them penetrated his skin… Good, that meant the skills Regulus uses didn’t affect the items by making them stronger or anything, the materials simply became animated!

Han bolted forward to reach Regulus! He didn’t have to worry about being hurt now! All he had to do was fight!

Regulus stood in the middle of the church and called upon items from all around him to form a wall to stop Han’s charge. Han broke through it and Regulus couldn’t help but frown. What a futile fight! What a pointless struggle! Why was this man still fighting! Did he think that he could win against a true servant of the creator!

He took his [Telepathic Shield] to the extreme! A skill that formed an impenetrable area around him. Not even a bomb could penetrate his defenses!!

Regulus spread his hands and strengthened the shield even more as Han suddenly appeared in front of him. He was shocked! Han was able to get near him so quickly! He didn’t even see Han move!

Han smashed into the shield!!!


Regulus’ eyes widened. Was that crack… From his shield?

Regulus snarled in anger and Han cursed.


Han had to jump back as another hail of wooden spikes flew at him, some stuck into his body, but they didn’t even cause him to itch. He tried to put as much force into that hit, but it still wasn’t enough! He only managed to put a small dent in it! He needed to go faster! He needed to hit harder!!

Regulus was still in a state of shock. This was the shield the Lord gave unto him. The rock upon which the Lord was going to build his cult. Why is it cracked? What happened?

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! WrongWrong! Wrongwrongwrongwrong!!!!

This is not possible! No! He refused to believe it was possible!

Regulus looked up in anger at Han and shouted as he raised both hands into the air! He would kill this man for his Lord! This was a test of his resolve and he would not disappoint!

“Just die!!!”

Han grabbed onto one of the flagpoles still present on the wall and then kicked away a chair that rushed for him. He then began to dodge the things being thrown at him! He was like an acrobatic star as he jumped between items. The entire church was now almost destroyed from their fight! There wasn’t a single chair that hadn’t been used by Regulus, but Han just kept on dodging all of them. This just made Regulus even angrier! Why wouldn’t this man just die! He was holding back the true mission of the Lord!

Han could see the frustration on Regulus’ face. It was obvious that this was putting a great amount of stress on his body. From what Lily told him before, was it not impossible for them to grow? Yes, they were stuck at a certain level of strength and that was why they were dumped.

Han would have felt pity for Regulus, he would have maybe even helped him out if he was anyone else! But this priest just pissed him off! He wouldn’t let him go because Han knew that the priest wouldn’t stop no matter what!

Han rose the pole in his hand into the air and his eyes glowed red!

[[Mutation] has been activated]

[[Burst] has been activated]

[Reflexes × 5]



The pole left his hand at supersonic speed!! It began to elongate and grow thinner and this added to its aerodynamics!! It broke through the wall of chairs in front of Han before it managed to fly straight through all the chairs and rocks in the way!

Regulus could do nothing but watch in shock as his defenses were completely obliterated by the pole! He knew that there was nothing he could do to stop it, it was moving too fast!

The pole just broke through everything before it slammed into his shield!! A large crack formed in the area that it hit and Regulus almost breathed a sigh of relief when the shield just managed to stop the pole.

Yes! The Lord was still with him!


Regulus felt his heart drop as he looked up and saw Han flying towards him like a comet! The pole was only a distraction! He was so focused on stopping it that he didn’t see Han coming for him as well! Han had a free path towards him now!

Han could only use the [Burst] skill for five seconds before it had to cool down for ten minutes. So, he began applying it to his body and quickly threw the pole before running towards Regulus! He pulled his hand back and they glowed green as the passive skill [Critical Hit] came to life!



The entire church shook down to its foundation as a great dust cloud rose out from the roof of the building. The faithful that were outside suddenly turned to look into the sky in awe. What was going on in there? Was this the work of their Lord as well?

Inside the church, Han knelt with one knee on the ground with his hand stretched in front of him. A trail of blood leaked down his arm and he looked up to see Priest Regulus hanging from it. Han’s hand had pierced straight through his chest!

Priest Regulus coughed out a blob of red blood. So, this was it? How did he not foresee this coming? To think that his faith would lead him here after all he did.

“You… Aren’t going to say anything? Or is your victory so bitter that you wish you never came into this world in the first place? This world that only knows how to throw away people after using them like trash.”

Regulus spoke in a low drawl that showed just how much pain he was in. His breath was ragged and harsh and his body felt cold.

Han closed his eyes before opening them again. He couldn’t say that the priest was wrong. This victory was not the sort he wanted. He would have been happy to allow this man to live. He would have even welcomed him into his company and given him a place to belong. But it was obvious that priest Regulus’ mind was warped and his ideals were abnormal.

There would be no salvation for a man this broken!

“Well, I suppose I should have expected this from the start. After all… it is impossible for me to grow more than this. I am a slave to my own limitations. But I am a man of my word. I will give unto you the thing you need to reach your goal. I hope you remember that this world is not where you’ll find what you’re looking for. Out there lies another world far larger than this one. A world with beings so powerful we cannot even begin to comprehend their magnitude. If you wish to find the answer to your questions then that is where you need to be”

“What are you talking about now? I want to find the virus, tell me where you hid it,”

Priest Regulus smiled bitterly and Han knew that he was not going to get anything more out of him. Han frowned. Even till death, this man was still a pain in his ass. He couldn’t just speak normally for the last time, could he?

“If you believe the virus is the true gift of our Lord then you are a fool. Look beyond this plane, Han Luo… And you may find what you’re looking for”

Han slowly brought his hand out from the priest’s chest. He could feel that Regulus was fading quickly. He should be worried about the virus, but he couldn’t help that he was more worried about what the priest was saying. What did he mean about these strong beings? Wasn’t REACH the only group he needed to get rid of? Another world? What was Regulus talking about?

“For once in your life be useful and tell me what you mean by this other world. Which people do I have to look out for?”

Priest Regulus hummed as he fell to his knees and his eyes slowly began to close.

“… The Celestials are the true servants of the Lord”

This was the last thing that Regulus said before his eyes finally closed. Han allowed the man to fall forward in Han’s chest.

In a way priest Regulus was one of the most honorable men he had ever known, he might have been wrong, but it didn’t matter to him what he did or what effects his actions had on people while he did what he did. He lived his whole life following one doctrine from beginning till this very end, and even in the end he still spoke those exact words.

In all things…

“…Praise the Lord”

Priest Regulus slumped forward and finally succumbed to death.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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